Better Than Me

So Long...

[Jens P.O.V.]
When Gerard answered the door I heard Bert’s voice, and other people's voices. All of a sudden I heard some one calling my name. I looked towards the door and saw a police officer standing there. He came over and untied me. He helped me up from the bed, and put his arm around me trying to comfort me. When we stepped outside I flinched cause the sunlight hurt my eyes. When I walked out I saw Bert standing there. I ran away from the officer and ran towards Bert.
"Thank you." I said to him. I know he only did it to get back at Gerard but he saved my life. If he hadn't told the cops I would still be in there probably being raped again. He smiled at me slightly.

"Yeah sure... I’m sorry I kept calling you a whore I didn't really mean it... I was just angry at Gerard." Bert said looking kind of ashamed.

"Don’t worry about it, but again thank you if it wasn’t for you I would probably be dead soon." I said.

"Don't mention it... well you better get going." He said motioning towards the officer.

"Yeah well bye." I said walking away. I went towards the car and the police men said to me

"We better get you home. Your aunt is worried sick about you." The officer said. I was blank the whole ride I didn't say anything just looked out the window. Finally we pulled up in front of my aunt’s house. I ran out of the car and ran to my aunt who was waiting for me on the first step. She stood up as I ran to her and opened her arms. I ran into her arms hugging her as tight as I could. I was so happy to be home.
"Oh my god Jen I was so worried about you." She said hugging me closer.

"Well I'm OK now so don’t worry." I said. We pulled out of our hug and went inside. When I opened the door Maddy was there on the couch when she saw me she jumped up and was like

"JEN!" She ran into my arms and I picked her up.

"MADDY!" I said hugging her tightly but not to tight.

"Where were you the past days?" She asked.

"I was on a vacation." I said covering up.

"Oh well you didn't say good bye to me."

"I’m sorry Maddy, but I'm not going any where now so you don't have to worry about that." I said. She smiled at me and I put her down.
Aunt Kay would be alright If I went to lay down for a little while?"

"Of coarse."


"Jen?" She said when I started walking away.

"I would understand if you wanted to leave tomorrow."
"I think I might leave... nothing against you-"
"No I understand don’t worry. Go get a good nights rest.

I went into the room I had put my stuff in a few days ago. I lied down on the bed. So I slept waiting for morning when I would have to tell Madison goodbye again.

I woke up to some one jumping on me saying my name. It was Maddy.
"JEN COME ON LET GO PLAY WE HAVE A LOT TO DO TODAY COME ON!" She said with all that energy she has.

"Maddy.. Um I might be going back to New Jersey today."


"I have some work I need to do there I'm sorry." I sat up in my bed talking to her.

"Oh OK, but promise you will visit again soon."

"I promise." I said. She smiled at me and left the room.
*1 hour later. *
I was ready to leave now. I had enough Long Island for the week. I put my stuff in my car and said my good byes. Madison made me re-promise that I would come back.
So I pulled out of the driveway and couldn't wait to get home.