Status: Active

Beautiful Lie

What happened last night?

My anger flared as I wiped my lips, disgusted. He tasted so badly of alcohol it made me sick. I couldn’t believe the fuck had the nerve to kiss me!

I pushed my way through the crowd, ignoring the pounding music and making my way to the bathroom. I yanked the door open only to find none other than Oli Sykes in there with a girl sitting on the counter. I growled and slammed the door not feeling like arguing with him. I turned on my heel and left the bus, sprinting to mine.

I got to it and climbed up the steps after opening the door. I let it ease shut behind me, looking around the dark living quarters. I slipped through, evading the obstacles between me and my bunk. I switched on the light, squinting as I searched for my clothes.

I grabbed a t-shirt from my bed and stared at it, shrugging before walking to the bathroom and opening the door. Closing the door behind me, I slipped my current top over my head and dropped it to the floor. All I wanted was to have something clean on my body rather than that sweat covered, smoke stinking shirt I’d been wearing since this morning.

I was washing my hands when I heard a light knock at the door. I froze, looking up as the door opened slowly. Stepping back, I looked around to find some sort of weapon only to hear a voice call before I could act.

“Willow?” Josh called quietly, poking his head through.

“Yes?” I replied, relaxing a little bit as I moved aside.

He slipped into the room, shutting the door behind his back as he turned his gaze on me. He tilted his head to the side, his frown reaching his eyes as he took in my dishevelled appearance.

“What’d ‘e do this time?” he frowned, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the door.

“Nothin’,” I denied as I turned back to the mirror, grabbing a brush.

“Mhm,” he sighed, nodding slowly, “tha’s complete bullshit.”

“’Ow’s tha’?” I snapped back, glaring.

“Yeh get way to offended, love,” he answered. “Wha’s goin’ on with you two?”

“Oh for Christ’s sake, nothing!” I repeated angrily.

“Yet yeh’re gettin’ angry,” he sighed, shaking his head disapprovingly.

“So what if I’m getting mad?” I exclaimed. “Yeh’re bein’ a downrigh’ pain in my ass!”

“No, I’m not,” he denied, shaking his head. “You are simply bein’ overly defensive over nothin’.”

“Go to ‘ell,” I snapped, walking around him and exiting the room.

“Willow,” he sighed, reaching for my arm. I jerked away, glaring.

“Don’ touch me,” I snapped at him.

“Will,” he repeated.

“Don’ call me tha’,” I interrupted as I walked toward my bunk.

I pulled myself up into it and pushed the sheets down, slipping under them. Josh didn’t give up. He stood by my bedside, his gaze burning into my back as he waited for me to cave. He knew I wouldn’t hold up against him. I never did.

Growling lightly, I rolled over to look at him. “He kissed me.”

His eyes widened as his jaw dropped. I rolled my eyes and hid my face as my cheeks burned from the anger boiling up inside me. I gripped my pillow, biting it to keep from screaming. I felt his fingers brushing my back, his arm draping over my shoulder.

“Talk to me,” he pleaded.

“There’s nothin’ to say,” I denied, pushing up onto my forearms as I stared down at my pillow. “He’s drunk, remember? I teased him-”

“Yeh wha’?” Josh exclaimed, shocked.

“No, no’ like tha’!” I exclaimed, cheeks burning. “I told him he wouldn’t have the balls to do anything. Then to prove a poin’ ‘e kissed me.”

“Wha’s so bad about tha’?” he asked, looking at me.

“Are yeh kiddin’?!” I asked, amazed.

“Nothin’ wrong with wonderin’,” he defended with a shrug.

“’E’s a fuckin’ ass, tha’s wha’s wrong with it!” I snapped back.

“You don’t know that, Willow,” Josh sighed as he climbed into the bunk across from me.

“The fucker forced himself onto me!” I snapped.

“Yeh pushed ‘im, didn’ yeh?” he cut in. “The guy is drunk and yeh tellin’ ‘im he doesn’ ‘ave the balls to kiss yeh. You were askin’ for it.”

“Yeh’re supposed t’ side with me, Josh!” I exclaimed angrily.

“Willow, that’s jus’ immature,” he snapped, glaring. “Yeh should know about maturity most in this group.”

I froze as the words drifted to me, sinking in as I stared. I slowly lowered myself back onto the bed and rolled over, my back toward him. I heard him stammer a weak apology, his hand resting on my shoulder. I shrugged him off.

“Leave me alone,” I interrupted, closing my eyes.


