Status: Active

Beautiful Lie

And here we go again

I kept walking as Tom stopped, thankful that he'd finally given up. Remembering last night, I wasn't too keen on talking to him. The fact that he'd been acting like a creep didn't help his case either.

I blew hair out of my face as the breeze picked up randomly, whipping it about. My bangs hung before my eyes as always. I flicked my head to the side, flipping them out of the way only to have them come right back. A growl slipped past my lips as I glared at them.

"Wha's up with yeh?" someone asked from my right. I looked over.

"Nothin'," I replied. Josh eyed me skeptically.

"Righ'," he replied, dragging out the 'i'. "Mind explainin' what's goin' on between you and Sykes?"

"He was bein' a down right creep yesterday an' I gave 'im shit for it," I answered, glancing back to see who was behind us.

"How?" he pressed.

"Kept on snappin' damn photos of me while I was settin' up yesterday, that's how," I scowled, my gaze pausing on the younger of the Sykes brothers.

"How d'yeh know 'e was takin' photos of you? There had to be others on stage don't yeh think?" Josh pointed out in the boy's defense.

"Why the 'ell would he be snappin' photos of 'em?" I remarked, looking up at him. "I was closest to the front, too. The others were workin' on the drums."

"That doesn' mean anythin'," Josh replied. "And anyway, it could o' been anybody."

"Then why wouldn' the bloody prick show me 'is damn photos, eh?" I snapped back.

Josh opened his mouth, pausing to search for a response. I watched him flip through excuses for a good two minutes before speaking up again.

"Christ, Josh, admit it," I snapped. "I'm right, you're wrong. He's a creep."

"Who's a creep?"

I glanced back to see Jona joining us. He looked between the two of us as he waited for a response.

"Yeh're stupid drum tech, that's who," I replied finally.

"Tom?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah," I confirmed, peering up at him through my blonde fringe.


"Okay, I'm not retelling this. Go ask 'im," I refused, looking ahead as a restaurant came into view. "McDonald's anyone?"

I wasn't being serious. I could tell by the looks on their faces that neither were willing to dish out money on that crap. I hated it as a child and still did.

"I'd rather live past thirty, thanks," Josh refused with a grimace.

"Mhm," Jona confirmed.

"Right on," I agreed as I looked around again.

I watched Matt Barnes walk by with Chris, their heads close as the talked animatedly. I was surprised to not hear Bring Me the Horizon's screamer shouting his lungs out like he usually did. Even when off stage, he was a fucking monster.

"I'm shocked," I spoke up finally.

"Hm?" the two guys frowned.

"Yeh screamer," I continued looking straight ahead. "I actually can't 'ear 'im for once."

Jona cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck as we passed by the McDonald's. "Do you have a problem with my screamer and his brother or what?"

"He's just way too loud," I replied glancing over my shoulder at them.

My gaze locked with Tom's. He looked me straight in eyes, nodding his head absentmindedly as he listened to his brother. Surprisingly he was the first to break contact, looking up at his brother's drummer, Matt Nicholls. I glanced at Nicholls, my eyes meeting his as well. He eyed me suspiciously a few seconds before turning back to Tom and Oli.

Rolling my eyes, I returned my attention to the men walking with me. Jona was quiet, glancing down at me now and then. I bit back a bitchy remark, hating the unnecessary attention he was giving me.

"Oi, what about 'ere?" someone shouted up ahead.

We looked toward the voice. Chris and Matt were standing before a small diner. They waved us over, Matt meeting us half way.

"They've got vegan dishes," he said, directing it at Jona.

"Alrigh', this place is fine, then," Jona agreed.

We waited for the rest of the group to catch up before entering. I stood at the front of the group, watching several waitresses walk right by. They glanced at us each time, never stopping to sit us down. I was about ready to say screw it when a girl in her late teens finally approached us.

"How many?" she asked, her gaze flicking over the faces before her.

I looked over my shoulder, counting quickly. I turned back with my answer, opening my mouth to speak. Someone beat me to it.

"Twelve," he replied. I looked over, annoyed.

