Better Than Me

Is He Really Gone?

[Franks P.O.V]
*Day of the trial*
Jen, and I all sat in a courtroom waiting for this thing to start so we wouldn't have to see Gerard again. They brought him out in handcuffs and sat him across from us. I felt Jens hand wrap around mine tighter.
"He can't hurt you... please Jen calm down. It will all be fine, were never going to see him after this again." I said comforting her. I saw a slight smile on her face. They called Jen up to testify against him first.

"Ms. Sheehan...was Mr. Way an abusive boyfriend to you?" The attorney
asked. Jen kind of sat in silence for a second.

"He was a great boyfriend... until he started drinking and doing drugs that was when he became a bad boyfriend." She said getting choked up. They asked her a few more unimportant questions about their relationship, and I looked over at Gerard. He turned to me the same time

I looked at him. He gave me the death stare. I turned away from him. I could feel the anger building up in me. I couldn't believe he did that to Jen. It’s been a month and I haven't forgiven him. I wont forgive him in a year. I will never forgive the dumb bastard. Jen came back down and sat with me. I put my arm around her and held her close to me. I looked over and saw Gerard’s face go from annoyed to beyond pissed off. I smirked and turned away from him. They called Gerard up.
"Mr. Way was it true that you were abusive to Ms. Sheehan during your relationship?"


"Is it also true that you tied Ms Sheehan to a bed raped her, and
threatened her life by holding a loaded gun to her head?"

"Yeah but... it was for her own good."

"Why is that?"

"If I didn't straighten her out she would go crawling back to that worthless scum bag Frank!" He said standing up pointing at me. I was fed up with him.


"YEAH YOUR THE LITTLE FUCK WHO TOOK AWAY THE ONE PERSON WHOI EVER LOVED!" He said to me. I got up and started walking to him. I felt Jen grab my arm, and try to pull me back.

"MAYBE THAT JUST MEANS SHE LOVES ME MORE THEN YOU!" I said still trying to get to him. He got so angry now. He got up and started walking towards me. The security guards had me, and Gerard pushing us away from each other. We both made it past the guards and started beating the shit out of each other. Gerard pinned me to the floor and was hitting me left and right. I saw Jen standing over Gerard punching his back trying to get him off me. Before I knew it, it was all black.

[Jens P.O.V.]
"MAYBE THAT JUST MEANS SHE LOVES ME MORE THEN YOU!" I heard Frank say to Gerard. Before I knew it they were both on the floor fighting. The security guards were trying to get Gerard off of Frank. I ran over and started hitting Gerard in the back as hard as I could.
"GET OFF OF HIM YOU ASSHOLE!" I kept repeating over and over. I looked at Frank and he was knocked out. That just made me so upset.

"GERARD!" I said getting his attention. When he looked up I punched him across the face. He flew back and I ran over by Frank. The security guards took Gerard away from me.

"YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE MINE JEN!" He screamed while being pulled away. I rested my head on Frank’s chest. I heard a lot of things around me like 'Get away from him!' and 'Call and ambulance.' but all I focused on was his heartbeat. I listened to it. Right now it was the only thing keeping me calm. I felt tears run down my face, because it was getting harder and harder to hear his heart.

*A couple hours later*
I was waiting a white room at the hospital. Just sitting around waiting to know if Frank would be OK. I also had no idea where we were. The trial was in New York. So I was in another state, in a area I wasn't familiar with, with my boyfriend in the hospital, things couldn’t get much worse. All of a sudden I heard a voice.
"THERE YOU ARE!" It kind of sounded like Gerard. I looked up, and thankfully, saw Mikey.

"THANK GOD!" I said running over to Mikey giving him a hug.

"What happened that the trial went so bad." He said hugging back.

"Come over here and I'll explain." I said bringing him over to where I was sitting.

"So first Gerard was talking about how putting a gun to my head straightened me out from going back to that scum bag, and Frank got
really mad and Gerard said something about Frank taking me away from him. Then Frank said well maybe she just loves me more, and Gerard went insane and started beating Franks face in and it was so bad Mikey." I said hugging him again.

"Don't worry. He'll be OK." Mikey said comforting me. Finally a nurse
came out.

"Jen?" She asked coming into the waiting room.

"Yeah." I said standing up. Mikey stood up too hoping he could come
with me.

"Frank is fine." She said. That made me smile.

"Can I go see him?" I asked.

"Yes of coarse both of you can." She said. Mikey and me found out
where his room was and ran to it. We found his room. When I looked in I saw he was bandaged up all over his face. I walked in and ran over to Frank.

"Thank god your OK!" I said throwing my arms around his neck.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said putting his arms around me.

"Hey dude what’s up?" Mikey said. Frank sat up in his bed, and gave
waved to Mikey.

"How did you get here?”

"I drove here as soon as I found out that you were here."

"Thanks Mikey." He said smiling.

"No problem. Well I'll be waiting out there for you guys. I need fucking
coffee." He said walking towards the door. Frank and me laughed.

"Of coarse you do Mikey." I said. When Mikey left Frank made room on his bed for me. I sat down next to him.

"So what happened to Gerard after he knocked me out?"

"They took him away. Now for sure we'll never see him again." I said laying on him.

"I know now he’s gone forever."

"Frank I'm sorry Gerard did that to you."

"Don't worry its not your fault. Jen I have a question."


"Did Gerard ever hit you as hard as he hit me..." He asked looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, but only when he was really mad at me."

"Holy shit Jen I’m so sorry."

"Why? It’s not your fault. He has some problems going on and we don’t
have to deal with it anymore." I said kissing Frank’s lips.

"Yeah that’s true. I love you so much Jen."

"I love you so much too Frank." I said kissing him again.

[Gerard’s P.O.V.]
I sat in my cell yet again. The way I acted in the courtroom they will never give me another chance. Jen probably hates me more then anything. I didn’t mean to hurt Frank as badly as I did. He just got me so upset when he said that to me it made me loose my mind. I was going to get out of here one day, and I would get Jen, and Frank. That’s a promise.