Kiss Me In The Rain

Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me

I hadn't smiled in weeks. It rained ever since I last smiled. I'm Val Raylene. I live in the town of Limerence. No one knows this, but there's a reason why it's been raining for the past few weeks. My moods control the weather, and it rains when I feel like crying. I don't know how this happened. I would just notice the weather would change at the same frequency as my moods and I finally figure what moods make which weather.

Why did I feel like crying? I lost all hope. There was an eclipse for two days when she left me. And all the days seem the same...

I woke up to my Smiths CD playing on repeat. Their one of the only bands I been listening to these days. I looked out the window to see the rain splash down into the ripples of gray puddles. I took a deep sigh forced my limped-massed body out of my bed and got ready for school.