"I could've told her," I snapped as the girl left to search for our spots.

"Wha's so wrong with me responding?" Tom argued.

"I was about to," I snapped back.

"Alright," the girl said as she returned. "So I've got two tables that would be able to fit five if you guys are willing to squeeze in or pull up a chair and I've got a two-seater right by them. You taking them or...?"

"Tha's fine," Tom confirmed.

Nodding, the hostess grabbed twelve menus and led the way into the diner. Tom walked ahead, his brother joining him. The man glanced back at me, a smirk on his face as he leaned in close to his brother's ear to say something. Tom looked at him then back at me. He rolled his eyes before pausing behind the girl as she set the menus out.

I watched the two bands steal the booths, pulling chairs up to the ends and sitting together as they flipped through the menus. I glanced at the last table which was obviously occupied by Tom.

"Oi, yeh can sit," Oli called to me from his spot by the window.

I glared, flipping him off before taking a seat across from his little brother. Tom glanced up at me before returning his gaze to the menu. I opened mine, skimming through it patiently.

By the time I'd gotten halfway through, a middle aged woman appeared at You Me at Six's table, taking their orders. I leaned forward, my elbows resting on the table as I pulled my bangs up and out of my face. I closed my eyes, running a hand over my face before looking up to find the woman looking down at me. She smiled gently.

"Yeh want anythin' t' drink, love?" she asked.

I looked up, smiling back weakly before nodding. "Water's good."

She eyed me for a second before jotting down what I'd asked for. She leaned down, her fingers gripping my menu. She pulled it away gently and flipped to the last page.

"Yeh seem a little off," she commented. "If anythin' just have the soup, okay dear?"

I glanced up, shocked by the tone her voice had taken. "T-thank you."

"Any time, sweetie," she replied, turning to Tom. "What about you?"

"I'll take a coffee, please," he replied.

"Alright, comin' right up," she replied before walking back to the kitchens.

"That bad?" he inquired. I glanced up.


"Yeh're feelin' that shitty?" he replied. I laughed softly at his choice of words before burying my face in my hands.

"Yeah," I sighed, letting out a breath.

I looked through the soups they had. I spotted cream of mushroom but quickly crossed that one off my list. Bad experience with dairy when I was feeling like this. Very bad.

"So what is it, then?" he frowned. "Lack o' sleep? A cold?"

I looked up. "It's none of your business, tha's wha'. "

"Alrigh', I was just askin'," he defended.

I turned back to the menu, debating between tomato soup and vegetable. I settled on vegetable, closing my menu and leaning back in my seat. The woman came by again, stopping to ask Nicholls for his order first before finishing off that table. She did the other booth next then turned to us, looking at me.

"Ready?" she asked, holding her notepad up as she asked.

"Yes," I smiled, flipping through the menu to the last page. "I'll take the vegetable soup with a glass of Sprite."

"Alright, dear," she smiled before turning to Tom. "What about you, hon?"

"Yeah, uh...I'll take the same thing as her, please? With a coke, though," he ordered.

"No problem," she said as she took our menus.

"Thank you," I smiled.

She smiled back before taking the rest of the menus and walking off. The silence following was thick, awkward. I heard Tom shift in his seat as I stared out the window next to Oli.

"Listen," Tom finally said, "I really am sorry for what happened last night."

I rolled my eyes. "Please, Sykes, don't even bother. Yeh're a damn creeper in my eyes and that's that. Apologize all yeh wan'. It won' change a thing."

"But what's wrong with takin' photos of yeh?" he asked. "I doubt I was the only one doing it."

"I won' see the others again," I replied, crossing my arms. "You, on the other hand, will be around a good few months. I'd rather not walk in on yeh jackin' off to my photo, thanks."

"Yeh kiddin', righ'?" he laughed. I looked at him.

"Do I look like I'm kiddin'?" I replied.

"Wow, I'm no' some pervert," he denied.

"Tha's what they all say," I scoffed.

"Alrigh', how's this," he started, leaning in. "I'm not that desperate."

