Status: Please comment :)

Save Me

Truthful Arguments & Standstill Decisions

RaeLynn awoke with the hangover from hell. Her head pounded to the point where she thought it would split open and her mouth was extremely dry. Her vision was slightly doubled, but she proceeded to somewhat walk to the bathroom she assumed was hers. That is until she saw who was already occupying said bathroom. A girl stood in front her in nothing but underwear and a shirt that looked at least two sizes too big. Her makeup was smudged and her hair looked like she’d just rolled out from under some guy in bed. The girl looked familiar to RaeLynn, but she was too hung over to pinpoint where she’d seen the girl. RaeLynn groaned and stumbled her way downstairs into what she’d hoped would be the kitchen.

“Where the hell am I? This clearly is not my house.” RaeLynn thought to herself and her confusion increased when she saw Matt drinking coffee in the kitchen. RaeLynn stood in the doorway of the kitchen, confused and unsure as to what to say. Matt decided to break the tense silence.

“I see you’re awake.” Matt stated while offering RaeLynn a cup of coffee and some aspirin. His voice held no emotion and that made RaeLynn shift uncomfortably. RaeLynn accepted the cup of coffee along with the aspirin and mumbled an inaudible thanks. She quickly took the medicine and downed the coffee in hopes that it was calm her raging hangover. She cleared her throat before speaking.

“Who’s the chick upstairs?” RaeLynn questioned, earning a chuckle and a raised eyebrow from Matt. Matt placed his cup in the sink before leaning against the counter and crossing his arms.

“Her name is Destiny and I met her last night. We danced, she gave me her number, I invited her back to my place, and the rest is history.” Matt answered smugly. RaeLynn’s eyes flashed with anger as memories began to form in her mind piece by piece like a jigsaw puzzle. The picture of Matt dancing seductively with the girl upstairs popped into her mind causing her to wince slightly and look of hurt appeared on her face. She quickly disguised the look with one of disgust and began wondering around Matt’s kitchen.

“Huh…that must be why she looks like a hooker who just got done with her daily job.” RaeLynn spat. Matt flashed a death glare her way and RaeLynn smirked.

“You have no right to judge her like that. You don’t even fucking know her. At least she knows who she wants to be with. She doesn’t toy with people’s emotions.” Matt retorted through clenched teeth. His hands involuntarily balled into fists and his anger level was rising beyond control. RaeLynn’s breath hitched and her eyes watered with unwanted tears. She had to admit…Matt’s comment hurt like a bitch and she wanted nothing more than to hurt him back, but she was at a loss for words.

“Exactly, so the next time you decide to judge someone, look in the fucking mirror. ‘Cause you’re not as perfect as you make everyone believe.” Matt spat just as Destiny made her presence known. Matt’s eyes stayed locked with RaeLynn’s as Destiny spoke.

“Hey, baby. Who is this?” Destiny asked as she wrapped her arms around Matt’s waist. Matt placed a chaste kiss on top of Destiny’s head and pulled her close to him.

“You don’t need to know her. She’s no one of importance. How about we go back upstairs and have a replay of last night.” Matt stated while keeping his eyes locked with RaeLynn’s. RaeLynn bit her tongue to keep in the obscenities that were threatening to pour from her mouth. Her anger rose even more when she heard a giggle from Destiny.

“I would love that, baby. I’ll be upstairs.” Destiny said with a seductive edge in her voice. Matt pecked her lips and watched her walk upstairs.

“You’re sick.” RaeLynn whispered with as much malice as she could place in those two words. Matt rolled his eyes and faced her. He could practically see steam pouring from RaeLynn’s ears like a cartoon character.

“I’m not the one who’s messed up here.” Matt commented harshly while he closed the distance between himself and RaeLynn. He braced himself against the wall when her back hit the wall, instantly trapping her. A whimper escaped her lips when she saw the amount of rage and hatred held in Matt’s eyes.

