Better Than Me

Do You Still Think I Don't Care...

[Jens P.O.V.]
* 1 Month Later*
I was going away to Long Island because I had to visit my family for a little while. I was packing today and Frank just sat near me looking so upset. I would put something in my bag and he would take it out.
"Frank..." I said disappointed.

"Jen please don't go... I am going to miss you so much!"

"It will only be a month maybe less."

"Well that month is going to be the longest month of my life..." He kissed my cheek.

"I know I am going to miss you too, but my family needs me to come to Long Island..." He just looked at me with bug sad eyes he kissed my lips. I made him help me put all my clothes back in my bag and eventually I was all packed and had to leave soon.

I brought all my shit down stairs and put it in my car. Frank just kept looking at me with those big eyes.
"Don't look at me that way." I said. He got a sadder look and did the little whimpering thing he does.

"I really don't want you to go... I'll miss you way too much!"

"I will miss you too, but I'll be back before you know it."

"Yeah I guess. Just call me." He said smiling.

"I will as soon as I get there." I said. He smiled. I went into my car and pulled out of the driveway.

"Bye Frank." I said blowing him a kiss good bye.

"Bye...."He said so sad. I had been driving for less then 10 minutes, and I came across the house where Gerard and I used to live. I hadn't heard from Gerard since that day I told him Frank and I were together. It was kind of weird because it looked like no one had been living there forever. I personally didn't care I still hated Gerard and I always will. All of a sudden my phone started ringing.
"Hello." I said.

"I miss you all ready." Frank said.

"Frank I didn't even leave New Jersey yet!"

"I know but you have been gone for 10 whole minutes!"

"Good bye Frank I love you."

"I love you too." He said hanging up. I closed my phone. I drove in silence the whole ride.
*2 Hours later*`

I finally got into my hometown on Long Island. I drove down the streets where I used to live. It was so sad to see the place I left behind for so many years. I picked up my phone and called Frank.

"I'm here."

"Oh that’s great... Call me later at night OK?"

"No problem I love you Frank."

"I love you too bye." He said hanging up. I pulled up in front of my aunts house where I grew up basically. I knocked on the door and my Aunt Kathy came to the door.
"AUNT KAY." I said giving her a huge hug.

"Jen oh my goodness you have gotten-"

"So big I know Aunt Kay."

"Oh gosh come in come in." She said taking one of my bags. I walked in and looked around. Nothing has changed at all. When I was about 13 my mom started doing drugs and drinking, like Gerard was doing, and my aunt Kay would bring me over here every day so my mom wouldn't bother me. I lived here 'till I was around 20 or 21 and moved to Jersey. I have lived in New Jersey for about 7 years. I met Gerard when I was trying to find a place to live when I first moved there. It was almost like we had known each other our whole lives. He invited me to live with him and then we started going out and well the rest was a horrible part of history.

"So you still with that bastard um Jerry I think you said his name was."

"Gerard and no I broke up with him about a month ago. I'm going out with Frank."

"Oh Frank I remember meeting Frank. He was a nice boy."

"Yeah he is." I smiled.

"So where’s Madison?" I asked. She was my little cousin who was born 2 years after I left here.

"JEN!" She came running out screaming.

"MADDY!" I said giving her a huge hug.

"I missed you." She said giving me a huge hug.

"I missed you too."
We were all just talking for an hour and my aunt realized she needed something to be done and I was going to have to do it.
"Jen can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what you need."

"Can you go out to the store and get me some milk?"

"Yeah sure no problem." I said I went outside and saw that it was getting dark outside. I decided to walk considering the store was like less than a mile there. I felt as I was being followed the whole time. I kept looking back over my shoulder and I would see no one.
When I got to the store they were closed and I was pissed off. When I was walking back I definitely felt as if someone was behind me. My phone started to ring I looked at it and someone was calling me on restricted.
"Hey sexy do you miss me?" They said in a familiar voice.

"Who is this?" I said worried.

"Secret crush."

"Who is this!" I was screaming into the phone.

"You don't need to know who this is. I love you..." They said. I was getting scared, and hung up the phone. They called me again.
"That wasn't very nice of you to hang up on me."

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I hung up and started running. Some one came in front of me and grabbed my arms. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. They turned me so my back was facing their chest. I was still screaming so they put tape over my mouth to shut me up. I was shoved into a dark alleyway. I was trying to fight back, but the person was way to strong for me.

They tied my hands together so I couldn't fight. They whispered in my ear
"Do you still think I don't care?” They said. I realized who it was then. It was Gerard...
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