Better Than Me

Everything I Ever Wanted.

[Franks P.O.V]
* Four months after the trial. *

It was Jen's birthday, and I was going to give her the best birthday ever! I was going to propose to her. I bought a ring with diamonds all over it. I hope she loves it.

[Jen's P.O.V.]

I came out of the bathroom, and looked at Katie’s anxious face. I had this amazing feeling in me.
"So what does it say?” She said jumping up trying to look at the test. I paused for a second then smiled.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" She screamed in excitement.

"Shush! I don't want to tell Frank yet! I want to wait till the right moment."

"Oh my god Jen I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks! I'll probably tell him tonight. He's taking me out to dinner at this really nice restaurant."

"OHH! Maybe he's going to propose." She said winking at me. It shocked the hell out of me that she said that.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well nice restaurant, I saw him bring home something from the jewelry store the other day."

"Well let’s hope for the best." I said smiling.

*Later that night. *

I borrowed a gorgeous dress, from Steph, for dinner tonight. Frank was even all dressed up. He seemed so nervous the whole car ride. Did Kate tell him? Was he waiting for me to tell him? Was he really going to propose? I still can't believe I'm pregnant! We showed up at the restaurant, and he was being such a gentleman.

I was trying to wait for the best moment to tell Frank I was pregnant. I got through the whole dinner practically with out saying anything. Then we order desert, and I figured I should do it soon.
"I've got some big news!" I said smiling.

"Wait! Before you tell me your news can I tell you something?" He said anxious.

"Sure." I said kind of expecting what he was going to ask. He got out of his seat, and planted him self in front of me on one knee. I almost started crying right there.

"Jen... I'm sure you can already expect what I'm going to say but will you marry me?" He said getting a little box out of his pocket. He showed me a beautiful ring.

"OF COARSE!" I screamed. I gave him the biggest hug and kiss ever. We sat back in our seats, and he was holding my hand across the table.

"You know we're going to have a life."

"Well what do you mean by 'we're'?"

"I mean the two of us."

"Well don't you mean the three of us?" I said smiling. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm pregnant!" I said making both of us smile a huge smile.

"OH MY GOD!" He said getting up and giving me another big hug and kiss. He called the waiter over and asked for the check. We paid and left as fast as we could. We wanted to tell the others. I couldn't believe I was having a baby with the man I loved, and getting married to the man I loved. It was all so unreal.
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sorry took me so long to write another story, I was working on my other stories but I hope you like(: