Status: Short Story Completed

Why me?

One of One

"I'M FINE!" She yelled for what seemed to be the millionth time.
She didn't wait for the cops reply, just ran to her room and locked the door.
There she sat, crying until her makeup was smeared all over her face.
'I'm worthless. I have no family. Whats the point?' She thought to herself.
'Why me? Why did all the family I ever had, I lost? Why couldn't this not happen?'
She walked slowly towards her dresser, she promised her brother she'd never cut again, but now he's gone. So, Whats the point?
She grabbed the knife, and slowly sank to the floor.
'I won't go to far, Daniel. I'll try to stay alive for you..'
She rolled up her sleeve and brought the blade to her wrist.
She tried to cut herself, but something wouldn't let her.
She blacked out.............. She saw him, Daniel. He smiled faightly at her, "Little sis, I know you miss us, but it's not your time to come.. Just stay strong, Believe we're always with you."
"But, Daniel, It's so hard. There's noone here for me anymore.. I just want to be with you and Mom.." She tried to go towards.
"No! You have to stay there for awhile, it was mine and mom's time to go. It's not yours. You'll find someone to live for soon enough"
With that and a grin, he dissappeared.
Hours later, the cop walked in, saw her asleep under her covers and smiled.
That girl was his daughter, and he was glad to see her again.
He promised Daniel, right before he died, that he would find her, and take care of her.
And now, They both found something worth living for. And there wouldn't be any fresh cuts on EITHER of their wrists.
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Just something I thought up.
I like it. Alot(: