Better Than Me

Has He Changed?

[Jens P.O.V.]
During breakfast Gerard turned to me and looked in my eyes.
"Jen?" He looked at me and said

"Yeah?” I asked curiously.

"You know that I love you more than anything right?" He looked at me.

I didn't know what to say to him. I had always questioned whether or not he loved me. I always wondered if he was just a desperate boy and I was just a stupid girl who said yes.

"Um... Yeah I know." I said smiling and lying at the same time. If I had told him the truth he might hurt me again.

"Good." He said smiling and kissing my cheek. I smiled slightly at him.

After breakfast I went upstairs and got dressed. While I was getting dressed I noticed my bruise was worse than I remember. I went into the bathroom and put on my eyeliner and stuff than I put some cover up on my arm. When I finished with my make up and stuff my phone started ringing. I looked at it and I had got a text message from Frank.
'Did you talk to Gerard?' I read.

‘Yeah were spending the whole day together.' I sent it back. With in a minute he responded to me.

‘Oh...that’s cool....’ He answered. At that moment Gerard came into the room. I closed my phone as quickly as I could. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

"I love you so much Jen. I love you more than you will ever even know." He said. I smiled. This was the Gerard that I loved, not the Gerard I saw last night.

"I love you too."

"Do you want to go now?"

"Go where?" I asked.

"You know just out to spend our day together." He said smiling. I smiled back.
"Yeah sure lets go." I said happy to have the old Gerard back.

We got into the car and he was smiling at me every five seconds. I couldn't help but smile and know that I had my "normal" Gerard back. I also wonder has he REALLY changed?
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