Your Smile Is a Beautiful Lie

The New Girl

“Class, we have a new student today. Please treat her with respect.” The teacher said as I sighed. Somehow, in the middle of the school year, people decided to move to California. A girl with jet black hair and grey eyes walked in. She wore black converse, light grey skinny jeans, and a Lady Gaga shoulder-off tee; looks like someone has been playing with scissors. “Please, take a seat next to…Isabelle. Isabelle, raise your hand.” I did as I was told.


I gazed over at her. I heard the math teacher mention her name once. It began with an “A”. That’s all I could remember. Rumors were already started spreading about her like a wildfire. Something about her being a spoiled, rich brat with a terrible past. They’re just rumors so I highly doubt that they’re true.

“Hello, are you even listening to what we’re saying?” Valerie asked.

I snapped out of my gaze. “Huh?”

Valerie sighed and looked at the direction that I was previously looking at. “Umm, Bell,” She leaned closer, “Are you secretly attracted to girls?”

“What,” I yelled, getting attention from people around our lunch table. I smiled at them and they gave me a weird look before continuing to talk again. “I’m 100% straight for your information.” I whispered to her.

“Then, stop staring at the new girl. It’s rude.”

“Sorry, I just spaced out for a second. There are bad rumors going around her.”

“She just got here. How bad could it be?” At that moment, Valerie got up and walked over to the table where the new girl was sitting. I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand. I could just imagine what she’ll say to her.

Oh hey, I’m Valerie. My friend, who is sitting over, wants to know if the rumors going around the entire school are true.

Valerie’s Point of View

I got this weird feeling as I walked over to the table where she was sitting. It was something telling that I shouldn’t talk to her, but at the sometime I should. “Hey, I’m Valerie. What’s your name?”

She looked up from her book and smiled. “I’m Andrea.” She replied.

“What are you listening to?” I asked after I noticed that she had an ear bud on her right ear. “By the shirt you’re wearing, I would imagine Lady Gaga.”

She shook her head, “Candy Land by Blood on the Dance Floor.”

“Awesome, another Slash Gash Terror Crew member,” I commented. She smiled again. I turned back to Isabelle, motioning for her to come over. Just as she was about to get up, a guy passed her a phone. Her face turned into an astonished one. I turned back to Andrea, who was already packing her stuff in her messenger bag.

“Umm, I got to go. I need to find my locker and I don’t want to be late to class. I’ll talk to you later.” She grabbed her bag and quickly walked out of the cafeteria. I was left dumb folded.

“You’re right, the rumors aren’t bad. The girl is a model. What a big, fat lie that was!” She handed me the phone. “She did kind of look familiar.”

Andrea’s Point of View

I walked into my bedroom, followed my one and only true friend that I had with me, and threw my backpack on the floor. School had ended not less than fifteen minutes ago. Once the last bell of the school rang, I grabbed my stuff and ran home. I didn’t want to hear what those people had to say about me. She’s a spoiled brat of a model, that’s what she is! That’s what I heard all day. If they only knew, they wouldn’t say that.

“So, how was school Miss Vanity?” Kaiden asked. Vanity came from my slight obsession with Dahvie Vanity. I used it as a middle name more or less. But if it were up to me, I’d name myself Vanity.

“I want to stab every one of them.” I yelled with venom dropping from every word.

He gave me a strange look. “Okay, a simple terrible would have been good as well.”

“You don’t understand! You don’t have to go to school anyway. You don’t have deal with all the wonderful things the student body has to say about you!” I wanted to slam my head against the wall. “Fucking bullshit,” I murmured. I covered my face with my hands. “I thought a public school would be better than going to a private one. I don’t know what’s worst: pretending someone you’re not or having people talk shit behind your back.”

Kaiden took a seat next to me and hugged me. “Oh, Andrea, just give the public school a try. It was only the first day anyway. Maybe by the end of the week, they’ll change their opinion about you.”

I should my head, “Too late for that. I already changed back to my private school. I’d prefer being expected to be prefect and rule the school.”

He took a deep breath and sighed, slightly shaking his head at me. Somehow, I knew that he thought I made the wrong decision.

2 Years Later

“Hey Andrea, have you seen the new girl yet?” I closed my locker and locked it up. Brittney popped a bubble with the gum she had in her mouth and waited for me to answer. Sometimes, I wondered how I could actually pretend to like her. I honestly don’t how a lawyer gave birth to such a stupid kid. But oh well, that’s how messed up life is.

“There’s a new girl? I haven’t heard of her until now to be honest.” I replied as we both walked to our next period class. Brittney just raised an eyebrow at me. I’m always expected to know everything that goes on in my little kingdom. I looked the other way and rolled my eyes. Then, I turned back to her and smiled. “But tell me, how’s she’s like. Maybe she’s in our next period class.” Though, I didn’t give two shits about who she was. They were all the same phony, popular, snotty, rich kids anyway.

“Well, she’s around your height. Umm, she has shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes. Her name is…”

“Umm, excuse me! Watch where you’re going,” I yelled. I had fallen to the floor and so had the person who bumped into me.

“That’s her!” Brittney yelled and pointed to her as she got up. The girl dusted herself off and smiled after extending a hand for me to take.

I looked at her, shocked. Usually, new students try to overthrow me as a ruler of this wacky, educational kingdom. But in this case, she was being…nice? Was she trying to fool me?
I was about to grab her hand for her to pull me up but instead, I slapped it away. I don’t mean to be rude but my reputation is at stake. Brittney smirked as I got up. The new girl shot me a dirty look.

“Look, I don’t who was the dog barking up your tree but you shouldn’t give me a nasty attitude. I was only trying to help you up when I accidentally bumped into you.” She said. A circle formed around us and Brittney started whispering to a girl. Oh, I can just see the headlines of the school newspaper, “Andrea Confronts New Girl on Her First Day of School”.

“Well sweetie, I don’t need your help and if I needed help, I would have asked for.” I replied. “Now, get out of my face!” I held my hand up, motioning for her to go away. However, she decided to not move. Her hazel eyes looked into my blue eyes…well, my blue contacts at least.

“Andrea Destiny, please report to the main office immediately,” the voice was heard throughout the whole school over the loudspeaker. Has the Dean of Students already seen my actions?

“We’ll continue this later new girl.” I hissed, turned around, and made my way to the main office.
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I do not own Cinema Bizarre or Kaiden Blake but I do own Andrea Destiny, Brittney, and the plot. The rest of the female characters belong to their respective owners who created them & entered my contest on my previous account. The title of this story is taken from the lyrics of “Stereo Love” by Edward Maya.

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