Better Than Me

What Have I Done...

[Mikey's P.O.V.]
*Day after engagement/pregnancy announcement.*

I was the car going where I hate going. I should have never started coming, because now I can't stop. No one knows where I am, because they would kill me. I pulled up to the gates and showed my ID. I left my cell phone, iPod in the bucket they showed me, and walked down the hall. I sat in a chair, and waited for Gerard.

A guard brought him out in his orange jumpsuit, and handcuffs. I wasn't happy seeing him like that, but he deserved his punishment. I had been seeing him once every two weeks since he was sentenced. I know the guys would kill me, but he was my brother I had to be there for him. We stared at each other through the glass, until he picked up the phone, and I did too.
"So little bro' what’s up?" He asked.

"Nothing really works shitty, life’s not that interesting. How 'bout you?"

"Look where I am... how good could my life be. How’s Jen? I know she doesn't care about me, but I just want to know how she is."

"Well umm she’s good..." I said trying to hide the fact I knew she was pregnant, and engaged.

"How are her, and Frank?"

"Umm they're good..."

"What do you know?" He said looking right through me.


"Mikey please tell me... I'm your brother, your own flesh and blood, and I wont be out of this place for another 3 months when I have purol. Please just let me know what’s going on." He said as if he could see right through my lie.

"Well... they are engaged...and Jen's pregnant..." I said realizing what I just did for Jen, Frank, and myself. He looked at me like he was just stabbed through the heart.

"How could you let them do that to me? I thought you were my brother! You are supposed to watch after me!" He said standing up banging on the glass. Guards rushed over to him, and made him sit down.

"Gerard, its not in my control what they want!"

"Mikey you knew I loved her...why would you let this happen?"

"If you loved her why'd you beat her up!"

"FUCK YOU MIKEY I THOUGHT YOU WERE THERE FOR ME, BUT I GUESS NOT!" He said slamming the phone down and walking away.

I knew these visits were a bad idea.

[Gerard's P.O.V.]
I sat in my cell thinking about how everyone I loved was betraying me. My brother, my ex-best friend, and the love of my life. Why wasn't anyone remembering I have feelings too? I'll get them all back, in 3 months. They will all pay for turning their backs on me.