Better Than Me

What Makes You Smile? Your Pain And Agony.

[Franks P.O.V.]
I couldn't just sit around any more and wait for a call back form Jen. I had called her like three times since I called the first time. I was just wondering if she was OK. I decided to call her aunts house.
"Hello?" Some one answered.

"Hi this is Frank is Jen there?"

"Oh Frank Hi this is her aunt, and no she’s not here I actually haven't seen her since this afternoon. Do you know where she might be?" Her aunt asked.

"No I'm sorry I have no clue."

"Oh OK Thank you though, but if you hear from her tell her to give me a call please."

"No problem." I said. So Jens aunt doesn't know where she is. I have no idea where she might be. She normally tells people where she’s going. I was beyond worried I was terrified...There was nothing I could do for now so I just closed my eyes and waited for this nightmare to end.

[Jens P.O.V.]
*Morning. *
I opened my eyes and saw Gerard sitting where he was yesterday just watching me.
"Your stupid boyfriend called." He said.

"He’s not stupid!" I said.

"To me he is. Just like I'm stupid to you." He said. I just rolled my eyes and didn't do anything. I was so unhappy I would rather die then stay here.

"You really love Frank don't you..." Gerard said.

"Yeah." I said.

"What the hell does he have that I don't have!" He said.

"He cares about me and REALLY loves me!"

"How many times to I have to say it to you! I LOVE YOU MORE THEN ANYTHING! WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!" He screamed in my face.

"If you love me why are you keeping me here?" I said

"Because if I let go of you I won’t get you back."

"Maybe that’s telling you I'm not supposed to come back to you."

"NO me and you are going to be together forever... I promise" He said walking away. What was wrong with him? He can't except that I am not his any more. Is he in love with me that much? I don't care how much he loves me I can never take him back, NEVER! He hurt me too much. My phone continued to ring as Frank, and my aunt kept calling me looking for me. They were both probably worried sick. Gerard came back into the room and I gave him an evil look.

"Do you really think they are looking for you?" He said when he came in the room. I ignored him as much as I could.

"Well they aren't looking for you! They could careless that your gone. They hate you! Your aunt thinks your a whore, and Frank well... Frank was just desperate. Neither of them love you like I do!" He said kissing my lips. When he pulled away from me I spit right in his eye.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He said wiping the spit from his eye.

"What did you do that for!” He asked angrily. I ignored him and smirked.

"DO YOU REALLY WANT TO MAKE ME MAD!" He said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a gun. My heart stopped.

"Bet you didn't know I had this did you... well I'm not afraid to use it... not even on you. So watch what you do and say to me Missy." He kissed my lips again. I didn't do anything considering the gun was in his hand aimed at my head. I kind of rolled my eyes, what if he’s lying considering that’s his specialty

"Do you think I'm kidding about this?" He asked. I didn't say anything. He aimed the gun at the wall and pulled the trigger. In a heart beat there was a loud sound, and a hole in the wall. My eyes widened. For once Gerard wasn't lying about something.

"Believe me now?" He said smirking. I nodded.

"Glad we have an understanding." He said smiling. Now I was actually scared of Gerard. Like I was always scared of him.... but now I'm terrified. He can actually kill me.

"Just kill me..." I muttered so fed up with this life.

"What no I wont kill you YET. I am going to keep you around for a long time Jen." He smiled at me again. There was that stupid smile yet again. Why did he like seeing me so sad and hurt like this?