I Don't Like You, I Like Your Brother... I Think?

The Mall

On Sunday, Jade and I decided to go to the mall. Jade kept telling me that I should call Zane and ask him to come.

“He’s not my actual boyfriend Jade!” I yelled for the seventh time today.

“But it looks weird if you’re at the mall and your boyfriend isn’t with you! What if someone from school sees you and asks where Zane is?! What are you going to say?!” She yelled back.

“I’ll tell them that Zane didn’t want to come.” I smirked.

“And what if he’s actually at the mall? Then it’ll seem like he’s trying to keep something from you.” She smirked back. I grumbled as I pulled out my cell phone. I dialed Zane’s number.

“Hello?” Zane’s voice came over the phone.

“Hey Zane. It’s Kelly. Umm Jade and I were going to the mall and we wanted to know if you would like to come.” I sighed.


“It’s ok if you don’t. Jade just thinks that something is going to go wrong and someone will find out that we aren’t really dating. Actually now that I think about it, it sounds stupid. You don’t have to come. She’s just… yea. Umm forget I called ok? Uhh bye.” I got ready to hang up, but his voice stopped me.

“Wait. Um I-I’ll go. I mean, I had to go there anyways and it’ll look better if we’re seen together.” He said.

“Oh ok then.” I said surprised.

“I’ll pick you guys up. Oh! One of my friends is going to be there. You know Ryan right?” I smirked at Jade as she stared at me confused.

“Oh I know Ryan.” I said. Jade’s face paled and she started to shake her head. Jade has this huge crush for Ryan. I can see why too. He’s cute and super sweet, unlike Zane, but they’re best friends for some odd reason.

“Great. We’ll be over in a little bit.” He said before hanging up.

“I’m sooo not going now.” Jade shook her head.

“Oh yes you are. You’re the one that made me ask Zane to come in the first place.” I smirked even wider.

“That’s not fair! I didn’t know Ryan would be there!” She pouted.

“Too bad, so sad.” I walked out of my room and to the living room. Me and Jade live by ourselves. Our parents died a while ago in a car accident. We used to live with our grandma until last year when she died. The judge had said that since Jade and I were old enough to take care of ourselves, with the money our parents and grandma left in their wills, we could get emancipated which means, we’re allowed to live by ourselves.

About five minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Jade ran to the door before I could get there.

“Ryan!” She yelled so loud she squeaked.

“Hey Jade.” I heard Ryan said as I walked up to the door. He was smiling at her, and I just knew that he liked her too.

“Hi Ryan.” I said breaking the two out of their daze. Ryan looked up at me and smiled, only it was a different smile.

“What’s up Kelly? Are you girls ready to go?” Ryan asked looking back at Jade. Jade just nodded her head.

“Let’s go!” I shouted. I ran past the two and to Zane’s motorcycle.

“Where’s the car?” I asked Zane.

“My dad had to take it to work.” He shrugged. I saw Jade and Ryan walk over to Ryan’s own motorcycle.

“I guess that means, I’m riding with you?” I asked Zane.

“Hop on.” He smirked. Now that I actually look at Zane, he’s really not that bad looking. His hair is always in that messy ‘I just go out of bed’ look, but it looked really good on him. His green eyes sparkled when he smirks or smiles, I noticed that last night. And really, he could be kind of sweet, when he wants to be of course. Maybe, just maybe, we could become friends?

“I-I don’t know.” I shook my head a little.

“Oh come on, don’t tell me, you’re afraid to ride a motorcycle.” He sighed.

“It’s just… they look fun, but there are a lot more motorcycle accidents than there are car accidents.” I bit my lip.

“Just hold on tight, and I promise, I won’t let you get hurt.” He smiled at me.

“What if I slide off?” I asked nervously. He stared at me for a moment before getting off the bike.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Get on.” He pointed to the bike.

“I don’t think so.” I shook my head.

“Get on, before I set you on there myself.” Her threatened.

“No.” I said stubbornly, crossing my arms. He just shook his head before picking me up and placing my on the bike.

“What the hell!” I tried to get off, but before I could, Zane was behind me, holding my waist, making me freeze.

“Put your hands on the handle bars (I can’t think of what it’s called, sorry. L).” He whispered in my ear, making me shiver lightly.