"Really now? Then please let me know why yeh need photos of me?"

"Cause yeh look good on camera," he replied, "and I needed photos of a girl for my class."

The woman came back with our food, setting ours before us before serving the others and walking off. I looked up, realizing I hadn't seen his reaction to my statement. His cheeks were slightly flushed making me grin widely. He rolled his eyes, stirring his soup before taking a sip of the broth. I did the same, glad that this silence wasn't as bad as the earlier one.

We finished quickly, the lady bringing our bills. Tom looked at me while getting money out of his wallet.

"How yeh feelin' now?"

"Better," I answered, leaving a five dollar tip for the woman. She'd given the best service I'd ever seen.

We paid her before leaving. Josh chased after me as I walked away from the building, slowing to a walk beside me.

"Jackin' off to a photo of yeh?" he laughed. "Really?"

My cheeks flushed at his words. "Christ yeh 'eard that?!"

"Everyone did, love," Oli smirked as he walked up behind me, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "Should really learn to keep yeh voice down."

"Hey, first of all, who gave yeh permission to touch me?" I asked, shrugging his tattooed limb off my shoulder. "Second, do not talk to me about keeping my voice down."


I got through the rest of the day quickly. By the time soundcheck came around I was feeling better, a lot better. Now, though, I was standing back stage watching as Our Last Night played their set energetically with a crowd screaming along as they got through the songs.

A flash from behind me caught my attention making me turn around. I rolled my eyes at the sight. Tom Sykes was once again with his camera, standing behind me with a smirk on his face as I glared at him.

"Yeh serious?" I shouted at him over the music.

"What? Yeh're not the only one in the picture," he defended.

"I don' care, jus' stop takin' pictures of me," I snapped back.

Looking back at the stage, I watched as the vocalist shouted a goodbye to the crowd. He walked off with his bandmates while their crew ran on to remove their equipment.

I waited for them to finish off before heading on myself and getting to work on the guitars and mics. I grabbed Max's guitar, tuning it quickly before plugging it into an amp. I played a few notes, strummed a few chords. I motioned up to the sound guy each time adjustments were needed. I moved on, grabbing Chris' guitar and doing the same.

After finishing with the guitars I moved center stage to the lead microphone. I brought my lips up to it and said 'hey' a few times, motioning up to show that we needed more volume on the monitors.

I repeated the task with the backup mic before grabbing the guitar and walking off stage. I handed the guitars to their proper owners before moving to the others, tuning those and bringing them to the back of the stage where I could reach them when necessary. I glanced at the drum tech as I walked off, mouthing, "done?"

He nodded, getting up and following me backstage. I looked to the backstage manager and gave him a thumbs up. He pulled the walkie talkie to his lips and messaged lights, saying we were ready.

The lights dimmed right after and the guys walked onstage as the stage lights came on. The crowd shouted excitedly like they always did.

I stood quietly watching the set unfold before me. A good few songs into the set, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. A shriek slipped past my lips as I looked back at who it was.

"Fuck," I groaned. "What will it take for you to leave me the hell alone?"

"A couple more photos so I can jack off backstage," he replied.

"Urgh," I grimaced, trying to push him off. He chuckled.

"Do you really think I am that desperate?"

"Do yeh really want my honest answer?" I asked.

"Give me a break, Willow," he scoffed. "I could 'ave any girl in that audience. Just say the right words and they'll swoon at my feet. 'Ell, I'll just be in their presence and they'll want in my pants."

"Than go find yourself a nice hooker and leave me alone," I snapped hopefully.

"No," he refused, his arms tightening around my waist.

I tried pulling out of his grip only to have him tighten it. Finally giving up, I turned back to the stage and watched my friends' performance. I did my best to ignore the fact that his body was pressed right up against my back and the way his fingers were tracing circles just above my naval, creeping down slowly toward the waist band of my pants. My hands shot down and pulled his back up.

"Don't even think about it," I hissed at him.
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There's the next one. Next chapter might be a little slower to get up but hopefully it'll be up by the weekend. Comment and subscribe? how's the accent?