A Watercolor Life

The Kiss from Heaven

“Yeo… boseyo?”

She still had a hard time answering her phone. She still tried to remember why she had a phone. But there were still so many why’s to ask and answer.

“Am I speaking with Larythzza An…drade?”

He had an accent, and she felt her back straighten up, her fingers self-consciously raking across her hair, trying to control the wild mess that flourished on her head. “Ne! I mean yes! Uh, wait a second, please.” She noticed with great excitement that she was speaking English for the first time in weeks, and that a cute sounding boy was actually calling her. She took that ‘second’ to untangle herself from her bed sheets and stand up straight, as if the person was standing in front of her. Which was silly, and even more if the call was important and she were wasting the other person ti-

“Sorry! I was just… oh… Um, who’s calling again?” She bit her fingernail as a reflex. She felt strangely embarrassed.

“I’m MBLAQ’s manager, and I’m calling about the painting you did for the magazine CeCi.

She remembered, then. She had started to grow desperate and the only income of money she had came from the small drawings and paintings she did. Soon, she started to notice that Koreans liked manga and anime, and thus she started to concentrate more on that. By sheer chance and luck and a kiss from the gods, an editor from the magazine CeCi caught wind of her and checked out her website. She then received a call and a job offer. They wanted her to draw two renowned pop singers and turn them into beautiful manga-like dolls. She always wondered why her.

“M-B-L-A-Q?” It sounded pretty weird. “Do you mind me asking what’s that?”

The man or boy (she couldn’t tell because of the accent) seemed hesitant. “It’s a popular Korean boy-band. We are interested in hiring you so that you can work on a… similar project with MBLAQ.”

She was getting. A job. A boy-band. A… a… an opportunity. This was, this was the canvas. She had always. “Yes.”


“I accept! Yes! Oh… my…” she covered her mouth and breathed in deeply. “So… um.” She didn’t know what to say other than yes at that moment. In fact, she wanted to scream it over and over again. Yes, she had a job. Yes, she had an opportunity. Yes, at last, she was going to show the world the power of her creativity.

“We have your address. A car will be waiting for you in front of your apartment building at 9 am. It was a pleasure talking to you Miss Andrade.”

“Lary. Call me Lary.” She gushed before adding in an, “oh, thank you! Have a nice evening.”

The person hung up, and she felt her heart stutter. She thought that maybe she had made a fool of herself, and she stressed over it for more than five minutes before deciding it was time to keep finishing her painting. This time, instead of doing the background in dark blue as she had planned, she went with cyan blue. Because that was the color of her life at that moment. And this time, she knew why.