“Wh-why?” My voice couldn’t go louder than a whisper.

“You’re going to drive. I’ll make sure you don’t fall off.” He said calmly.

“I-I can’t drive a motorcycle.” I shook my head.

“Trust me, you’ll be fine. Do you trust me?” He asked. My brain was screaming no, but something else was saying yes. Before I could stop myself, I nodded slowly.

“Good.” He smiled as I did what he said. He put his hands on top of mine, covering my hands almost completely. Then, before I even knew it, we were driving on the road. My hair was flying in the wind, a smile was plastered on my face. It was so thrilling! I loved it. Zane lifted one of his hands off mine and I started to freak.

“Hold on. I’m trying to do something. Calm down.” He said. A moment later I felt something on my head. I realized it was a helmet. Zane put his hand back on mine. We got to the mall and saw Ryan and Jade already waiting for us.

“There you guys are! What took you so long?!” Jade yelled excitedly, smirking at me.

“Your sister was scared.” Zane said wrapping an arm around me. I was about to shrug it off when I saw Kyle walk up to us.

“Hey guys.” He said, smiling at me.

“Hey.” I smiled back. Zane’s grip tightened slightly, not enough to hurt me, but enough for me to notice. What was with him?

“I thought you went to Liz’s house?” Zane asked him, his voice had a slight edge to it.

“I did. I broke up with her.” Kyle shrugged.

“What?!” Zane and I yelled, for different reasons obviously.

“Yea, it wasn’t really working out.” He shrugged again.

“Did you even like her?!” Zane yelled.

“Of course I did.”

“Doesn’t sound like it.” Zane was obviously pissed.

“Look Zane, let’s talk.” Kyle wrapped an arm around Zane’s shoulders.

“I’ll be back guys.” Zane said still glaring at Kyle before they walked off. I wonder what that was about?

Zane’s pov

I can’t believe Kyle! Why the fuck is he such a prick?! He was fucking lucky to have Liz! She’s the best girlfriend he ever had!

“Look Zane, you might not understand why I broke up with Liz, but you will later.” Kyle said once we were away from Ryan and the girls.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s very easy to tire of having a girlfriend, and soon, you’ll tire of Kelly. Maybe not as soon as I got tired of Liz, Kelly will probably actually have sex with you.” Kyle sighed rolling his eyes.

“That’s why you broke up?! Because you weren’t getting laid?!” I yelled even more pissed.

“Duh. There’s no reason to date someone if you aren’t getting any.”

“You are an asshole.” I shook my head.

“Wait, are you telling me, that you haven’t banged that yet?” he nodded his head behind me. I turned and saw Kelly looking at me weirdly while Ryan and Jade talked.

“That’s none of your business.” I turned back to Kyle.

“Oh man! She must not be that into you then. A girl like that will let you have her on the first date.” He laughed.

“A girl like what?!” I got even more pissed. Kelly wasn’t a slut!

“I see how she throws herself at you, she flirts with you and me both man. Wait… that’s probably why.” He smirked to himself.

“What are you talking about?”

“She’s only dating you to get to me.” He started laughing again.

“She is not!” I yelled clenching my fists.

“Whatever bro. Just know that whenever you guys break up, I’ll be her shoulder to cry on.” He smirked once more before walking away. I glared at him, wanting nothing more than to rip his head off. Why can’t Kelly see this side of him?! I can’t see why she likes him at all!

“Zane?” I heard her soft voice ask as she placed her hand on my tense shoulder. I relaxed a little under her touch. I don’t know why I care so much about her. We’re enemies right? Maybe not. Maybe we could be friends, after this whole thing is over with.

“Are you ok?” She asked.

“I’m fine. Come on.” I grabbed her hand and walked back over to Ryan and Jade.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so I laughed when I saw my comments for this story. I got five comments, four of them from Neon_Skies_Killjoy, and two of them were just numbers. Lol. I guess I should have been more specific when I asked for comments? Oh well. Anyways, because I got my three comments like I wanted, I decided to post this. For those of you who like my story and didn't comment, thank Neon_Skies_Killjoy and Death Flower 9625. =D <3VampirePrincess15<3