The Dark Side of the Planet

Ends Tonight

The Doctor tried helping Solari off the floor, but try as she might, Solari couldn't stand up.

"Don't waste you strength Doctor, she has been poisoned."

"Rassilon why?! You said it yourself she was the best!"

"I'm surprised to hear you say that Doctor, after all, she did try to murder you."

"Yes Rassilon, but she is so much more, can't you see that?"

"She is nothing but a traitor To Gallifrey Doctor, just like you."

Rassilon snapped his fingers and several guards surrounded them.

Tightening his embrace, The Doctor placed his lips to Solari's ear, and whispered ever so silently.

"No matter how much it hurts, think about earth."

If Solari wasn't in pain, she would have nodded. Painfully, she shut her eyes, and thought about their date.

"Rassilon, if you're going to kill the Time Senshi, you might want to shut down her powers first." with a grin on his face, The Doctor took a device out of his suit jacket, and slammed it against the floor. Disappearing in a flash of smoke.

They reappeared in the very alleyway Solari had when her motive was murder.

The Doctor eased up on his embrace, and leaned Solari against the wall. "hold on Solari, I need to go to the TARDIS to get the counterreactant." he stood up, and with a solum expression on his face, turned, and ran to where he last left the TARDIS.

Throwing the doors open, he dashed to the infirmary, and began looking for the serrum. "c'mon c'mon! Where is it?! AHA!"

Grabbing the vial, he ran outside, back to Solari, only to skid violently to a halt, and gasped loudly, "NO!"

Solari was lying in a pool of her own blood.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, to Gallifreyian guards grabbed his arms, wretched the vial from his grasp, and forced him to kneel.

Slowly, Rassilon walked infront of him, took the vial from the guard. "Impressive Doctor, but did you really think that you could save her? You won't even be able to save yourself." Rassilon held the vial over his gauntlet. The gauntlet began glowing, and the serrum changed from a light blue to a dull red.

"What did you do Rassilon?!"

"Oh just changed the chemical makeup so your life saving serum no longer saves lives but ends them." Rassilon snapped his fingers, and a third guard tilted The Doctor's head back, and forced his mouth open. Standing over him, Rassilon pulled the stopper, and began tilting the vial downward.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I took the ACT today, and I'm celebrating by writing the chapter that should give the fic the reason for the "R" rating. ( and also because the test didn't eat me alive).