I wanna see what your insides look like...

Coffee and Burn.

Gerard POV:

Today was going to be good. I could tell. I'm living with my two best friends in a new flat and we are going to see the rest of the band.
I pulled myself out of bed and went into the living room.
"Hey" Ella said and turned the TV off.
"What were you watching?" I asked her.
"Oh nothing really. Georgie is in the kitchen by the way. “Ella replied and went off to the bathroom.
I went through to the kitchen to find Georgie with coffee. She wasn’t drinking it from a cup or a mug. Oh no, she was drinking it from the jug.
"Georgie that’s new!" I said and grabbed it off her.
"Awh, Gerard give it back. Please I need my coffee..." Georgie begged. Haha, I wasn’t going to give it back. I poured the rest of it into a mug and started to drink it. Georgie ran over to me and bashed into me. The hot coffee went everywhere. I was drenched. I screamed and ran into the bathroom.
"Fuck off!!!" Ella shouted. Shit, I forgot she was in here. What was I going to do? The coffee was burning me I could feel it on my chest.
I ran out onto the balcony of my room and found a bucket full of rainwater. Oh for god’s sake I thought as I tipped the bucket over my head. Now I was too cold, and wet.
I went back into my room and grabbed a towel. I dried my black hair off with it and sat on the bed. Ella came in with a dressing gown on.
"You okay?" She asked me.
"Yeah. Yeah I am but I need some beer." I replied.

Ella POV:

"Yeah. Yeah I am but I need some beer." Gerard said to me.
"No, Gerard you've been clean of it for nearly a month, you can't go back on that now.” I replied.
"I couldn’t care less how long I’ve been clean for." Gerard said and lay down on the bed.

A few minutes later Gerard jumped up and bolted towards to door. I struggled with him. I managed to get him back on to the bed but i could see he was crying.
"Gerard, I’m only trying to help you. I’m sorry." I said to him

Gerard POV

"Gerard, I’m only trying to help you. I’m sorry." Ella said to me.
"I know, I just get so..." Ella stopped me talking by kissing me.
"What was that for?" I asked her but I couldn’t help a big smile spreading across my face.
"Nothing really. Just, wanted to see how it felt." Ella replied.
"I think it felt amazing." I said to her and pulled her into my arms.