I Don't Like You, I Like Your Brother... I Think?


“Holy shit.” I muttered as we pulled up to the party. By we, I mean Zane, Jade, and me. Once again we were in Zane’s black Mercedes. I could already see people out on the lawn throwing up, or passed out. The music was so loud I heard it two blocks away.

“What? You’ve never seen a party before?” Zane asked rolling his eyes.

“Only once.” I mumbled. Jade and I have been invited to parties before, but I’m don’t really go to them. I usually have better stuff to do than to get drunk. Jade was the partier, not me. But since Kyle was the one that invited me, and Zane was making me, I decided to go.

“Well, stay beside me then. It’s crazy in here.” He said like it was a big burden. But nonetheless, he wrapped his arm around my waist, surprising me.

“What are you doing?” I asked looking at him like he was crazy.

“We have to make this look official.” He rolled his eyes. When Zane picked us up for the party, he told me that Kyle is a guy that wants things he can’t have. That meant that I had to be dating somebody, and that somebody would be Zane. According to Zane, Kyle steals everything that Zane has. That means there’s a higher chance that Kyle would want me if I’m Zane’s girlfriend. Ew!

“Hey guys, I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Jade said looking across the room. I followed her gaze to a really cute boy who was standing off to the side. Before I had time to say anything, she had already taken off towards the guy.

Zane and I made our way to the kitchen. We were stopped numerous times by people who asked if we were dating. Of course when we’d say yes, their mouths dropped and they ran off to tell their friends. Everybody knew we hated each other so it was a big surprise that we were ‘dating’.

“Zane!” Kyle yelled as we got to the kitchen. He walked over to us and gave us a weird look.

“Aww Kelly, don’t tell me you’ve finally fallen for my little bro.” Kyle smirked.

“He’s not that bad once you see the real him.” I shrugged lying. Truthfully, the real him is still a jackass, or at least, what I’ve seen. Maybe there is a little part of him inside that’s actually nice.

“That’s too bad, I really love seeing Zane fail at getting a girl.”

“Hey Kyle, where’s Liz?” Zane asked glaring slightly at Kyle.

“She couldn’t come. Some family emergency.” Kyle shrugged, not looking too worried about it. Maybe he really didn’t like Liz. Maybe’s there a chance after all!

“Well what happened?” Zane asked rolling his eyes.

“How should I know?” Kyle rolled his eyes back.

“Because she’s your girlfriend.”

“Well maybe I’m tired of having her as a girlfriend.”

“Come on Kyle, pool party outback!” One of Kyle’s friends shouted as they ran through the kitchen to the backdoor.

“I gotta go. See ya Kels.” Kyle winked before walking away.

“How can you like that?” Zane asked me after Kyle was gone.

“There’s nothing wrong with him.” I scoffed.

“He doesn’t even care if his girlfriend is alright. She could be sitting at the hospital crying her eyes out while her father is dying.”

“Like he said, maybe he doesn’t like her anymore.” I shrugged before walking back out to the front room. I scanned the room looking for Jade but couldn’t find her. I felt a little panicky. Since we’re twins we have this weird twin telepathy where we can tell if one of us is hurt or in trouble or something like that.

“Zane, I-I can’t find Jade.” I told Zane walking back into the kitchen where he had a plastic cup of punch. Hmm. I would have thought he was a beer guy.

“Maybe she’s out back.” He said standing up. I followed him out back where the pool party was. There were a bunch of kids by the side of the pool, including Jade. She was talking to three boys, but she was standing really close to the edge of the pool. Jade can’t swim. She’s had a fear of water since she almost drowned at the beach when she was three years old.

“See. II told you she was fine.” Zane said. At the moment, one of the guys picked her up and threw Jade in the pool. The guys were laughing as she sank to the bottom.

“Jade!” I yelled scared. I saw Zane jump into the pool and swim quickly towards her. I ran over to where the three guys were and pushed them away. I kneeled by the pool waiting for Jade and Zane to come up. Three seconds later, Their heads popped out of the water. Zane was swimming with Jade towards me. I reached out and helped her out of the pool.

“Oh my god, Jade, are you ok?” I asked laying her on the grass. She just started to cough, before closing her eyes and nodding her head slightly. Her chest was moving up and down as she breathed heavily.

“Is she ok?” Zane asked sitting beside me.

“Yea, I think so, thanks.” I said nodding my head. He nodded his head too before standing up. I followed him as he walked over to the guys that were still laughing.

“What the hell you assholes!” Zane yelled pushing the guy that threw Jade in the pool.

“What’s your problem?! We were just playing around. It’s not like we knew she couldn’t swim.” The guy said.

“Yea but did either of you guys attempt to help her?! No! You were just standing there laughing you asses off thinking it’s fucking funny for a girl to drown!” Zane yelled again.

“She shouldn’t have been standing so close to the pool.” One of the other guys shrugged.

“So that gives you a right to kill her?!” Zane pushed him.

“Back off man!” The same guy yelled pushing Zane back. Zane’s eyes turned to slits. Uh oh. I’ve seen that look before. When you get Zane angry it’s best not to push him or hit him, or anything of that sort. Before I knew what I was doing, I stood up and ran over to Zane.

“Zane come on. Let’s get out of here.” I said putting my hand on his shoulder. Zane turned to me, still glaring. His glare was softening until one of the guys just had to say anything.

“Yea Zane. Listen to your girlfriend and leave.” Zane’s glare hardened and he turned back to the guys. I was about to deny being Zane’s girlfriend when I realized that I was supposed to be his girlfriend.

“She is n-” Shit he was going to blow the secret! I did the only thing I could to get him to shut up. I forced his head in my direction and kissed him. He froze at first but then started to kiss me back. There was this little spark and as I pulled away from Zane, it slowly disappeared. I noticed everything was quiet around us and I was pretty sure everybody was looking at us, but I just stared at Zane. He opened his mouth to say something but I quickly cut him off.

“Let’s go. I want to get Jade home.” I said. He nodded his head slowly and followed me back to Jade who was still lying on the ground.

“Here, let me get her.” Zane said as I tried to help Jade up. He picked her up in his arms, bridal style.

“Thanks.” I smiled at him. We walked back into the house, the noise filling our ears. As we walked out to our car, I couldn’t help but notice that Zane looked like he was having no hard time at all, carrying Jade. He made it look as if he was carrying a feather, not a 17 year old girl. Once we got to the car, I opened the back door and let Zane put Jade in the back.

“I could have walked.” She said slightly glaring up at Zane. She hated feeling useless.

“No you couldn’t have.” I said sitting beside her.
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Ok, so far this is my favorite chapter. I absolutely LOVED writing it. Hope you enjoyed it! :D Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3