Better Than Me

You Know What They Do To Guys Like Me In Prison?

[Gerard's P.O.V.]
I watched her face just get upset.
"What happened Jen? What happened to us? We were a perfect couple... and now I'm forcing you to be with me what happened?"

"You became a bitch." She said.

"No the alcohol made me a bitch."

"Well you drank alcohol everyday so every day you were a bitch." She said looking away from me. I was going to go smack her, but my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey you still have that whore in that old hotel?" The person on the other line said.

"Bert? I thought you hated me."

"Oh I do I was just wondering if you still have that stupid whore with you?" Bert said.

"Stop calling her a whore and yeah... Bert stop by and see me please! I miss you."

"OK I will come by but can I bring one or two friends?"

"Um... I don't know. They can't tell anybody though."

"No they wont... See you soon Gee." He said hanging up. I smiled could I have a chance to get Bert back? Oh my god I wonder who he is bringing.

"So what your stupid friends are coming over?" She said.

"Yeah and your going to keep your fucking mouth shut!" I went over and grabbed her face.

"You hear me?" I said squeezing tighter. She nodded and tried to move her head. I let go of her face and just walked away.

*20 Minutes Later. * I heard some knocking at the door. I went over and looked threw a little whole on the door and saw Bert standing there by him self. What happened to his friends?
"Hey Bert I thought you were bringing friends." I said opening the door to Bert.

"Yeah they are right here." When he said that two police officers came up next to him. My heart stopped and I couldn't move I was so scared. They showed me their badges and now I knew I was fucked.

"Gerard Way you have the right to remain silent...etc for rape and attempted murder." One of the police officers said putting my hands behind my back and putting the hand cuffs me. I didn't do anything I just kind of was blank. Bert had sold me out. I watched has another police officer ran in calling Jens name. I was being pulled towards the cop car. When I walking I saw Bert He said to me

"I told you. You and that whore would never be together." He said smirking at me.

I couldn't believe it, Bert had sold me out. When I was sitting in the car I saw one man bring Jen out. He had his arm around her comforting her. She looked at me and looked away. I felt so ashamed. The car started to pull away and as we drove away I thought about a lot. I was driving away from the 2 people I loved and driving to a place where there would be no love no mercy no normal life... just the lonely life of prison.
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