Better Than Me

Things Will Be Fine...Right?

[Frank's P.O.V.]
*3 Months Later. *

It was the forth of July, and we were all having a little BBQ at the house. We were going to make the official announcement about the pregnancy and engagement, because only Mikey and Katie knew. Everyone's family would be there, including Jen’s and mine. We were both so excited. I had known Jen's family for a while, but this was the first time I would be introduced as something other then a friend. It was also going to be hard, because Mikey was bringing his parents, and they know about what happened with Gerard and me. I hope that there is no tension.

[Mikey's P.O.V.]

I was dreading this whole BBQ thing. I have no problem with Frank, and everything that happened, but my parents might. The only reason they are coming is because I haven’t seen them in over a year, and they loved Jen. They knew all about Gerard, but didn't like talking about it, because they felt like horrible parents for letting it get like that

[Gerard's P.O.V.]

I was free... I was on parole I was free! I wasn't in that little box I called a room for 7 months! I hadn't seen Mikey since that day he told me about Jen, and Frank. I couldn't blame him I probably scared the living shit out of him. I hate myself for that. I scare to many people. Why am I so scary? I'm a nice person deep below all this hurt. I just wanted to be loved, and no one loved me. Not even my own parents. They hated me. Mikey was always the favorite. They always knew there was something wrong with me, and there was. I just wasn't man enough to say I have a problem help me. Oh well I'm going to prove to everyone that I am a good person.

As I walked the streets of the town I used to call home I walked past the grocery store, and I looked inside at everything. The little kids begging parents for candy, the cashiers helping people who were getting all their 'Independence Day' crap. Then I noticed to faces that were so familiar. Could it be? Jen?

[Jen's P.O.V.]

I was out shopping with Katie, and we were talking about the families, and how everyone would get along.
"Lets just try keep Mikey's parents away from Frank as best as we can." I said.

"I know what you mean. Will it be awkward for you to be around his parents?"

"I don't think so. His parents always loved me, and I've known them through Mikey to so it’s not that awkward I hope."

"And you're making the announcement today right?"

"Yes! I have to I’m starting to show big time." I said looking down at my stomach which looked rounded and out of shape."

"Awe well things will go fine, and you look great don't worry about it!" She said rubbing my stomach. I laughed a little and went to go pay. I looked outside, and saw a man walking very fast past the window. He looked rather familiar, but I was to busy paying to really pay attention. Today was going to be a very good day. I said leaving the store and going home to get things ready.