I Don't Like You, I Like Your Brother... I Think?

I'm not up to writing a title

Once we got back to my house, Zane and I helped Jade up the stairs and to her bedroom. Once she was in her bed, we walked back downstairs.

“Soo what was that kiss about?” Zane asked awkwardly.

“You were going to blow the secret and I couldn’t have that.” I said not meeting his eyes. He just nodded his head slowly.

“Did you feel something when we-”

“No.” I said quickly shaking my head. I didn’t want him to think I liked him like that. Because I don’t. That’s just wrong. He’s my enemy and I like his brother. Not Zane. Kyle, the nice friendly one. The one that doesn’t completely hate my guts.

“Why… did you?” I asked just curious. He looked at me with wide eyes and shook his head.

“No. Not at all. I-I was just wondering is all. Umm I should probably go back to the party. Kyle’s probably drunk off his ass by now and he’ll need a ride home.” He started to turn around.

“Why didn’t you drink?” I asked before I could stop myself. I’ve been wondering about that all night. Zane turned back to me.

“I-I don’t drink. I’ve seen my brother wasted so many times and I’ve told myself that I never want to be like that.” He shrugged.

“Oh. H-how often does Kyle drink?” I myself wasn’t that into alcohol. Sure I might have one at a party, but that’s my limit. I never figured Kyle for the getting wasted type.

“Umm probably every weekend.” He shrugged.

“Oh.” I bit my lip. That’s a lot.

“Yea, it’s only because he gives into peer pressure. On rare occasions when he stays home on weekends, he doesn’t drink.” He shrugged. I just nodded my head. We stood like that for a while, not looking at each other.

“Umm I guess you should go pick up Kyle.” I finally said.

“Yea. I guess I should. I’ll see you at school on Monday.” He nodded. I followed him to the door and watched as he got to his car.

“Hey Zane!” I yelled before he got in. He looked up at me.

“Uh… thanks… you know for saving Jade.” I smiled slightly at him. He just smiled back at me. No smirk. Just a smile. A nice smile that for some strange reason made my heart beat a little faster. It was strange since all I’ve ever seen him do was smirk at me. I stared at his car as he drove away, back to the party. After I couldn’t see his car anymore, I closed the door, still smiling. I turned around and almost had a heart attack when I saw Jade standing behind me.

“God Jade. Don’t you know not to sneak up on people?” I asked placing a hand on my racing heart.

“Believe me, it’s wasn’t me that was making your heart pound faster than normal.” She smirked knowingly at me.

“What are you talking about?” I asked shaking my head.

“I think you know what I’m talking about. You like him.”

“Like who?” I asked confused.

“Zane. It’s so obvious.” She was practically bouncing on her feet from excitement.

“What? Yea right.” I laughed.

“I’m serious!”

“Did you perhaps hit your head on the side of the pool? Zane and I hate each other. We have for as long as I can remember.” I rolled my eyes.

“Then why did you kiss him?”

“So he wouldn’t blow the whole thing! We aren’t really going out, you know.”

“Well… you know what they say, enemies make the best lovers.” He smirked once more before skipping back to her room, leaving me confused.

“Who says that?!” I yelled after her.
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Sorry it's short. I'm not getting a lot of feeedback like I wanted so I'm not going to post another chapter until I have at least 3 comments.