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Save Me

Recording Sessions & Unveiled Emotions

To say that Matt was worried would definitely be sugarcoating the severity of the situation. It was now 5th period, meaning that RaeLynn hadn’t shown up for more than half the day. Matt’s leg was shaking severely in anticipation, his hands were balled into fists and he constantly kept glancing back and forth between the clock and the classroom door in hopes that RaeLynn would suddenly make her appearance known to the World History class.

“Matt, dude…calm down. What the hell is wrong with you?” Jimmy Sullivan, one of Matt’s best friends asked him after studying his anxious appearance for most of the class. His other friends, Brian Haner Jr., Johnny Seward and Zacky Baker all noticed Matt’s sudden change in attitude also.

“Yeah, man. You’ve been on edge all morning. What’s up?” Zacky spoke as he doodled on the back of his history assignment.

“I’m just worried about someone…that’s all.” Matt stated quickly while repeatedly drumming his fingers on his desk. His friends frowned and gave each other a knowing look.

“Come on, Matt. You have something on your mind and we know you desperately wanna talk to us. Whatever it is, we’re here to listen.” Johnny tried to convince Matt to reveal what was tormenting him. He, along with Brian, Jimmy and Zacky, focused on Matt by staring intently at him. Matt glanced at his friends before looking at the door for the umpteenth time then back at his friends. He sighed in defeat when Brian gave him a nod, telling him to continue on. Matt ran his hands through his hair and looked each one of his friends in the eyes. He motioned for them to move towards the back of the classroom and they all sat at one of the available round tables.

“You all know RaeLynn Meadows, right?” Matt asked.

“The girl who beats everyone to class?” Brian countered. Matt nodded and looked down at the ground. Zacky’s eyebrows furrowed in worry and confusion before he glanced at his friends and leaned forward slightly, suddenly extremely anxious about the conversation.
“What about her, Matt? What’s wrong?” Jimmy asked, concern laced throughout his voice. Matt gulped and ran his hands over his face. He sighed before speaking.

“Well…I took her out to eat during lunch yesterday and she excused herself to use the restroom—you know, like girls do—and I…umm…saw a purple bruise on her hip. I dragged her outside, pulled up her shirt, and found bruises all along her lower back.” Matt stated quickly without making any eye contact with his friends. When he didn’t hear any comments from the four people sitting in front of him, he looked up and saw them all looking back at him with solemn expressions etched across their faces. Matt took their silence as a sign to continue venting his feelings.

“I don’t understand. Why would she hide something like this? I wanna help her, but she won’t let me in. I can’t get her to talk about it in any way, shape or form. I’m scared for her.” Matt added and as soon as he finished his last sentence, the classroom door opened and there stood RaeLynn. Matt’s famous dimpled smiled painted itself across his face and he leaped out of his seat. He practically ran over to RaeLynn, who smiled slightly when she saw him standing in front of her.

“I didn’t think you would make it to school today. I was worried about you.” Matt whispered into RaeLynn’s ear. RaeLynn smiled up at him again and gave the teacher her excuse for being late.

“I’m sorry. Something came up and I couldn’t ignore it. I’m fine though, so no need to worry.” Matt nodded and instantly dropped the subject even though he knew the truth. For RaeLynn was once again wearing a pair of sunglasses along with her everyday ensemble of a long sleeved shirt paired with jeans. The bell rang, bringing Matt back to reality. RaeLynn left without a word and Matt’s friends met up with him outside the classroom.

“She’s lying…again. She always plays off the situation like it’s nothing, but I can tell that there’s more to this situation than what I saw yesterday at the restaurant. She’s pushing me away and she knows it. There’s a reason for her backing away and I’m gonna find out one way or the other. I can’t stand to see her in this much pain.” Matt stated in emotional agony. He slid down the lockers and fell to the floor, burying his head in his hands. Jimmy, Johnny, Zacky and Brian sat beside him, trying to console their friend the best they could. They were silent until the final bell rang.

