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Save Me

Argumentative Explosions & Intimate Moments

Matt couldn’t believe what he just saw. The bruises, the cuts, the scratches. All the explanations as to why RaeLynn winced in the restaurant when he squeezed her waist. All the reasons why she would whimper when her friends touched her. All the reasons why she was so secluded, so secretive, so reserved.

“RaeLynn…w-what happened to you? Who did this?” Matt whispered to the girl in front of him. RaeLynn pulled out of Matt’s grasp roughly and fixed her shirt. She leaned against the wall and folded her arms across her chest.

“Nothing happened. No one hurt me, no one did anything. I’m fine.” RaeLynn retorted through clenched teeth. She never thought her day was going to end up like this. Here she was trying to defend herself after the hottest guy in her school discovered her secret.

“Defending Chris…again.” RaeLynn’s conscience spoke causing a slight flinch to flash across her face.

That’s bullshit, RaeLynn and you fucking know it. Something is going on and I’m not taking you home until you tell me.” Matt replied angrily while he stomped towards RaeLynn and instantly trapped her against the wall. RaeLynn’s breath hitched. Her pulse quickened and her thoughts became jumbled. She wasn’t uncomfortable, but she wasn’t necessarily at ease either. She was experiencing something that she hadn’t felt in a long time and she liked it, but how was she going to keep up with this revived emotion?

“Matt…I can’t tell you. I can never tell you. I can never tell anyone. I can’t risk it. Plus, it was nothing.” RaeLynn mumbled while looking down at her shoes, which had suddenly become the most fascinating things on the planet. An aggravated sigh fell from Matt’s lips. RaeLynn whimpered slightly when Matt forced her to look into his eyes.

“RaeLynn…please. What I just saw isn’t ‘nothing’. Why are you afraid to tell me? I wanna help you.” Matt pleaded. A whimper left RaeLynn’s lips when she saw the amount of passion and care located in Matt’s eyes. She gasped when Matt’s hands found their way to her waist.

“Matt…I wanna tell you. God knows how much I wanna tell you, but…I-I can’t. It’s too…complicated. Just drop it.” A slight growl manifested its way through Matt’s lips from aggravation. RaeLynn’s constant refusal was starting to piss him off.

“Damn it, RaeLynn! Cut the crap, okay?! This is serious and I wanna fucking help you, but you’re not budging! You won’t cooperate, you won’t work with me! You expect me to drop something as severe as this?! You’re fucking wrong! And I’ll be damned before I let something worse happen to you!” Matt exclaimed. To say that he was angry was the understatement of the millennium. Matt wasn’t angry. He was no longer pissed off. He was infuriated. His hands were clenched into fists and he shaking slightly. He was gritting his teeth. He was doing everything in his right mind to calm himself down, but so far…nothing was working.

But, Matt wasn’t the only one fuming. RaeLynn was seething. She hated this. She knew that deep down she was hurting Matt by not telling him the truth, but he didn’t understand. He would never understand. She hated knowing that she was in a relationship with someone who didn’t love her, someone who she felt a deep connection for…someone she desperately needed to rid herself of. RaeLynn hated that Matt wanted to help her. He made her feel emotions that she hadn’t felt in a long time and quite honestly…RaeLynn was terrified and that feeling alone only added to her anger.

“It’s none of your fucking business as to how I got hurt, okay?! It’s no one’s business and it never will be anyone else’s business! Why can’t you just fucking let it go?!” RaeLynn screamed and Matt punched the wall behind her, finally exploding and causing RaeLynn to shy away from him.

“Because I fucking care about you, RaeLynn! Damn it, I care! I care about you in every fucking way possible and I’m not afraid to admit it!” Matt fought back and RaeLynn’s eyes glistened with tears. No one ever expressed their care for her that strongly which terrified her even more. Matt wasn’t like Chris. Matt was entirely different. There weren’t any traces of falsehood when he talked to her. She knew that every word that flowed out of Matt’s mouth was laced with the truth. He truly did care about her and she needed that. She craved that. RaeLynn allowed the tears to fall freely when she realized that the guy standing in front of her—no matter how angry he currently was with her—was offering her a chance at something new.

“I can’t go a day without worrying about you. You come into class every day with a smile on your face in hopes that everyone will believe you when you say that you’re fine. But, RaeLynn…you can’t keep masking the truth forever. Just let me in and I can help you with whoever is hurting you. Please.” Matt pleaded with his eyes closed. He was still angry to a degree, but the need to help RaeLynn overpowered every other emotion coursing through his body at that time.

