I Could Only Do This Once.

Drugs and Love


”I can’t do this anymore Gerard, this is getting out of control, you hurt me for the last time.” She screamed.
”I’m trying! Why don’t you understand!?” I tried to plead.
”I’m not going through this again. Bye Gerard.”

*End of Flashback*

I knew what I was doing was wrong and trust me, I would never hurt Skyla purposely, but I couldn’t help it. It was like the drugs controlled me. I couldn’t get away from them, not even for the girl I loved. For the next 4 months after that I went into a downward spiral. I started some hardcore drugs and was

getting drunk, stoned or both every night. The guys tried to make me stop but I wouldn’t.

I was home every night with a new girl who I would dump the next day. No-body compared to her. The last time I did hard drugs I went into a coma. My body couldn’t handle it anymore and it started to shut down. The doctors did everything they could and hoped it would work. It did, and I started to clean up, a lot. I applied for college at School of Visual Arts in New York City and that’s when it happened. That’s when I saw her. She always had an interest in art and she was amazing at drawing, but I never imagined her actually going into art.

I didn’t recognize her at first. Her hair had changed. Instead of being the below her chest light brown it was last time, it was short and choppy, died black with pink and white streaks. Her makeup was more extravagant then before to. In place of the normal black eyeliner and mascara there was purple eyeliner, black and blue mascara and her eyelids were covered by purple and blue eye shadow. Her clothes were the same as usual; she was still in with the latest styles.

”Gerard?” Her voice was the exact same as it always was.
”S-s-kyla?” Yea, I stuttered, real smooth of me eh?
She didn’t even reply, just ran up to me and hugged me.

”I still love you” I muttered into her hair.

She jumped out of the hug with a surprised look on her face and I automatically knew I said something wrong, but instead of slapping me and walking away, she quietly whispered, “I know, I never stopped talking to the guys. They told me, and to tell you the truth, I never stopped loving you.” As she finished, I could see the tears threatening to spill over her piercing green eyes.

Without even answering her, I walked towards her and pulled her into me. She looked up at me and I kissed her. It wasn’t one of those friendly kisses either; it was a long, passionate kiss that a couple would share after a long time apart. When we broke apart, I was greeted with her enormous smile and another kiss, this one shorter then the last.

”I knew we’d meet again, that’s why I never gave up.”