Status: In progress; crazy with work will update as time allows....

My Everything

Chapter 1

Chapter One: Slow Week

“I’m so bored Emi!” I was in my living room sprawled out on the floor. Emi was sprawled out on the couch looking just as bored. I sighed loudly.

“I know me too, cuz! There’s nothing to do in this shit hole town.” Emi looked at me before she got up and popped the ‘American Idiot’ CD into the CD player. I flipped over onto my back as the chords of ‘American Idiot’ blared through the speakers, I closed my eyes and listened as Billie Joe’s soothing voice began singing. Soon I would be able to hear that beautiful voice in person. I really hope that I don’t sound like a teenie or a stalker. Well I guess a stalker wouldn’t be too bad but a teenie come on.

“Jesus, I can’t wait two more days. I wanna go now!” I heard Emi whine. I opened my eyes and moved my head to where I could see her.

“Are you whining? The Emilou that I know and love does not whine!” She flicked me off before speaking.

“Fuck off Jewels!” I laughed getting up from my position on the floor. “Well, I don’t know about you be-yatch but I’m gonna see if we have food in this hell hole.” I walked into the kitchen hearing Emi close behind me.

I rummaged through all the cabinets not finding any food we could eat. I looked up at Emi in horror. “OH MY GOD, WE DON’T HAVE FOOD! WE’RE GONNA STARVE!” I yelled.

“I can feel my stomach shriveling into nothing, Ahhhh.” I grabbed the counter and pretended to struggle. “Help Emi, I’m dying.” I collapsed on the floor just as my Aunt walked in. Emi who had been laughing the whole time just laughed harder at the look on my Aunts face.

“Oh for Christ’s sake Jay get off of the floor!” Aunt Karla said sending Emi into another fit of laughter. I think she lives off me getting into trouble. I jumped up quickly adjusting my clothes and grinned at her sheepishly.

“Sorry!” I made a face at Emi. She shook her head at me and helped put away the groceries my Aunt had brought in with her that I had failed to notice. “FOOD!” I yelled, “Food, food, food, food, food….” I started chanting. Eh, I know I act immature but that’s how I have my fun.

“Ummm….Jewels….are you sure you don’t like Tre because you really act like him.” I stopped chanting immediately at her comment. I stuck my tongue out at her. “See point made.”

“NO….Billie is my one true love.” I said with a smile trying to keep from laughing. My Aunt just shook her head and looked toward the ceiling like she was saying ‘God, why me!’ I giggled at her look.

After the groceries were unpacked and/or put away I began making dinner.

“What are you making?” Emi asked me with a cautious look on her face she always gets when I cook.

“TACO SALADS!” I yelled. “Why?”

“Just wondering.” She sat down at the island. I glared at her playfully and began making the taco salads. They were simple, easy and apparently very messy. I was in the middle of cooking, while Emi watched with an amused look on her face, I soon found out why when Aunt Karla came into the kitchen.

“OH MY GOD! Jay what have you done to my kitchen?” She shrieked. I looked around and saw what her problem was. I had food and boxes spread out everywhere all over the counters. Half the shit I didn’t even need. I even had some ingredients on the floor. I looked over at Emi and shrugged.

“You should know by now to never leave me in the kitchen by myself.” Aunt Karla pointed to Emi still unable to talk. “And Emi don’t count she can barely cook either.”

“HEY! That’s mean.” Emi said pretending to be hurt. I just looked at her. “Fine I give, but only because your family.”

“See Auntie Karla just can’t do it.” I tried looking innocent but failed miserably when Emi went into a fit of laughter she had been trying to hold in. “I’ll clean it up. Promise. After we eat. I swear.” Aunt Karla left shaking her head. I looked back to Emi.

“I’m gonna regret that later aren’t I?” She finally stopped laughing.

“Yep.” She went into a fit of laughter again.

“Oh, come on Emi it wasn’t that funny.” I said turning back to cooking the taco meat. It didn’t take me much longer to finish the salads. I handed one to Emi, who eyed it suspiciously.

“I didn’t spit in it if that’s what your thinking.” I sat down next to her and began eating.

“I do now. Thanks.” Emi leaned in and sniffed it before cautiously taking a bite. I rolled my eyes at her.

“See told you. Jeez, no trust. I see how it is. Man.” I said. It didn’t take me too long to finish eating. I looked around at the kitchen and I immediately regretted promising Aunt Karla I would clean up tonight. I groaned loudly making Emi laugh once more.

“Regretting it huh?” She asked handing me her now empty plate.

“Yep.” was my only answer.

“Well, Jewels. I gotta get home. I’ve got work in the morning.” She said getting of the stool and walking out of the kitchen her indigo hair swaying a little bit. I scowled at her.

“TRAITOR!” I yelled toward the living room. The only answer I received was laughter and the front door closing.

~Oh, I’ll get her.~ I thought smiling stupidly as I tried to come up with a plan. ~I’m also an idiot.~ I jumped startled out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. I turned around quickly only to find Aunt Karla standing there.

“Don’t do that! You know I scare easily.” I said looking at her intently. “What?”

“Want help?” All I did was smile in relief and shook my head.

“Always, I always need help.” I said looking at her once more. “In more than one way.” I giggled at her reaction. It didn’t take the two of us long to finish the cleaning and pretty soon the kitchen was sparkling.

I went to bed early for me anyway which was 9:30 I usually didn’t go to bed until 12:00 or 1:00 am but there was nothing else to do. I slept once again dreaming of Friday.