“I gotta go. RaeLynn is in my class this period. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Matt stated as he pulled his backpack onto his shoulder and stood from the ground. His friends stood along with him and they parted ways. Matt sighed contently when he entered AP Music Appreciation to witness RaeLynn writing something on a piece of paper. Matt sat next to him and smiled as he watched her submerge herself in the writing. His smile widened when he realized that she actually arrived to class earlier than he had.

“What are you writing?” Matt whispered to RaeLynn, causing her to jump slightly from the sudden intrusion in her concentration. Her answer was interrupted by Mrs. Rollins tapping her finger against her desk to attract her class’ attention.

“I’ve decided to make a few changes to your projects.” Mrs. Rollins informed, earning a groan from the students sitting in the desks in front of her.

“I’m glad you all agree. The changes I have made are not necessarily minor, but they will relieve the pressure of you having to create your own lyrics. Plus, it will make the grading easier for me because you must cover at least one song by other artist. The female in the group must cover a song and the male in the group must cover a song. Now, if you do separate songs with your own lyrics, then your group will earn bonus points. But, both of you do not have do a separate song with original lyrics. One person can decide to do this or the other. Either way, you will be given bonus points.” Some students sighed in relief while others began furiously tearing apart handwritten lyrics.

“Also, the due date has been extended to the thirtieth of June. Just to get you more time to revamp your project. Now, begin.” At those words, Matt turned to RaeLynn and smiled at her. RaeLynn sent a smile back and continued writing.

“So…I was wondering if you would like to go into the recording studio today after school. I have one in my house and we could record the song there. That way we’ll have at least one of our songs ready to be put on CD.” Matt suggested.

“Sure. I’d love to go.” RaeLynn stated with a smile on her face. Matt moved closer towards RaeLynn and their legs brushed against each other’s. RaeLynn, having felt a electric charge tingle throughout her body, blushed deeply and hid her face with her hair. Matt, having seen RaeLynn’s blush and purposefully brushed his leg against RaeLynn’s, smiled at the reaction he received and gently brushed a piece of RaeLynn’s hair away from her face. The intimate moment resembled that of an actual couple and Matt loved it. He wasn’t afraid to admit that he was falling for the fragile girl in front of him. He didn’t feel one ounce of shame and he was going to do everything in his power to help her.

The bell rang, bringing Matt out of his thoughts. He dreaded going to his next period because that meant he would have to be away from RaeLynn for an entire hour. Matt reluctantly gathered his things and walked into Advanced Male Vocal Training, which was located in the recording studio of the school. A smile fixated on his lips when he saw Jimmy, Brian, Johnny and Zacky in the room. Brian and Zacky were tuning their guitars while Johnny was tuning his bass and Jimmy was twirling a drumstick between his fingers.

“Hey guys.” Matt greeted his friends, earning a welcoming nod from each of them. Matt placed his book bag on the couch in the room and he smiled smugly when Zacky picked up his acoustic guitar with a smirk on his face. Brian and Jimmy exchanged glances along with Johnny, all knowing the silent choosing that passed between them. Jimmy situated himself behind his drum set, Matt placed himself in front of the piano and Zacky nodded towards Matt, giving him the notice that he was going to begin. Matt began as soon as Zacky struck the first chord of ‘Seize The Day’.

Seize the day
Or die regretting the time you lost
It’s empty and cold without you here
Too many people to ache over

I see my vision burn
I feel my memories fade with time, but I’m too young to worry
These streets we’ve travelled on
Will undergo our same lost past

I’ve found you here
Now please just stay for a while
I can move on with you around
I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?

I’d do anything for a smile
Holding you ‘til our time is done
We both know the day will come
But I don’t wanna leave you

I see my vision burn
I feel my memories fade with time
But I’m too young to worry
A melody, a memory, or just one picture

Seize the day
Or die regretting the time you lost
It’s empty and cold without you here
Too many people to ache over

Newborn life replacing all of us
Changing this fable we live in
No longer needed here
So where do we go?

