Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Chapter Three...Job Accepted...

After dropping off my truck at the mechanic, John went to the bazaar for supplies such as food and water, I went to the weapon shop for ammunition. I purchased a cleaning kit and a Colt .44 revolver, "perfect for tight situations" the clerk had told me. He even gave me six months worth of ammunition for it and my dad's assault rifle, free of charge. I slung my now heavy-as-fuck backpack over my shoulder and went to meet up with John at the tavern. He told me about how he survived Zero Day, his parents were Cherokee and he left the Reservation to see what little was left of the natural world. "I found a cave that had been abandoned by whatever creature had inhabitated it years ago." he explained "I had made it my home, how I suvived the radiation, I do not know." I walked into the tavern and sat down in the corner, immediately the waitress walked over and asked what I wanted to drink. I asked for a beer and she ran off. I started cleaning my rifle as the waitress came back with my brew. She sat down and asked me if it was my truck that came into the mechanic's shop. I nodded and took a drink. She nodded and lit a cigarette, yes, some people actually grew tobacco plants when they were in hiding...priorities I guess? "You looking to make some money?" she asked. My ears perked up, I was flat broke after buying that .44, so I needed to make some cash.
"What do you need done?" Had to ask, no point in accepting a job without knowing what you're supposed to do. She sighed and took a drag off her cigarette, I took a swig of beer accordingly. "I'm a seamstress outside of waiting on tables, and there is a wolf-like thing with beautiful silver fur." she began, which I finished with "And you want me to find it, and kill it?" she nodded. I considered it and took another drink. "How much?" she put out her cigarette and answered with "Ten percent as how much that fur is worth." "Which will be?" I asked. "At least five hundred" was her answer. I nodded and accepted the job
After she left John walked into the bar and sat down in front of me. "I have everything packed up." he informed. I nodded and took another sip of the brew. "Alright, when are we leaving?" simple question, should have figured what his response would have been "Well, that depends, where are we going?" I told him that I just accepted a job to kill a silver wolf-like creature and bring back the fur and he just stared at me like I was crazy. "You accepted that job?" he didn't seem too happy. "Yes....why? Something wrong with that?" bad move. "Do you know where this creature is?" he asked. "Not a clue...but let me guess," I really should learn how to keep my mouth shut "Badass cliffside? Lots of corpses and bones from this thing's many kills?" He looked me straight in the eyes and simply said "That is not even half of it." All I could think was 'What the hell did I get myself into?'