Better Than Me

Home Sweet Home

[Gerard's P.O.V.]
They brought me to my cell and locked the door. I looked around there was nothing special. Just 4 walls, a bed and one window with bars on it. I sat down on the bed and just looked around. This was where I was going to be for a long time with nothing to do, no friends, no Jen, no nothing. Even if I was not in prison I still probably wouldn't have friends. I definitely wouldn't have Jen, but Mikey. He had always been there for me. No matter how many people turn on me Mikey's always there. I'm hoping he will still be there for me come day of the trial.

I pictured Frank in the back of my mind. How much he must hate me. I could have just accepted them going out, but no I had to stalk, rape, and try to kill his girlfriend. I'm sure all my friends hated me Ray, Bob, and Frank. They were better friends with Jen then me, ever since the whole drinking and drug thing, so I was basically alone on this hole thing if Mikey doesn't come through for me.

[Frank's P.O.V.]
Jen went upstairs to lie down for a little while. I sat at the end of the bed just watching her sleep cause I was bored. I looked at the bruises on her arm. Just knowing Gerard gave her those bruises made me sick to my stomach. I loved Jen so much, and to know that my best, well my old best friend, would ever to this to her made me so upset. Knowing I had to go to court with Jen in about a month was going to make this whole thing even harder.

Jen opened her eyes and smiled at me.
"Hey were you watching me sleep that whole time?" She said.

"Pretty much yeah, and you talk to yourself a lot." I said joking with her.

"Really what do I say to myself?" She said smiling.

"Oh Frank I love you so much oh Frank etc." I said laughing.

"Oh your hysterical!" She said sitting up and slapping my arm.

"I know right!" I said jumping on top of her and tickled her.

"OH...MY ...GOD GET OFF!" She said in between laughs, and, breathes. I finally stopped; I lay down next to her. I looked into her eyes and kissed her. She smiled at me and kissed me back.
"I love you so much Jen." I said pulling her in closer to me.

"I love you too Frank." She said smiling again. I played with her hair and I put it in front of her face and messed it up. She sat up and made it messier.

"How do I look?" She said sounding like a 40-year-old smoker.

"Like a sexy beast." I said laughing. She put her hand in my hair and ran her fingers wildly through my hair and messed it up.

"How 'bout me how do I look." I said like a stupid idiot.

"Even sexier beast!" She said jumping on me.
Then the door opened and Kate, Nicole, and Steph walked in. They looked at us like we were insane.

"We'll leave you guys to what ever the hell you were doing OK? OK." Steph said leading everyone out. Jen and I just started laughing hysterically. We fixed our hair, and sat in the bed just staring at each other.

"God I miss being like this." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well when I was with Gerard I was afraid to be well myself. I was afraid he would like beat me if I wasn't up to his standards, but with you I can be me, because your just as crazy as I am, so I am not afraid to be me any more." She said smiling. I smiled at her.

"Your not crazy your just energetic." I said.

"Well what ever I am you accept that. Gerard wanted me to be what he wanted, and nothing else. He wanted this stupid girl who would never disagree with anything he said or did. A girl who would do the drugs and drinking and basically be another him." She said standing up off the bed.

"I mean its just so stupid! He wanted another Gerard just to follow him around and when I wasn't that I was hit and when I did something wrong I was hit no matter what I was hit!" She said walking around the room.

"Jen calm down." I said going over to her and holding her waist.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get so upset."

"Its OK he makes me upset to just calm down he’s out of our lives forever."

"Well at least until the trial." She said loosing the hopefulness in her eyes.

"Then after that no more Gerard." I said. She smiled slightly.

"Come on I have to go talk to Steph Kate and Nicole." She said pulling my hand towards the door. I followed her down stairs. The girls ran up to Jen and were like 'oh my god we missed you' and 'we were so worried'. Basically I just did about an hour ago. Jen and the girls went back upstairs.

[Jens P.O.V.]
Kate Steph and Nicole pushed me into the guest bedroom.
"So what happened to you? Frank told us he had no idea where you were!" Kate said.

"Yeah what the fuck was that?" Steph said. I went to open my mouth and then Nicole started talking.

"I know seriously you could have called." She said.
"Well if you guys shut the fuck up I'll tell you!" I said. They all got quiet and watched me intensely.

"OK well..." I explained the whole story and saw the expressions on their faces.

"OH MY GOD I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" They all said in union.

"Guys don't worry he's in jail. He's not getting out for a long time." I said.

"Do you have to testify against him?" Nicole said.

"Yeah sometime this month."

"That sucks.... are you OK with that...?" Kate said.

"Yeah. If it means putting him behind bars for life yeah I'm fine." I said. They all gave me a group hug and we went back down stairs. The guys were talking among them selves, and they stopped when we stepped into the kitchen. We all sat down next to out boyfriends and we just talked about life. I was so happy to be home and just to know that all my friends were always here for me made me feel really happy. I didn't care about Gerard anymore. He was locked away until the trial and I had a pretty good feeling the trial will go in my favor. Then after that more Gerard, no more bringing me down, no more being scared. I could live my life how I wanted with Frank and not worry. I took a deep breath. Just to know I am free makes me feel so good.