Will you take a journey tonight?
Follow me past the walls of death
But girl
What if there is no eternal life?

I see my vision burn
I feel my memories fade with time
But I’m too young to worry
A melody, a memory, or just one picture

Seize the day
Or die regretting the time you lost
It’s empty and cold without you here
Too many people to ache over

Trials in life
Questions of us existing here
Don’t wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

So what if I never hold you? Or kiss your lips again?
So I never wanna leave you
In the memories of us to see
I beg, don’t leave me

Seize the day
Or die regretting the time you lost
It’s empty and cold without you here
Too many people to ache over

Trials in life
Questions of us existing here
Don’t wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

Silence, you lost me
No chance for one more day
Silence, you lost me
No chance for one more day

I’m stuck here alone
Falling away from me, no chance to get back home
I’m stuck here alone
Falling away from me, no chance to get back home

All five boys smiled at each other. They didn’t know of the powerful effect that song had, but they would soon find out. Just as they were beginning to set up for another song, someone stumbled into the room. They all turned to look, expecting the mystery person to be their teacher. Matt’s jaw dropped when he saw RaeLynn standing in the room. He stood from the piano and walked over to her with a smile on his face. Brian, Jimmy, Johnny and Zacky all raised their eyebrows and smiled to one another. They all knew of the connection between Matt and RaeLynn the instant Matt talked about her earlier that morning.

“Hey, RaeLynn. What are you doing here? I thought we were going to record at my place?” Matt inquired. RaeLynn blushed. Not only was she with Matt, who unnerved her with his very presence, but she was also in the same room as Matt’s friends. She was definitely out of her comfort zone.

“U-umm…w-well, I heard music a-and I w-was curious.” RaeLynn was as red as a tomato by the time that sentence fell from her lips. Matt and his friends chuckled at RaeLynn’s shyness and Matt pulled her close to him.

“Well, these are my friends. The one with the short, spiky hair is Brian. The snake-bitten one is Zacky. The one wearing a tie with no shirt is Jimmy and the short kid is Johnny.” Matt introduced his friends, who all gave a RaeLynn a wave and a smile when mentioned.

“Guys, this is RaeLynn Meadows. We’re partners for Mrs. Rollins’s CD project.” RaeLynn waved towards the guys, who put away their things and walked towards RaeLynn. They each shook her hand, causing her to blush. She wasn’t use to being the center of attention and it made her feel uneasy.

“Nice to finally meet you, RaeLynn. We’ve heard a lot about you lately. You’re all Mattie-boy here talks about.” Brian informed, earning a flick in the head from Jimmy and an elbow in the ribs from Zacky. Johnny chuckled and Matt glared at Brian, who smiled like a Cheshire cat. RaeLynn looked up at Matt, who had a hint of blush playing throughout his cheeks. A smile formed on RaeLynn’s lips when Matt looked down at her. Matt’s friends smiled smugly, knowing that their connection was like no other. They knew Matt loved the girl he had pinned against him and they were happy for him.

“Well, class is almost over, which means that school is almost and we skipped lunch, so we’re gonna head out. We’ll see you later, Matt. It was nice to see you, RaeLynn.” Jimmy stated as he, Zacky, Brian and Johnny gathered their book bags and walked out the door.
Matt relished in the privacy given to him and RaeLynn and he grasped her hand in his.

“Why don’t we get out of here, go to my place and get started on that song?” Matt whispered to the shy girl in front of him. RaeLynn nodded and they both proceeded to leave for Matt’s home.

Matt watched as RaeLynn put on the headphones in the recording booth, preparing to record her verses of the song they’d written together. RaeLynn nodded, giving him the silent signal that she was ready to record. Matt pressed the record button and stood back anxiously. He’d never heard RaeLynn sing during their shared high school and he was definitely curious. His jaw dropped when the first word of her first verse.

