Two Ears, Fluffy Tail; I Make Her Smile

I make Mummy smile.

Soft footsteps and crunching of dry grass echoed from outside of the grey see through walls. Shying back I hid further in my little hiding spot and whined when one of the sharp pieces poked my side. I push it out of the way somewhat and curled up a little. When is Mummy going to be here?

Two little thumps and clunk told me at the cage door were opened, before a thump sounded as it closed. My heart was like a hummingbird in my chest as I scooted back more. I wanted to look and see who it was, but what if it wasn’t Mummy? What if she went away in that noisy blue thing again?

I don’t like it when she goes away.

“Bubzy bunneh.”

My ears perk up at the voice and then the hay by the tunnel door moved slightly. I shuffled forward and when I saw her long brown fur hanging over her shoulder; I shot out of my hiding area and ran around on the dirt stepping all over her feet on accident. She whined at me doing so but I ignored the noise running in and out of her legs.

Mummy is here! Mummy is here!

I stop sprinting and looked up at Mummy from the end of the cage. She sat down on the dirt and lifted her funny looking paw up. I bounce up to her and lower my head flattening my ears back. She stroked my head softly making me close my eyes at the feel off it.

Her paw slowly moved to my back and I turned my head right around to start licking her fur-less paw. I love Mummy. When she pats me – what she calls it – I always lick her back. It makes her happy and pats me more.

She always pats me even when I ask for it by thumping my feet on the ground. Every time she walks past me when I’m in my inside cage at dark she always stops to pat me. Bo, mum and dad do too, they even talk to me. But I always wait for Mummy because she is always there for me. It makes me happy.

I like making Mummy happy too. She’s not always happy, some days her eyes go blank and dull like if nothing she sees makes her happy or if everything is bad to her. Those days she doesn’t making that funny sound from her mouth and she isn’t smiling. Her face is blank and I don’t know why.

I hate seeing that. I want Mummy happy.

I want to know why she is like that sometimes but I don’t know if I could understand it. I only understand some things she says and I don’t know how to ask. She’s not sad everyday but I still don’t like it. So I always make her happy – even if she is already happy. I make her happier!

I pull away from her paw and bounce around her stopping to stand on my back legs to look up at her. Today her eyes are light, it’s a good thing. She leans down to press her nose to mine – something we always do – but I have to stand normal again. Suddenly I feel her paws pick me up and then her face is in front of mine.

I move my face down and she taps her nose lightly to mine before doing that thing like if she was going to lick my head, but doesn’t. I think she called it a ‘kiss’ once, I dunno, but I like it. Mummy put me on her leg and rested one arm in front of me and pats me with her other paw. I make a little noise to show how happy I am and lick her arm all over, cleaning it.

I like being clean and I think Mummy like to be too.

Slowly I jump over her arm and back down on the dirt. Mummy stays where she is when I hop over to my food. I sat and quickly clean my face. The hay sticks to my whiskers it’s annoying.


I look up at her and jump onto her leg again and buried my face into her arm. She makes that funny noise from her mouth and I know she’s happy. I lick her arm happily as her paw runs over my back.

After a while she puts me down and I look up at her as she stands up. Is Mummy going already? I whine and run around her feet. She gets over that green thing that stops me from follower her unless she take me with her. I whine again and stand up on my back legs with my front feet over the green thing. I tried eating it once, it doesn’t tastes like grass.

Mummy bends down at pats me head before pressing her nose to mine.

“I’ll be back later huni.”

She moves away from me and the small grey wall closes with a small thud. I hope across my cage and look through the other green stuff to see her walking to her huge cage she lives in, that if I’m lucky I get to run around in sometimes.

She waves her paw at me and before I couldn’t see her anymore she smiles.

I make a happy noise and bounce around my cage.

I made Mummy smile!
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I can't believe I posted that.
That is what happens when I get bored and hang out with my rabbit xD
Someone should just take my laptop away...
I kinda like it though...