Status: completed;

Keep Running

These Are His Confessions...

Gerard cut cake and put a slice on everyone’s plate. He handed me and Mikey some cake but he just played with the frosting instead of smiling like he would’ve done. I sighed and Gerard leaned in close to my ear.

“Just because I love you so damn much, I put some extra cake on your plate.” He kissed my cheek and let his lips linger there for a moment.

“Thanks, love.” Gerard handed out the rest of the cake and started setting up the booths as beds for each of us. If we’re ever safe again, I gotta make sure he’s the wife. I’ll be the husband and eat cake all day, shit, I’m not complaining.

My marble cake was gone almost immediately because I’ve been deprived of cake ever since I was 12. Apparently, Korse thought that the extra sugar would make everyone in Battery City unattractive and he wanted ‘Beautiful Brainwashed Babes’. That went for just the girls, he didn’t give two shits about the men eating all that shit. Mikey only ate half of his and then spent the rest of the time glaring at me since I still had his comic book with me.

“Mikes, what’s up?”

“Can I please have my book back?” I shrugged and handed it over. He smiled and set it on the table.

“Alright, so what’s the matter with you?”

It was silent and Mikey took his sweet time thinking of a good answer.

“I’m lonely, Travis. I would’ve asked you out first but Gerard beat me to it. Plus, the big brother is always the most attractive one, I’m not halfway as good looking as Gerard.” I was about to speak against that but he furrowed his eyebrows. “He’s been really weird ever since Gabrielle disappeared a few months ago.” Who the fuck is Gabrielle? Was that his lover before me? Questions with no answers really piss me off.

Gerard came back and I looked up at him. He smiled and ruffled my tangled hair.

“You need to wash that shit out. Mikes, what did you use on her hair?”

“I have no idea, I found it in the trunk of the Trans-Am. It could’ve been bad or something but it looked cool that first day or so.”

They continued talking about my hair as I tried to figure out my feelings. Was I really just the second girl that just so happened to cross Gerard’s path? You know, he could still have feelings for her.

“Uh, Gerard, who’s Gabrielle?” Gerard averted his gaze to the other side of the diner and Mikey casually slid out of the booth to let Gerard sit down. He gripped the salt shaker and I played with the frosting on my plate with my fork. I could tell I struck a nerve or something.

“Gabrielle was my girlfriend before I met you. She disappeared and I have no idea where she is.”

“Do you still love her?”

“No, I love you with all of my heart.” His eyes were sincere and honest as the locked with mine.

“You loved her like you love me.”

“But I’d put you first. She, uh, she used to tell me things…things about beer and how it wouldn’t hurt me if I kept drinking it.” Gerard took a minute to regain his composure, “She said that my body would get used to it so my hangovers wouldn’t be so bad. She lied.” His voice cracked and tears flowed down his cheeks.

My boyfriend was an alcoholic.

Dear God, where was Frank when you needed him?

I made my way over to his side and laid my head in his lap as he cried. He smoothed out my hair and I gripped his toned waist, letting him get out all of his feelings that he had kept in for so long.

Mary’s POV

Frank gripped my waist with each thrust he gave me. I couldn’t scream at all so I just kept biting his shoulder and clawing his back. That made him excited so he had kept going faster. Frank picked me up from the ground and laid me on a blanket that he had laid out while I tried catching my breath momentarily.

Sweat was running down his skin but he still managed to go at it again, forcing himself deeper and deeper inside me now that we were laying on something warmer than the cold ground. My hair was stuck to my forehead and I looked like shit but I guess to him I looked like a goddess because he kissed my forehead and whispered, “You’re beautiful.” Finally, when Frank reached his climax, I could tell that he was stuck on what to do. Inside or out?

“Frankie.” He quickly looked down at me as he began to pull himself out. He paused and I smiled widely, panting. “I would be honored to carry a little Fra-" He didn’t even let me finish before thrusting back in and erupting deep inside of my womb. Frank kissed me under my ear and I felt him smile.

“You gonna be my baby mama?”

“As long as you promise to marry me after the child is born.”

“I pinky swear.”

We crossed pinkies and quickly got dressed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the crappy sex.