Better Than Me

Your Stupid Smile Makes Me Cry!

[Jen's P.O.V.]
I opened my eyes and saw Gerard sitting at the end of the bed just looking at me.
"Finally your awake." He said smiling at me. He walked up to the top of the bed I flinched thinking he was going to hit me. He untied my hands, and just sat down in the chair next to the bed.
"That’s it? You tie me up for I don’t even know how long and then just let me go!" I said.

"Oh no I'm not letting you go just SOME freedom." He said smiling. I walked over to him, and just started hitting him, hoping to have an affect on him. He just sat there and laughed. He grabbed my hands and just kissed me. I wanted to kill myself I started to actually like the kiss. I couldn’t keep doing this. Keep changing back and fourth between Frank and Gerard. I don’t love Gerard I only love Frank. Gerard pulled away from me. I looked at him with disgust. I made him let go of me I walked over to the nearest door and tried to open it.
"You can pull all you want you need a key to open it." He said. I looked at him ready to kill him.

"The key that only I have." He said giving me a smirk.

"Why?" I said angry and hurt.

"Why what?" He said.


"You’re lying." He said smirking again.

"Gerard do you REALLY think I am lying! Look at me and tell me I'm lying!" I said furious with him. Does he really think I’m freaking kidding?

"I can... Your lying big time you know you still love me. Has Frank ever seen what you wrote on you arm 2 weeks ago?" He said. I looked at him surprised how did he know about that.

"Yeah that’s right Jen... You wrote my name with your razor on your arm. You managed to keep it from Frank, but I knew, I knew everything you did from that day you left me to when you came to New York." He said moving towards me. I backed away until I felt my back against the wall, and I couldn’t go anywhere.

"Jen... look into my eyes and tell me the TRUTH. Do you still love me?" He said putting his arms up so I couldn’t go anywhere.

"NO! Two weeks ago was a mistake, and so were you!" I said screaming in his face, trying to move away. He looked at me with a blank face. He grabbed my hands and picked me up, and put me over his shoulder. I screamed and yelled for him to put me down, but he did nothing. He threw me on the bed and tied me up again. He started to take my clothes off when he knew I was securely tied to the bed. I screamed and screamed there was nothing I could do. He leaned in towards me, and whispered
"I love you!" He said entering me. I screamed louder than anything, but he just kept that stupid smile on his fucking face. How can he always have that smile even when he knows he’s hurting people? I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over.