“Matt…just drop it, okay? No one hurt me in any way, shape or form. There’s nothing you need to worry about. Can we just…leave now? Please?” RaeLynn spoke with her head down. Matt sighed from aggravation, but simply nodded and led RaeLynn to his car. His hand lightly grazed hers on the short walk and RaeLynn made the move of intertwining their fingers. Matt looked at her and smiled. He squeezed her hand lightly and they both got into Matt’s car. There was still a hint of tension floating around in the atmosphere of the vehicle, but they both tried to shake it off and keep the subject closed.

RaeLynn sighed when Matt pulled into the driveway of her home. As always, she dreaded going home. She didn’t want to leave Matt even after their argument at the restaurant. Matt lightly squeezed her hand again as if to tell her that everything was going to be okay. He was there for her and always would be. But, even Matt knew that RaeLynn wouldn’t be okay. He knew that she would show up with bruises adorning her body and in more pain than the previous day. He may not have known who was causing her to be in pain every day, but he was determined to find out. Even RaeLynn herself knew that she wouldn’t be okay. RaeLynn knew that as soon as she walked through the front door of her house, she would be met with anger-fueled pain and agony. Her grip tightened in Matt’s hand as tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn’t want to leave. She never wanted to leave. If she could, RaeLynn would stay with Matt Sanders forever. She wanted Matt to be the one she came home to every day. She wanted Matt to be the one who held her through the thunderstorms and the horror movies. She wanted Matt to be the one who loved her and cherished her.

Matt frowned when he saw RaeLynn crying. He reached over and wiped her tears away with the gentle stroke of his fingers. RaeLynn leaned into his caress and he gently cupped her cheek. Hazel eyes met deep brown as a silent promise passed from Matt to RaeLynn. I’ll take care of you. I promise. More tears escaped RaeLynn’s eyes at the realization of Matt’s promise. He was willing to help her, no matter how broken she was. But, she still couldn’t let him in. She could never let him in. No matter how much she wanted to tell him everything…she just couldn’t risk the possibility of Matt getting hurt. RaeLynn’s thoughts were interrupted when she saw Matt pull a napkin and a pen out of his glove compartment. She witnessed him write a phone number on the flimsy piece of paper.

“Here’s my number. I know there’s a chance you may never use it, but just in case you need me it’s there. I’m available day and night and I don’t care about time. Whenever you need me, I’m here.” RaeLynn blushed, but silently took the napkin from Matt and placed it in her book bag. Seconds ticked by...minutes ticked by. RaeLynn did not want to leave that car.

“Umm…can you do something for me?” RaeLynn asked timidly. Matt stroked the back of her hand with his thumb to soothe her. He knew she was battling something and he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible when around him.

“Anything.” Matt whispered. RaeLynn shakily took a deep breath and looked out the window as she spoke.

“Never leave me.” RaeLynn whispered as more tears cascaded down her cheeks. Matt’s eyes twinkled with tears as well and he gently cupped RaeLynn’s chin to make her look at him.

“Listen to me. For as long as I am living and breathing, I will never leave you. I’ll stay by your side until the end of time. I promise.” Matt replied and sent RaeLynn a slight smile which she attempted to return.

“Bye, Matt. I’ll see you tomorrow.” RaeLynn whispered. Matt leaned in and cupped her cheek as if he were about to kiss her.

“I’ll wait for you. I promise.” He whispered against her lips and pressed a feather-light kiss to her cheek. RaeLynn blushed and quietly left Matt’s car. Matt sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he witnessed RaeLynn walking through her front door. As he drove home, Matt couldn’t help but wonder if the person responsible for RaeLynn’s bruises lived with her. His friends had told him about her being in a relationship with someone, but he'd never had the nerve to ask her bring up the subject when in her presence.

His curiosity was starting to get the better of him and his mission to find out the real reason behind RaeLynn's pain was about to begin. Matt knew it wouldn't be easy and he was aware of the possibility of RaeLynn finding out and being pissed at him, but he didn't care about whether or not she would still want to make eye contact with him at the end of it all. All Matt cared about was making sure RaeLynn was safe and he was determined to make that happen. Little did he know that his world was going to collide with RaeLynn's problems alot faster than he'd expected and soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the last update until next week.
I'll be out of town for band this weekend, so I won't be writing.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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