“You’re mad at me because I brought a girl to my house. You’re mad at me because I refused to shower you with attention last night at the club. You’re mad at me because of the mistake you made, RaeLynn.” Matt whispered as he looked RaeLynn in her eyes. RaeLynn gritted her teeth and balled her hands into fists. She refused to give Matt the satisfaction of winning over her. If an argument is what he wanted, an argument is what he was gonna get.

“I didn’t make a mistake. Choosing Chris over you was the best thing I ever did, making you the best thing I never had.” RaeLynn spat with venom covering every word. Matt growled slightly. RaeLynn’s comment was like a slap in the face, but he didn’t let it show.

“If Chris is the best thing that’s ever happened to you, why does he feel the need to hit you? Why do you insist on living in fear every day? You’re terrified of your own boyfriend, RaeLynn, and that’s not healthy. No girl should be scared to death of her own boyfriend. If you think Chris loves you, then you’re stupid as hell. The last thing Chris feels for you is love. He’s only staying with you because he knows that he can control you. He knows that he has you wrapped around his finger and he knows that you’ll bow down to his every command. You would put a fucking bullet through your own brain if he told you to do so because you’re afraid of what he would do to you if you refused. Chris doesn’t love you, RaeLynn. Chris loves being in control of you and you’re only adding fuel to the fire by being with him.” Matt spoke truthfully with malice evident in his voice. Tears of anger rolled down RaeLynn’s cheeks from Matt’s words and her anger became more prominent when she realized that Matt was telling her something she should’ve understood a long time ago.

“You think its easy being with him?! You think I enjoy being with someone who physically and verbally abuses me every fucking day?! Well, you’re wrong as fuck because I don’t enjoy it, Matt! You think I don’t know that Chris doesn’t love me?! I know! You talk to me about this as if you know what happens behind closed doors, but you don’t! You have no idea what I go through every day while I’m in the same proximity as him! I have to walk on eggshells and be cautious of what I say to him every damn day and that’s far from easy!” RaeLynn practically screamed while tears were violently escaping from her eyes.

“Then why do you keep running back to him, RaeLynn?! Do you think that he’s going to walk through the front door one day and magically love you?! It’s not gonna happen, it’s never gonna happen. He’s never gonna love you! The only thing Chris cares about is keeping you in your place! He loves seeing you in pain, begging for mercy! Your boyfriend is a controlling, sadistic psychopath and you’re brushing the abuse off like it’s nothing!” Matt replied angrily, his eyes flashing with rage. He took a deep breath before speaking again.

“Chris is not the right person for you, RaeLynn, don’t you get that? He’s never gonna change and the longer you stay with him, the more pain he’s gonna put you in. He could kill you, RaeLynn, and you know it.” Matt whispered, anger still somewhat evident in his voice.

“I don’t need you protecting me. I’m a big girl; I can take care of myself.” RaeLynn responded. Matt shook his head and pulled RaeLynn close to him. RaeLynn tried to push him away, but his grip tightened around her waist. A whimper escaped through RaeLynn’s lips and she looked up at Matt. A shiver ran through her when she took note of how close they were. One dip of his head and their lips would collide.

“You can’t protect yourself and you know it just as well as I do. He dropped you from a fucking balcony and if you think that was as far as he would go, you’re thinking wrong. Please don’t go back tonight. Stay here with me.” Matt murmured softly. RaeLynn shook her head and gently pushed Matt away from her.

“I love him, Matt. I know he causes me extreme pain, but…he’s my world. He may hit me and call me names, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t ever love me like I love him. I know the real Chris is there somewhere and I’m gonna find him even if it kills me.” RaeLynn mumbled and with that said, she walked to the front door and proceeded to leave. Little did she know that her relationship with Chris was about to take a dramatic turn for the worse.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is about two days late...I'm sorry.
I'm gonna try to update as much as I can this week. My mama is making me go to a wedding in Galveston this weekend, so no room for updates.
I hope you all liked this chapter.
Please, please, please, please, PLEASE comment.
I wanna know your thoughts about the story.