The bus jolted, snapping me out of my sleep. I gasped, shooting up only to bash my head on the top of my bunk. I growled, hunkering down as I rubbed my forehead, glaring at the ceiling. I heard a snicker from outside my bunk and spun around to look. I groaned when I spotted Oli staring at me with a smirk on his face.

“The fuck are yeh doin’ on my bus?!” I shrieked. He winced and I remembered him on his bus last night, drunk off his ass.

“Oh, watch it yeh bitch!” he grumbled, holding his forehead.

“No, the fuck are yeh doin’ on meh bus?” I repeated louder.

“God damn it,” he groaned as he walked off.

I rubbed my forehead as he escaped, searching for medicine to nurse his hangover. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of bed, stumbling as the bus jolted again.

“Careful, love,” someone called, grabbing my arm to steady me. I sighed, leaning back against the person.

“Thanks,” I replied as I glanced back.

I froze as our eyes met. His brilliant blue gaze bore into mine, searching it curiously as he held onto my bunk for balance. I gulped, yanking my arm from his hand. He let go, raising his hand in defence.

“Don’ touch me,” I snapped.

“So yeh’d rather fall on your ass?” he frowned, brows quirking.

“Yes,” I replied, teeth gritting.

“Hm,” he nodded. “Alright, I’ll keep tha’ in mind next time.”

“Why the fuck are you on my bus anyway?” I asked angrily.

“Dragged ‘im ‘ere once ‘e started pukin’,” Jona called from the living area.

I grimaced, leaning away from the youngest Sykes. He groaned, rubbing his forehead awkwardly.

“Tha’s no’ true,” he denied. “We stopped and I came on.”

“Wha’ time is it?” I asked.

“Nearly twelve, actually,” he replied.

“Twelve?!” I shrieked.

“For the love of all that is holy, would yeh shut the fuck up?!” Oli shrieked from the bathroom as he exited.

“Yeh should learn to quit the drinkin’,” I snapped back, purposely raising my voice. He glared.

“Fuck you,” he grumbled.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my stuff and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed, wrapping my hair in a towel. I slipped back out and walked to the kitchen, pulling down food for breakfast. Tom and Jona were sitting before the T.V. staring at the screen playing video games. It suddenly seemed to click that something was missing, that something being my band.

“Where’s my band?” I asked, turning to look at them as I started eating.

“Our bus,” Jona answered.

“Did yeh guys trade without me knowin’ or somethin’?” I frowned as I took another bite.

“Nah, just swapped for the ride in,” Tom replied, slanting me a look before turning back to the game.

“I’m going to sleep,” Oli grumbled.

I looked up immediately. “You puke, you clean.”

“I won’ puke,” he snapped back.

“Jus’ makin’ sure yeh know,” I replied as I eyed the back of his head.

“So, what happened las’ nigh’?” Tom asked, glancing between Jona and me.

I froze at the mention of the night before. The memories came rushing back. I felt my anger boil up again as I looked down at Tom. He seemed to notice my sudden change of mood, his gaze moving up to meet mine. His eyes widened, glancing at Jona in shock. Jona stared at the screen, ignoring his friend’s distressed look.

“What?” he frowned.

“Yeh’re a downright fuckin’ ass, yeh know tha’?” I snapped back, dropping my empty bowl into the sink as I hopped off the counter.

"Wha'?" he asked, shocked.

"Fuck you," I hissed, walking past.

He called after me but I ignored him, walking into the bathroom. I locked the door, pulling out my makeup kit. I always did this when my mood fell to the floor. It brought me up, gave me something new to concentrate on. I pulled the towel off my head and passed a brush through my blonde locks, clicking my tongue as I flipped my head upside down to dry it.

I spent the next twenty minutes drying my hair before flipping it and moving onto makeup. I added eye shadow, a few shades that I blended together. The girly side of me soared at the sight of my dolled up appearance. I reached into my bag, pulling out the eyeliner which I added in quickly before continuing to fix my hair.

Once I finished up, I opened the door and walked out again. I looked back into the living room. There was no one. I realized we'd stopped moving meaning they had probably all gone into the venue. I walked to my bunk, aiming to dump my things only to shriek instead.

Tom's hand shot out, covering my mouth. He gripped my arms gently and pulled me in carefully. I fought back, growling at him. He won, managing to get me on the bed and pinned to the back wall.

"What the 'ell are yen doin' in my damn bunk?" I hissed angrily.

"We need to talk," was all he said in response, leaning out to check for intruders.


"Now," he confirmed, his eyes confirming as well.

I rolled my eyes, leaning back. "Make it quick."
♠ ♠ ♠
there's my chapter. enjoy! Subscribe and comment please? thanks for reading :D