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Never Let Me Fall

Andrea Crane wasn't supposed to have friends. They were a danger to her and her family. So she was forbidden to have any outside of the mafia. The mafia that her father led.
That was, until one day she meets Shane Kurtis. Years later, she had kept him and their secret, forbidden friendship a secret. But when his identity is revealed to her at the same time plans are made by her father to assassinate the son of their enemy gang's leader, she knows that she is in for a disaster.
Andrea is faced with a horrible choice: save her one and only true friend, or stay loyal to her family and watch as they kill the one person she ever truly loved? Is her friendship with Shane a stronger bond that of hers with her family?

Andrea soon finds herself on a roller coaster ride of plotting queen bees, lovesick boys, unrequited love, and a furious best friend - all the while trying to save her life and the lives of the people around her.
Her family wants her dead.
Her best friend wants her safe.
She wants it all to end.
  1. Chapter One
    Waking Up