Better Than Me

Stay Right Here

[Franks P.O.V.]
I looked at the clock, which read 12:00am.Another day had gone by with out hearing from Jen I was so scared. I knew something had happened to her. I didn't know what I could do because I couldn't go to the police, because I had no idea if it was even true. I had nothing better to do then fall asleep and dream about when I'd hope to see Jen again.

I woke up and heard people talking downstairs. It sounded like they were very excited. I got up and rubbed my eyes I stretched a little and went down stairs. I walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen and saw Jen sitting at the table. When she saw me she just smiled and ran towards me. I gave her the biggest hug ever and held her as close as I could.
"FRANK OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU SO MUCH." She said while I was hugging her.
"I missed you too." I said kissing her cheek.

"I thought I would never see you again." She said sobbing and crying. I looked at her and there were tears flowing down her face. I wiped away all her tears. I took her hand in mine and brought her upstairs where the others couldn't hear. When we got into my room I closed the door made her sit on the bed. She got a weird look on her face and got off the bed.

"What happened Jen?" I said getting up next to her.

"Well... apparently Gerard has been stalking me since the day we broke up... and when I went to Long Island he kidnapped me with Bert. They locked me in a fucking room forever I was tied to a bed... and Gerard.... he... he-"

"Jen what did that stupid bastard do to you?" I said angry now.

"He raped me...and tried to kill me." She said looking away from me and crying. I pulled her close to me. I was going to kill that fucking bitch.

"How did you get away?" I asked.

"Bert... he ratted Gerard out and the police took him away and brought me home." She said.

"Bert?" I said surprised. He was a total ass hole who never gave a shit about any one but himself.

"I know I was shocked to but he really just did it to get back at Gerard.” She said. Well there's the answer.

"Oh well do you want to go back downstairs." I said trying to change the subject. I personally didn't care how she got home all I knew was she was home, and I was so happy to see her. I was just afraid to tell Mikey his big brother was in jail. Mikey and Gerard had always been so close. He wasn't going take it well.

We walked downstairs, and the guys searched my face for answers. Jen obviously wasn't here long enough to tell them.
"So Jen what exactly happened to you?" Mikey asked. I looked at Jen and I saw her get a little choked up.

"Mikey not now." I said.

"Oh sorry. By the way Jen has Gerard talked to you at all in the past month?" Mikey said probably wondering why his brother isn't home.

"Yeah Mikey why don't you come with me." I said bringing him into the next room.

[Mikey's P.O.V.]
Frank brought me into the other room. Now I was worried had something happened to Gerard? I mean I know he's been a total asshole lately, but he’s my brother.
"What’s wrong Frank?" I asked.

"Um... I don't know how to say this but-"

"Just tell me." I said anxious to know what was going on.

"Gerard went to jail."

"What the fuck! For what?"

"He raped, and threatened to kill Jen." He said. I saw the sadness in his eyes. I felt all my anger build up in me. How could he do that? That wasn't like him at all. There was a long silence between us.

"I'm sorry man I thought maybe they would have called you or something." He said breaking the silence

"No they didn't, but what ever its his stupid mistake." I said walking away from him. I tried to act like nothing was wrong, but that was extremely hard. My older brother... is in jail. It was just so hard to comprehend. I always knew Gerard was a good guy who just got into some bad stuff, but never would I think he would rape and try to kill someone.

[Jens P.O.V.]
When Frank and Mikey went into the other room Bob and Ray had a billion questions so I told them the whole story.
"Oh my god... are you OK?" Bob finally said shocked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"I could never Imagine Gerard doing that." Ray said.

"Yeah..." I said as Frank and Mikey walked in. Mikey looked at me and I could see the depression in his eyes. I got up to get something to drink and I felt Franks hands wrap around my waist. He kissed my cheek, and I smiled. I was so happy to be home with someone I love.
"I never want to let you go Jen" He said kissing my again.

"I don't want to let go either. I love you Frank more then anything."

"I love you too." He said pulling me in closer to him.