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Renewed Feelings & Fearful Anticipation

“You know. I’m tired of you running away, RaeLynn. You’re not doing anything but hurting the people who care about you. You’re so damn stubborn. Why do you insist on furthering your pain? He doesn’t love you and you know that. Rae, the guy treats you as his own personal punching bag and you don’t do anything about it. You stick up for him. You make excuses for the bruises he causes you. Damn it, RaeLynn, the guy acts like he owns you. To him, you’re more of a possession than a human being. He has a bitch fit if you’re within 50 feet of another guy. I’m surprised he doesn’t have spies around the school, looking out to see if there’s anything they can report back to him. Sweetie, I’m hurting. You’re obviously not following me and I’m your heart for fuck’s sake. I know the truth before you do. Hell, I don’t even know if you’re following your brain. I don’t know what the hell you’re doing anymore. Sweetie, when are you going to realize that you need someone who will cherish you and treat you like a girlfriend should be treated?”

RaeLynn banged her head against the tree she was currently sitting beside. The truthfulness of her words was starting to piss her off. Her migraine was increasing tenfold and her temples were throbbing. Even blinking seemed to amplify the intensity of the pain. RaeLynn groaned and searched through her backpack for the emergency Excedrin she usually carried around with her. The unbelievable fact that she had left the house without it made her migraine unbearable. The sunlight was excruciatingly painful and she could barely keep her eyes open. RaeLynn dropped her head in her hands as slight tears slid down her cheeks. The pain and the reality of her troubles were becoming too much.

“Hey. Are you okay?” A deep voice whispered in front of her. RaeLynn felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up through squinted eyes to see the gorgeous pools of liquid hazel staring back at her. Those mesmerizing eyes belonged to none other than Matthew Sanders, who was eye-level right in front of her. RaeLynn’s heart stopped. Her breath hitched. Her eyes stayed glued to his. Her headache seemed to reduce down to a numbing pain in the back of her skull. She couldn’t help but let herself drown in the sea of golden hazel in front of her. The seconds melted into minutes. Matt became quite concerned and it showed on his face as he gently shook RaeLynn’s shoulder to grasp her attention. His frown deepened when he saw the tears free-falling from RaeLynn’s eyes.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” RaeLynn blinked twice before snapping back into reality.

“What? Oh, umm…nothing. I just have a really bad headache. Nothing major. I’ll be fine.” RaeLynn mumbled under her breath with hope that Matt would believe her and leave her alone. Matt’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. RaeLynn had a feeling that he could see right through her façade and that scared her. She didn’t know what to do. She’d never been in this situation before except with her friends, who had been reading her like a book since 2nd grade. But, Matt was different. Matt could decode her hidden messages without so much as getting stumped and that made RaeLynn extremely uncomfortable. When Matt simply shrugged, a sigh of relief escaped RaeLynn's lips.

“Well, look. It’s almost time for 6th period to start and I’m sure you’ve missed lunch. So, how about I take you to get something to eat?” Matt suggested. RaeLynn played her fingers for a moment before nodding sheepishly.

“Cool, let’s go. I bet you're starved.” Matt stated as he stood up and offered his hand to RaeLynn. RaeLynn blushed slightly and took his hand in hers and followed him to his car. Matt helped RaeLynn into the passenger seat and proceeded to drive to their desired food destination. The ride was comfortably silent except for the whisper of music pouring from Matt’s radio system. RaeLynn gnawed on her lip and played with her fingers as she looked out the passenger side window. Matt noticed this behavior and slightly frowned from concern. He knew something was wrong with RaeLynn, but he refused to pressure her into telling him. He didn’t know why he felt the irresistible urge to care for her and protect her. He didn’t even know why he’d offered to take her out for a late lunch. The only knowledge he’d acquired about the girl currently occupying the passenger seat of his car was her grade level and her name. Sure, he’s noticed her around school and they shared nearly all of their music classes together, but he never took the time out to get to know her like a friend would. He’s contemplated the option many times before, after noticing how she occasionally winced when one of her friends patted her back or grabbed her arm to drag her off somewhere. He wondered why she would always wear long sleeved shirts and pants even when the temperature would sometimes reach 80 degrees. Matt realized that there was something about RaeLynn Meadows that drew him in. She seemed so shy and timid. So withdrawn and secluded. Like she was pleading for help, but didn’t want anyone to get close enough to know her darkest secrets.

Matt’s thoughts ceased when he pulled into the parking lot of Applebee’s. RaeLynn’s eyes widened at the site of the restaurant from unexpected shock, but she couldn’t help the blush that crept upon her cheeks. Matt cut the engine and they both got out of his car and walked into the restaurant. Matt requested a private booth in the non-smoking area of the restaurant and they were given menus after taking their seats. A waitress assisted them almost immediately and their food and drinks were served to them shortly after.

For the first time in two years, RaeLynn was having a good time with a guy. She didn’t know what is was about the guy sitting across from her, but she felt like she could trust him with her life. Although, that did not mean that she was going to confide in him anytime soon. No. It just meant that somewhere…deep down inside her, RaeLynn was being brought out of her shell. She could feel it. She was actually enjoying herself…and that was something she really needed. To have a good time without the necessity to walk on eggshells and be cautious of the words flowing out of her mouth.

Time passed quickly and before Matt or RaeLynn knew it, the sky had darkened in the world around them. RaeLynn became aware of this fact in the middle of their conversation and gasped.

“Shit! What time is it?!” RaeLynn quickly glanced at her phone and not only saw that it was 9:45 PM, which meant that she’d basically skipped a whole day of school, but she’d also had 5 missed calls and 10 new text messages. All from Chris.

“Oh my god. I…I have to leave. Umm…can you take me home, please?” Matt’s eyebrows furrowed in wonder and concern, but he didn’t question RaeLynn’s sudden need to run off. He quickly paid the bill, left a generous tip, and hurriedly followed RaeLynn out of the restaurant.

The ride was eerily silent. RaeLynn drummed her fingers on the glove console in anticipation and her right leg shook vigorously from fright. Matt pulled into the driveway of RaeLynn and Chris’ home and he cut the engine. His expression was one of curiosity and confusion when he saw another car in the driveway. He quickly dismissed it when he saw RaeLynn quickly unbuckling her seat beat and franctically grabbing her things. RaeLynn turned to Matt and gave him a weak, reassuring smile in hopes to make him believe that everything was okay even though tears were threatening to make their way down her cheeks.

“Thanks for lunch. I had a great time. I’ll see you tomorrow.” RaeLynn whispered in appreciation and she quickly scrambled out of Matt’s car. Matt watched RaeLynn as she walked into her house and closed the door behind her. He couldn’t help but take notice of the underlined tone of terror in RaeLynn’s voice and the way her voice cracked at the end of her goodbye.

Matt sighed as he started his car again and proceeded to drive to his house. He knew something was wrong with RaeLynn and he was determined to get down to the bottom of what truly was happening to RaeLynn Meadows.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry! School has been a bitch. Being in high school & college isn't all cupcakes and rainbows. I know this doesn't make up for it and I'll try my best to find more time to update.
& I'm losing subscribers...I need to know what I have to do to keep you guys interested in this story. Please comment and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.
RaeLynn's Outfit
Matt's Car