The closer I get to you
The more terrified I become
Your kindness warms me
And I feel the one thing I’ve been deprived

I’m terrified for you to find
All the secrets I hide inside
Because everything you do for me
Is enough to me feel right

First Chorus:
And I wanna be held by you
I wanna be kissed by you
I wanna be shown that I am worth your time
And everything is alright

Second Chorus:
I wanna be loved by you
I wanna be cared for by you
I wanna know that you are here for me
And I can trust you with anything

Can you prove to me
That love is more than what is seems to be?

Matt pressed the stop button, amazed at the talent RaeLynn held. RaeLynn walked out of the recording booth with her head low. Matt tilted her chin in order to make her eyes lock with his and he smiled at her.

“Don’t be embarrassed, RaeLynn. That was perfect and you were absolutely wonderful.” Matt praised, causing a blush to creep into RaeLynn’s cheeks.

“Thanks, Matt. Umm…can I ask you something?” RaeLynn mumbled as she and Matt took a seat on the couch in his recording booth.

“Sure. You can ask me anything.” Matt answered. RaeLynn drew her bottom lip into her mouth and bit down while fidgeting with her fingers and looking down at the floor.

“Umm…is it true what Brian said earlier today in the recording booth at school? Do you really talk about me?” RaeLynn whispered. Matt sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He was hoping that she would ask him something that focused on a different subject. Matt clasped his hands together and chuckled a bit.

“Umm…yeah. Yeah it’s very much true. I really do talk about you with my friends.” Matt confessed, causing RaeLynn’s head to snap up. She was expecting him to change the subject, or better yet lie instead of telling her the truth straight up. Yet, a smile played on her lips. RaeLynn looked up at him and took one of his hands in hers.

“Why do you care about me, Matt?” RaeLynn asked timidly. Matt pulled RaeLynn onto his lap and she gasped at the straddling position she was in. She whimpered when she felt Matt’s hands on her waist. Her eyes locked with Matt even though she desperately tried to break away.

“I care about you because I feel as if I need to protect you. I can’t stand being away from you even if it’s for one class period at school. I…I think I’m falling in love with you, RaeLynn and I promise to guard you with my life. Even if we never end up together as a couple, I’ll still protect you with every fiber of my being.” Matt whispered to RaeLynn, who began to cry silently halfway through Matt’s speech.

“Why do you hide from me, RaeLynn?” Matt asked, pulling RaeLynn closer to him and wiping away the tears that managed to escape from her eyes.

“I…I-I can’t answer that, Matt. Please don’t make me answer that.” RaeLynn muttered. Matt sighed, but nodded nonetheless. He didn’t want to push her away by pressuring her into telling him her secret…no matter how much it pained him to be kept in the dark.

“Okay, you don’t have to tell me. But, I want you to know something. I love you and I always will. No matter what happens over the next few days.” Matt whispered into RaeLynn’s ear. RaeLynn gasped at his words and clutched his shirt in her fists. It took every ounce of self-control she had to keep herself from connecting her lips with Matt’s and the struggle became harder with each passing second. She looked into Matt’s eyes and saw the overwhelming amount of passion and desire dwelling deep within them. That was enough to break her. With one deep breath, RaeLynn did something she never thought she would, even in her dreams. She locked her lips with guy in front of her and it was something she knew she would never come to regret.

RaeLynn reluctantly pulled away, with her hands still tangled in Matt’s dark brown hair.

“Stay here with me tonight.” Matt stated. RaeLynn blushed, but nodded in agreement. She may not have known what tomorrow what bring, but she did know that she was finally happy and she didn’t care about the beatings or the bruises anymore. All RaeLynn cared about was the guy holding her and she was willing to trust him…and she was going to put her guard down to allow Matt Sanders to prove his love for her. Little did she know, the next day was going to bring many more events that were going to either make her, or further break her down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my...I'm so sorry.
I know I was supposed to update a month ago, but I've been really busy.
I hope this makes up for it.
I'll try to get the next chapter out ASAP.
Please comment...if you don't I just may not update.
RaeLynn's Outfit