Status: In Progress


Just A Feeling

I hate dreaming.

I always dreamt about Moscow or Washington, about my parents or something that I’d rather keep hidden and locked away in some dusty forgotten corner of my mind. Memories experienced from a child’s eyes were always heightened with surreal drama and I didn’t need those overdramatic thoughts reverberating in my head.

I sat up in my bed and looked at the clock. 6:34 am. I had been seeing pieces of my childhood in my subconscious and it irritated me. Fireworks over Revolution Square during the fall of the Soviet Union, my Mickey Mouse backpack and those leather seats. I needed to shake myself out of whatever I was feeling, out of the lingering dream.

I got out of bed and threw on a pair of black Soffe shorts and a sports bra before hunting down a pair of running shoes and my ipod. I laced up my shoes and headed out of the door, throwing my blonde hair into a ponytail before placing the earbuds in my ears.

The music pumped through the headphones as my feet hit the concrete, my stride gaining rhythm as I began running down the sidewalk. It started out as a jog, but soon enough I was lost in my own world and my pace increased.

I was on the way back when I saw him begin his own morning run. I tried to ignore him as he laced up his sneakers, keeping my eyes trained on my own house as I neared closer and closer to my door. I picked up my legs, pushed myself to go faster. I’ll admit, I didn’t want him to see him looking disgusting and sweaty.

I was almost home-free when I saw him look up at me as I slowed down to go to my driveway. He smiled towards me and I waved back gingerly, disappointed at my lack of stealth. Maybe it was rude of me, but I didn’t stop to chat. I had more pressing issues to attend to at that moment, like a shower.


I was exiting my shower when my phone rang, the vibration knocking it off of my dresser. I wrapped myself in my towel and walking into my room, cradling the phone between my ear and shoulder as I grabbed a bottle of lotion.

“Hello?” I answered, shaking the bottle for the fragrant product to come out.

“Lilly! It’s been awhile.” A familiar voice replied back and I smiled, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

“It has, Marc. Maybe you should call me more often instead of just when you want something.” I responded and he laughed. Awhile for Marc-Andre Fleury was apparently a week because that’s how long it had been since we last talked. Not that I was complaining, I’d take all the time I could get with my friends—especially those as busy as him.

“So have you met the new kid? I heard he moved in yesterday.” Marc asked casually, but I could tell he was trying to get at some mischievous point.

“Yeah, I was babysitting for Mario last night and they brought him over. He seems nice.” I gave back a noncommittal answer, causing Marc to huff. It didn’t take me too long to figure out what he was after. Ever since I had broken up with my last boyfriend who admittedly, was kind of a dick, Marc’s been on the hunt trying to hook me up with someone—and I quote—“decent”.

“So you didn’t talk to him or anything? No ‘Hi, I’m Lilly and I’m Single!’?” He asked impatiently and I stifled my laughter.

“Not really, no. I saw him twice. Once with popcorn in my hair watching Titanic and then again this morning after my run, when I was sweaty and disgusting. Neither of those appearances strike interest. Not only that, but I think that after going on the blind dates you set me up on, I may just be a lesbian.” I joked. The dates I got set up on were so bad, they were beyond a cruel joke.

“Ha Ha Ha. You’re so funny, Lil. “ he replied back and I just shrugged, looking outside my window. I saw Sidney out in the yard, doing some sort of exercises with Mario and another guy.

“I’m going to go ride now, but call me when you’re in Pittsburgh again.” I said, wandering back in the bathroom to get dressed.

“Aw, does someone miss me?” came the reply and I scoffed.

“No, you owe me lunch after those dates. Scarred for life. I’ll talk to you later.” I said and clicked off my phone after he said goodbye.
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Just A Feeling -- Maroon Five