I Don't Like You, I Like Your Brother... I Think?

Falling... HARD

Ever since I went to the mall with Kelly over the weekend, I’ve gotten this weird feeling. Something Kyle said to me, just pissed me off and I don’t know why. Kelly is barely even my friend, let alone my actual girlfriend. We just past the enemy stage, at least, I think we did, so why am I so upset?

“Zane!” I blinked up in surprise as I was snapped from my thoughts.

“Huh?” I asked Ryan. We were at our lockers putting our books away so we could go to lunch. I was meeting Kelly under the big oak tree outside where we could talk without anyone overhearing our conversation.

“What’s wrong with you man? You’ve been distracted ever since the mall.” He said concerned.

“It’s nothing.” I sighed.

“Obviously it’s not nothing.” He rolled his eyes.

“Kyle said something to me about Kelly and I…, I don’t know. I guess it’s nothing.” I shook my head.

“What’d he say?”

“Well he was making Kelly out to be a slut. Then he said that when we break up he’ll be her shoulder to cry on.”

“Ok I can see why you might be upset when he called her a slut, you two have been getting closer since this stupid deal, but wasn’t getting her with Kyle part of the deal?”

“Well yea.”

“So why should you care, if that’s what you wanted? As soon as Kyle and Kelly are together you can go after Liz.”

“I’m not sure. I think it’s because I know how my brother is. He’s an asshole and he’s only going to use her for sex.”

“And you care why? You’ll be dating Liz. Who cares what your brother does or what Kelly does… Unless…” He stared at me in thought.

“Unless what?” I asked getting impatient.

“Unless, you actually like Kelly. I mean as more than a friend, like a girlfriend.”

“What?! Yea right!” I laughed, but inside I had a weird feeling that he might be right.

“Think about it man. You used to talk about Liz all the time, now all you talk about is Kelly this, and Kelly that. ‘Kelly’s not so bad after all’, ‘Maybe Kelly and I could be friends’, ‘I don’t want Kelly getting hurt’.” He mocked.

“No. Absolutely not. I don’t like her like that.” I shook my head.

“I don’t know man. It seems like you do.” He shrugged.

“Of course he does!” I jumped surprised as I heard Jade’s voice behind me.

“Damn! Don’t you know not to sneak up on people?” I asked her. She just shrugged in response.

“Anyways, like I was saying, it’s so obvious that you like my sister. And I know for a fact that she likes you too.” She smirked at me.’

“How can you tell?” I asked.

“Well for starters, the way you calmed down when she kissed you at the party, then-”

“Not that. How can you tell she likes me?” I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t help but remember that feeling I got when Kelly did kiss me. The tiny shock when her lips touched mine that made me forget about everything that was happening around me, and how I wanted so bad to just kick those idiot’s asses.

“Zane!” Jade and Ryan yelled at the same time.

“What?” I asked.

“You weren’t paying attention again.” Ryan said as Jade smirked.

“I don’t like her.” I grumbled as the bell rang.

“I have to go. I’m supposed to meet Kelly under the tree.” I mumbled walking away.

“Don’t forget, enemies make the best lovers!” Jade yelled after me. What the fuck? What does that mean? As I got out to the oak tree, I saw Kelly already under it, waiting for me.

“Hey!” She smiled as I sat beside me. I cursed myself as my heart started to beat a bit faster.

“Hey.” I mumbled back. She started talking about the deal and everything and I zoned out.

“Zane? Is everything alright? You seem… out of it.” Kelly asked.

“I don’t know-” Before I could finish, the devil, himself, walked up to us.

“How’re the love birds feeling?” Kyle asked sitting in between Kelly and I. Why’d he have to show up everywhere I go?! Maybe I wanted some alone time with Kelly!… Oh god. Oh no. This can’t be happening.

“Good.” Kelly smiled at him.

“I’ve got to go.” I said before standing up and running off. I can’t be falling for her. I just can’t! We’ve hated each other since we’ve met! Besides, I love Liz! Right? I stopped running and leaned against the lockers. There has to be a way to stop these feelings for Kelly. I don’t like her like that.

“Zane? Are you ok? You look pale?” I looked up into the sweet face of Liz as she leaned against the locker next to where I was. I smiled as I thought of a way to get rid of these feelings.

“Uhh yea, I’m fine.” I nodded standing off the lockers.

“So Kelly told me-” Before she could say anything else, I kissed her. Ok so maybe it wasn’t the softest kiss, but I was desperate! Unfortunately I didn’t have time to feel anything, like I had with Kelly when she kissed me, before Liz pushed me away.

“Zane what are you-? Kelly! I-it’s not what you think!” The only thing that passed through my mind at that time was ‘oh shit!’ I turned around and saw Kelly looking at Liz and I with a single tear going down her cheek.

“Kelly, I can explain.” I said.

“What for? Y-you got what you wanted. This was part of the deal right?” Kelly asked. I could tell she was trying to keep her voice calm, but I could still hear it wavering as her eyes started to water even more

“Deal?” Liz asked confused.

“Kelly please listen.” I begged. She just shook her head.

“I-I don’t think I need you for my part anyways. I-I’ve got it handled.” Before I could do or say anything else, she turned and ran away.

“Kelly!” I yelled after her. I tried to run after her, but Liz grabbed my arm.

“Liz, let me go, I have to talk to Kelly-” I turned around and saw Liz looking the most furious I have ever saw her.

“What the hell Zane! Why the fuck did you kiss me and ruin your relationship with Kelly! And what the fuck did she mean by deal?!” She yelled at me.

“Liz, please, I need to go after her.” I begged her. I just knew something terrible was going to happen if I didn’t get to Kelly in time. I guess Liz could see it in my eyes, because she let my arm go.

“Fine, but I’m coming with you.” With that we both took off running after Kelly. When we got outside, I realized it was too late. Kelly was outside, hugging Kyle as he rubbed her back comfortingly. My heart plummeted to my feet, and I realized that no matter what I did or what I said, I couldn’t stop myself from falling for her.
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OMG! I am so sorry guys! I know this is like super late and I'm sorry I kept you guys waiting for soooo long! I hope you guys can forgive me and please don't take it out on my story, it's still only just begun. :) Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3