The Real Stories

The Begining

"No, I won't."
"Oh come on! Have you got a better idea?" Sash asked
"No, but I know that if we do this then we are going to get into a whole lot more trouble than we already are!" Merca argued
"Thats true." Charity said. "I mean, if we write a book about it then someone will think that a bunch of teenagers made up, will they?"
"Yeah," Storm said, it was the first thing she had said the whole night. "But who would belive it all anyway. Some of your stories, we could write about and no one would guess that they were real."
"No! If we are going to do it then do it properly! Everyones stories, written in here." Sash said, slaming a large book on the table.
"So what do you think we should do, Forest?" Seth turned and looked at me. I gulped, picked up a pen and opened the book at the front page. I wrote-
These are the children, Storm, Seth, Josh, America, Sash and Charity. This is the place where they tell the truth, you may not belive it but this is how it is. Don't forgett they are children, and they have seen these things. This is the story of-
I paused, wondering who to write first. "I'll go." Someone said, i looked up and they had their hand up. I finshed my sentance
This is the story, the first story, this is Storms story.
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This is just the begining, there are many more chapters to come. I actually first wrote this on my typewriter at midnight last night.