I wanna see what your insides look like...

Uh Oh...

Gerard POV

I decided it was about time to dress and get ready to go out. I left Ella in the bathroom and went through to my room. I found some black jeans on the floor and I had a clean t-shirt in the draw. I quickly pulled them on and walked towards the kitchen. The phone rang and I ran to answer it but Georgie got their first. She was talking for a few minutes and by the time she put the phone down she was looking concerned.
"What’s up? Who was that?" I asked her.
"Ray, he has told Matt he has to leave the band..." Georgie quietly replied. Oh shit! I forgot we were telling him that. Shit!
"Come on, we've got to find the guys right now!" I shouted, grabbed Ella from the bathroom and pulled her and Georgie outside.
"How are we going to get their? The car is at the garage..." Ella said.
"Walk. It’s only a few blocks away. “I replied and started to run down the street. I knew that there would be so many pictures of me like this in the newspaper tomorrow but at the moment I didn't care. The thing is, Matt is a very aggressive guy and anything could happen, also he knows too much about my alcoholism and was always threatening to get me into rehab about it.

About 5 minutes later we were outside Ray's Flat. I ran all the way up the stairs and bashed on the door. Ella and Georgie were close behind me. Ray asked who it was through the door, we told him and he let us in.

Ella POV

We walked into Rays flat and Mikey and Frank were sat on the sofas. Everyone looked grim so no-one commented on mine or Ella's PJ's. We joined them on the sofas.
"So basically guys... “Ray stood up and started to tell us what had happened.
"Fuck!" Gerard Shouted. "He will be on his fucking way to the rehab clinic now. I know it I fucking know it." He carried on but broke down into tears halfway through. I stroked his hair to calm him down.
"I just don’t know what to do." He said again and again.
"Shhh... Its ok babe." I told him.
Everyone else was silent and looking at their shoes. We had no idea what to say or do.
The band might be over...