Status: Just writing this in my spare time and/or when inspiration comes. I'll update as thoughts come.

Coffee Shop Soundtrack


When I get home from work about ten minutes later, I'm thankful that I don't have class, because I'm so tired I could fall asleep standing up. Zack's sitting on the couch playing his pink bass.

"How was work?" he asks.

"Eh. Matt called me." Zack's face gets a dark look.

"What the fuck did he want?"

"To know if I was busy tonight." Zack look like he might kill a baby. "I told him I was."

"You know he's going to check up on you, right?"

I move to the kitchen and shrug. "I know."

Zack moves to follow me. "So what are you going to do?"

"I've got a date," I tell him nonchalantly.

He stares at me, dumbfounded. "With who?"



"With whom," I correct him.

He grumbles, "Fucking English minor."

"And Jack."

"That guy you met at the coffee shop?" Zack asks.

"Yeah. He was at work when Matt called."

"And he agreed to go on a date with you?" he asks cautiously.

"Yessiree!" I flash him my million-dollar smile.


"Is that really so hard to believe that I can get a guy to go on a date with me?" I ask incredulously.

"What? N-no!" He defends (poorly).

"You liar!"

"I've never told a lie!"

"And that makes you a liar," I tell him smugly. Zack rolls his eyes. "You didn't think that I can get a guy to go out with me. Admit it!"

"No! It's haven't had a date since you and 'the boyfriend from hell' broke up! And ever since Daniel offed himself, you haven't had a decent boyfriend!"

As is usual when Daniel is brought up, I take a defensive side. "Well, you know what?! I'm sorry that I'm so fucked up when it comes to relationships! I'm sorry that Daniel is such a shitty brother and killed himself without any thought of what that might do to me!" I feel hot tears stinging in my eyes and turn to run into my room.

"Alex! Wait!" Zack calls after me. "I'm sorry! Lex!"

I slam my door behind me, lean against it, and slide down to the floor. A few minutes later, Zack's on the other side, knocking.

"Lexy? Lex? Come on, I'm sorry." I try to ignore him. He huffs. "Alexander! If you do not open this door right this instant, I will break it down!"

I sigh and move away from the door to open it. "What are you, my mother?"

"Well, someone has to. God knows what kind of shenanigans you'd get in if I didn't!" We both laugh, and I know that we're okay for now.
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Title and summary from "Lullabies" by All Time Low.