A Watercolor Life

Temporary Accident

Hip thrusts. Sexy stares. High kicks. Low kicks. Abs. Crunches. Repeat. She wanted to laugh and cry and drool and quite possibly rip off her eyes. Chan seemed to really be appreciating the view, her eyes ever glued to Mir’s gliding form every second that ticked by. Za had to admit the boy had some talent. But that wasn’t really what was bothering her, or better said, who. In fact, if it were just him dancing, she could easily ignore him and finish brainstorming on the blank sheet in front of her. But she couldn’t. Because they wanted her to concentrate, by some incredible feat, while five boys who just happened to be the embodiment of greek gods strutted around in front of her. Well, not quite, strutting greek gods would never cover it.

They’re like dancing sex dipped in the sweat of gods, Za concluded solemnly, unconsciously drawing a chibi of a certain someone. She looked down at the cute drawing she had elaborated, only to noticed with horror that it resembled a man she knew. She quickly drew a mustache over it. And a sombrero, for further assurance that it would be unrecognizable. In fact, if she drew a tiny piñata…

“What’s that? Is that Seungho? Oh my god. I knew it.”

Chan immediately ripped away the paper and bolted towards god knew where. Paranoia immediately kicked in, and so did this deep inhibited instinct to run after that bitch and show her who’s the fucking boss. Za really wondered if it was worth it (who would ever tell if it was Seungho under all of those cute Mexican adornments?) but she couldn’t take the chance. She rather fuck a cow than letting Chan show that to Mir who would with no doubt blabber it on to Seungho.

So, when Za lunged at Chan and caused both to roll on this stylish carpet, she wasn’t particularly fazed. Just desperate. And angry. But that wasn’t really important. What was important was getting that paper and burning it away into hell. Right. Now. Yet, incredibly, Chan wasn’t the weakling she posed as. This she knew when she felt her weight being lifted up and sideways. Bitch just got catapulted. Or tossed. That fiery spitfire wasn’t about to give up.

Fuck. No.

“You little-”

She twisted around and grabbed the young girl’s ankle, quickly jerking her leg and causing her to fall down. She never relished anything more than the sound of the ‘thump’ once Chan made this sweet connection with the floor. Za hoped them two would start to get along, because she was about to bust this party. And, speaking of which, that sheet of paper was within grasp and just one stretch and everything would be-

“What’s going on?”

Reach. Grab. Bite. Chew. Swallow. Well, it wasn’t as effective as burning, but it worked. But now she was chocking on it, because the same person she was trying to hide the paper from was in front of her, and he was dripping sex. No wait, sweat, it was sweat. Well, with him, it was probably sex. She couldn’t even think.

“Are you okay? Wait, what happened?” His Korean accent was there, and god, she could listen to him all day long. Za felt her gaze flip to Chan, who was struggling with a frown and a smile. It ended up being a grimace. She sharply glared at the redhead, and turned to Seungho, ready to give a piece of her mind until she huffed and simply told him that it was an accident.

But, of course, he didn’t believe it. And by the looks he was giving both, his patience was wavering. He scowled and helped Za up, his grip on her forearm sweaty and hot, reminding her just how tired he must be. She felt blood rush to her face. He was, technically, her employer. And here she was, chasing a teenager around a professional studio over a goddamn sketch. If this was what her life had come down to, she had to congratulate herself. It wasn’t all that terrible.

“You both better tell me the truth.” At this statement, four bodies materialized behind him, doubling the intimidating effect. Chan instantly perked up and straightened her shoulders, her eyes burning with this awareness that could only be seen on dogs ready to bite your balls off. She didn’t seem quite far from accomplishing that, actually.

“An accident. Start reviewing your English, Seungho.” She looked past his shoulder, and her eye sparked with what seemed like guilt. “It was about time you took your break.” She smiled awkwardly. Za immediately noticed how the attention shifted from her to the young girl. And not for good reasons either. Apparently, the girl’s blatant insult to his English was not to be taken lightly. Even Mir was shifting uncomfortably.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” she chirped, taking in a deep breath and unashamedly ignoring the six stared aimed right at her head. She turned to Za, her eyes eerily blank. “You and I will talk. Later.” At this, she glanced around. “This does not involve any of you, and I hope you respect that. Now, I really need to pee.” With that she… just left. Like that. And that was the first of many times Lary would witness the more grown up side of that girl. And strangely, it left this knot in her stomach. As if she truly did something mortifying, like kicking a baby panda.

“It’s okay, you guys.” She laughed, but it wasn’t heartfelt. Only four believed her. She knew. “It’s just some girl stuff. Wouldn’t want to taint your pure minds.” She smiled at that, knowing full well that the only ones she could ever consider pure was Thunder and Mir. After a whole week of being around them, she pretty much had their character traits down to a tee. She wasn’t surprised when G.O. arched a brow. Her Korean, so far, was a progress towards improvement.

“Let’s hope another interruption like that doesn’t happen.” Seungho stared down at her soul. “We need to finish this record and for that we need a cover.” His words struck deeper than possible, and Lary made a face. She actually did. It was as if his words were lemons and she sucked on them. She then looked down at her boots and apologized. She heard mumbles and admonishes from the boys, but she fled the scene too quickly. He had made it clear that she was only temporary.

She just didn’t know why the tears were falling.