The Real Stories

Snake Bites

“GOD you are so annoying!” I shouted “It’s just a jumper!” I said throwing my favorite jumper into the back seat of the car. I slammed the door shut
“Hey you can get angry at me, but don’t take it out on the Mercedes!” Dad laughed, He does that a lot. Laughing at his own jokes, I sometimes laugh at them too. Not now. He had really annoyed me. “We’d better be getting to confession.” He said walking to the church doors.
For all those who don’t know, confession is when you go to a priest and tell him your sins and he forgives you. Normally in a little box called a confessional, personally, I hate confession. Having to tell the priest what you’ve done, who you hurt and all that stuff. I was sitting in confession with Fr. Goodspell, I was about to tell him about when I called the girl with braces in my class “brace face” when someone banged on the door of the confessional and shouted “Jesus! Would ya hurry up?”
“Get lost, gods sake,” I shouted back “Forgive me father.” I said to Fr. Goodspell
“You are forgiven, my child.” I hate it when priests call you “My child”. Umm, excuse me, but im not YOUR child!
“Oh, my god! HURRY UP!” The voice said again banging on the door. That was it. I opened the door and said “Look, I know you want to spill out your heart to this guy too, but I was here first! SO would you bloody wait?” I slammed the door shut, not even looking at the guy before I did so.
I turned to the priest and then realized that I had nothing else to say. So I said my confession prayer and opened the door. I said to the guy “After you, your maje-“ I stopped my sentence when I saw who it was. I didn’t know him but his outfit told me everything I needed to know. He had a tee-shirt that was black with I love this t-shirt (it’s my favorite) written on it, that made me laugh. He had a beanie hat on that said “Fire at will” on it in blood red writing, some baggy jeans barely held up by a belt with “fall out boy” written on it and some red converse just to finish the whole “Hardcore” look. I felt a bit embarrassed with what I was wearing at the time, my hair was in a side pony (so it didn’t show the blue streaks through it) my Sunday dress (a pink dress with rose pattern on it) and some sandals. I knew then that I was embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks glow.
“It’s ok, tinker bell, I’m not very….Religious.” The boy said shrugging
“Then why are you in a church.” I said walking past him and nudging his shoulder
“Oh, maybe to get out of the dark. Do you know what is out there?” He laughed
“Do you? You don’t look like the type to be scared of the dark” I looked at his outfit. He didn’t give off that innocent look
“I’ve got a lot of fears. Do you?” He winked at me “Plus, with all this spooky stuff going on, it’s bound to start raining.” He finished walked away. I took a step forwards to follow. But I didn’t. I knew he was just having a laugh. So, I went back to my seat and waited for my dad to come back. I watched the boy walk out. My legs made me stand up
“Where are you going?” My little brother asked pulling the bottom of my dress as I stood up
“Toilet.” I lied walking towards the exit.
I followed where I thought the boy was going
“Why so fast, tinker bell?” A voice said from behind me. It was him.

I turned around and tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind.
“No idea…” I said walking towards him.
“That makes two of us then!” He laughed. So did I. Then I did that girly twirling your hair with your fingers. I stopped myself and coughed. I looked at him again. He had taken off his hat to show his jet black hair he ruffled it and put his fringe in the right place. Many people would have said it was “Emo” hair. I would say it was….Emo. But it really was, it was short at one side and longer on the other and his fringe covered his left eye. But below the fringe, there were some cuts and scrapes. I ignored these but then I saw some huge scars along the top of his shoulder. He saw me looking at them, “Oh, skateboarding accident.” He rubbed his shoulder. “My name is Josh.” He said flicking his hair, not in any way as to getting it out of his face.
“Elizabeth” I said “But, please, call me Eliza.”
“No, I’ll call you…..” He looked me up and down and then walked round me in a circle. He tapped his bottom lip like he was thinking hard about it. It was hard to keep a straight face. “Storm, or possibly blue.” He said finally. I rose and eyebrow, “Why?” I asked
“Well…” He started, I could tell this was going to be a long list so I walked over and leaned on a wall. He came over and lent on the wall sideways so he was looking at me. I pretended that I wasn’t listening by staring at the ceiling, but really I was quite happy to hear why he thought I should be called Storm or blue.
“You obviously hate wearing that…outfit, you have your hair in a side ponytail which means you are probably trying to hide the fact that you have some form of color in your hair,” He said flicking my hair. I looked at him angrily but he didn’t buy it and continued with his speech “And because I was right behind you when you were coming into church I saw that you were wearing a Revenge jumper in you car which your Dad made you take off. You seem to have a very low opinion of yourself and I can see why.” He smirked. My face went red with fury. I punched him hard. “Bet you’ve wanted to do that for a long time to someone, haven’t you?” He said
“Yeah…” I said softly
“But never been able to let it out, so instead you run away. You’ve ran away before haven’t you?” He asked
“Yeah, never for long though. Just a night maybe…How…How did you know?” I asked
“That doesn’t matter.” He said
“Tell me or I’ll-“ I raised my fist
“And just then you proved why I wanted to call you Storm. You have a temper that you can’t let out, until someone you barely know mentions it and it bursts out like a storm, Storm” He said. And he was right. But I wanted to know more “Why blue?” I asked
“It’s the color in your hair.” He said laughing “That one was pretty simple, Storm.” He walked slowly past me and to the doors. He stopped just as he got to them and turned around and said “Hey Storm!”
“What?” I answered; I was getting pretty tired of his speeches
“Don’t take anyone else’s crap, okay? Even if they are a strange skater boy you met in church!” He said walking backwards out the door. I smiled. I waved goodbye and he saluted me, which made me laugh. I turned around to walk back inside, I stopped and turned around again to look at the door. Josh was gone. The door was open showing a sheet of rain that must have started when we were in church. I wanted to run outside and follow Josh, go through the rain so I could talk to him. But I couldn’t just leave like that. Could I?

I MADE my decision after standing by the door like and idiot for about 3 minutes. I stepped outside, within 2 seconds my dress was soaked, and my hair dripping wet. I should have gone back inside and got a jacket or something, but I didn’t. I ran outside. My mind was going a mile a minute; I was running faster than I had ever run. I saw a small black figure, not to far ahead of me. I was sure it was Josh. I pulled the bobble out of my hair and ran faster. My hair plastering down on my back and my dress sticking to me. One of my sandals fell of as I was running. I stopped and picked it up. I didn’t bother wasting time by putting it back on, so I took the other sandal off too. I ran in my bare feet, in the rain, to go talk to a guy I had met 5 minutes ago. Was I crazy? No, I was determined. I had to find out how he knew all that stuff about me. The rain got heavy and the wind changed direction, the wind and rain where going against me but this made me more determined than ever.
I got meters away from Josh when I slipped in a puddle. I didn’t fall over but it was bad enough to make me lose balance. I couldn’t start running after I had stopped; the rain and wind had created a barrier so I could barely walk. I could still see Josh a bit further ahead of me now than he was at the beginning of our chase. I thought he might have guessed I was following him because he picked up his pace. I groaned and tried to run again but I didn’t have the energy.
I jogged at a steady pace but it wasn’t steady enough to catch up with Josh, he probably put his I-pod in and was listening to some heavy metal music so even if I had the strength to shout loud enough over the brewing storm for him to stop he wouldn’t hear me. I wiped the half sweat half rain off my forehead and started running again. I saw some traffic lights ahead of us to I stopped and started to walk again, but Josh kept on running.
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I'm not to happy with this chapter, others are better though