Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Chapter Two...Beasts and Allies...Perfect Combination.

I was woken up by a Kragg attacking my truck, my first reaction was to shoot at it, but it's rock scales would only make my bullets ricochet and probably kill me instead of it. So I reached out the broken window, took my knife and drove it into the seam between two scales, creating a large enough hole for me to shove the barrel into the wound and fire. It was a good idea, until it noticed and started clawing at me instead of the truck.
When Kraggs feel that they are going to win a fight or kill their prey they roar. Why? I don't know, but they do. When the creature opened its mouth I decided that was the best time to fire, I took the rifle, selected the fully-automatic fire and unloaded a full magazine of bullets into its throat, killing the creature. I let out a sigh of relief and laid back against the driver side door. Only to have a brief reminder that I'm out of gas, and more than likely going to die out here.
I opened the truck, grabbed my backpack along with all the supplies I could carry and started walking. I knew there was a town a couple miles to the east...god damn this was going to be a long walk.
After several hours of walking, I had began to run out of water, and my rifle was covered in dust, there was no way it would fire so if a bandit or a Kragg were to attack me at that moment, I would have been fucked. Suddenly, the ground started to vibrate, key sign of a Skrivati. I looked around, trying to find anything that would give me sufficiant cover, of course, when the thing is underground, it's pretty hard to find a place to hide. I found a mass of solid rock that would make it a bit more difficult for the thing to get me from directly underneath, so, I hauled ass towards it and pressed myself against it.

The creature burst from the ground and at that exact moment an RPG came out of nowhere and exploded into the side of its head. All I could do was sit down and laugh. I don't know why, but I laughed. I'm sure whoever fired the rocket was looking at me like I was crazy, but I didn't really care. My laughter was cut short by a revolver being so close to my face I was able to see the bullet in the chamber down the barrel. "Who are you, why are you here?" a voice, presumably the one holding the gun, asked. I replied with "Name's James Sullivan, my truck is out of gas and commision due to being clawed up by a Kragg..." The man sheathed the gun and helped me up, then started laughing. He had a good set of lungs on him, and was built like a tree. Now, to be fair, I have never actually seen a tree, but my mom showed me pictures of them in her old scrapbooks. "My name is John Childers, and it looks to me like you owe me your life." he told me. I nodded and chuckled "Yeah, looks like it...goddammit"
Turns out John had been heading towards the same town I had, so he gave me a ride. Don't really know if I should trust him due to our initial meeting, but hey, he's towing my truck to the mechanic in the grand town of Hell's Deep, home of the one of the largest weapon shops in the Badlands Region. Which is good, because I need to clean my rifle, and probably see if I have the cash for another one...maybe some ammo too.