Status: hoping to be active, but its spring break!!

Trying to Impress You


It was Friday one of my favorite days. So far this has been the best first week of school I have ever had. Not only did I meet Bryan, but everyone is cool with Mike being gay and I had a really awesome banana split sundae last night.

I was driving home from school and my brother couldn't stop talking about how great the school was and that he never wanted to leave. So I just turned the radio up louder until he turned it down, at least it was a short ride. When we got home my brother immediately went to tell dad the good news and I went up to my room.

I was bored, so I began to look at some old pictures. I came across one picture from when I was 13. It was me hugging Shane, a guy I use to have a crush on. I know I said that I never really fell for anyone, but I was at that school for a whole year and I got really close to him. I was having a flashback moment, but my phone interrupted it. It was Paris, so I picked it up. "Casey I totally forget to ask if you were going to the party?" I didn't know about a party.

"What party?" I heard her to begin to laugh. I sat down on my now cushioned window seat, opened up my curtains and looked outside.

"Oh, well it's Ricky's 16th birthday party. He is the baby in the class, so he throws the hugest parties in the world. Anyway I will pick you up at 7." Before I could object she hung up. I got up and was about to close the curtains till I saw Bryan. He waved at me and I smiled and waved back then closed the curtains on him.

It was 6 and I had to start getting ready. I didn't know if the party was formal, semi-formal, or casual, so I just thought I would go with semi-formal. So I put on a simple dress, it was black covered with roses, strapless and had a zipper at the chest. Then I curled my hair and put on mascara and eyeliner. I was not big on makeup, but I felt like I needed it.

Paris came around 7:30. When I answered the door she stared at me in awe. She looked cute too, she was wearing a simple black dress. I guess I was right with the semi-formal. "All the guys are going to be on top of you." She said and I laughed. She pulled my arm and rushed me over to the car.

When we arrived the house was full of kids. It seemed like the whole school was here. This guy really did know how to throw a party. Paris grabbed my arm again and we met Jasmine on the dance floor. Paris and Jasmine started dance and I just stood there. I don't know how to dance, but people always tell me just jump around and move around thats it. That is never it because I have tried.

"Come on dance." Paris said and then disappeared in the crowd. I decided to leave the dance floor and maybe try to make some new friends. I wasn't having any luck with the new friends except for these two guys who were drunk tried to make out with me.

"Your the new girl Casey right?" I turned around and it was the girl I saw when I walked into the principals office. She is definitely drunk. I nodded my head and then she slapped me. "Bitch!" I yelled at her.

"You stay away from Bryan he is mine." She slapped me again I was about to punch her guts out, but someone stopped me. "She's drunk, she does stupid things when she is drunk." It was Bryan and I all of the sudden calmed down.

"Who is that?" He was pulling me through the crowd of drunk kids and insane people.

"She's co-captain of the cheer squad." He said shaking his head like he didn't care so much about her. He took me out side where there were a group of guys drinking beer. "Casey these are my friends, Jack, my best friend, Gary, Sean, and the birthday boy Ricky." He introduced me to all his football friends and I said happy birthday to Ricky.

"And I am Patrick." This guy wearing a plain white t-shirt, a leather jacket, and really tight jeans. Bryan clenched his fist up and gave him the death stare.

"I'm Casey." I said trying to be friendly.

"I know and you are gorgeous." He took my hand and kissed it. It was a little awkward, but kind of sweet. I could feel myself blushing.

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever." Bryan pushed me to the other side of the yard where there was a little swing set. I sat on one swing and he sat on the other.

"You don't like that Patrick guy do you?" I asked and he just nodded. I looked up at the starry sky and Bryan followed my gaze.

"Your so pretty. You must get all the guys to fall for you." We were still looking up at the sky, or at least I was.

"Not really I have never had a boyfriend or had a first kiss." He laughed a little and I looked at him. "How many girlfriends have you had?" He stopped laughing.

"A lot." He whispered hoping I wouldn't hear.

"How many have you cheated on?" He looks the other direction then back at me.

"A lot."

"How many have you not cheated on?" I was beginning to find this amusing.

"A couple."

"How many of your relationships lasted longer than a week?"

"One." He put his head down like he was ashamed, but looked right back at me, "But I am trying to change my ways." He smiled and we looked into each others eyes. We were leaning closer and I knew we were about to kiss.

"You jerk!" We both stopped and looked up at some slut wearing a mini skirt that practically showed her as and a tube top that showed her stomach. We looked at each other in confusion. "We have a wonder night studying and making out. And now your here at this party making out with some bitch." She threw beer into his face and I was mad too.

"Trying to change your ways huh?" I stormed off to find Paris and when I did I told her I wanted to go. She gave her boyfriend one more kiss goodbye and we left. What an ass I should have known someone like him can't change.
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I hope it got a bit more interesting for you. Please subscribe and comment :)