Status: completed;

Keep Running

Lost and Found

Travie’s POV

God, of course I’m gonna know who the hell you are if you’ve been shown everyday on the monitor over Battery City. Sometimes these damn Killjoys could be so stupid.

“So, lemme get this straight…I’m not going home.” I asked, looking at Kobra Kid.

“Uh, nope, not really.”

“But I have plants to water.” I whined.

“Bullshit.” Fun Ghoul muttered. Him and I aren’t gonna get along. Once again, he received another blow to the arm but this time he hit me back.

“Wife abuser!” I shouted, rubbing my arm. That little son of a bitch. Like I said, and I quote, Killjoys are stupid. “Anyways, if I’m not going home and I sure as hell am not staying here, I’ll see you all later.”

Party Poison looked at me funny and I stood up and jumped, landing on the road. The tires to the car screeched to a stop and adrenaline overpowered me.


My feet raced right, which happened to be the desert area. More footsteps were behind me but eventually they slowed to a halt but I continued hauling ass like my life depended on it. Hell, it might. For a split second, I turned and saw nothing but straight desert and cacti. Aw fuck, now I’ve done it. But I can tough it out. I started walking because, hey, it’s the desert. Its hot in June, too. A small rock came into my view and I kicked it to make sure nothing was under it. Sure enough, a big ass tarantula sprawls out.

Fuck. My. Life.

I jumped back just before it could land on my black and white Converse.

“Fucker!” I yelled before jumping back again as its fangs rose. Shit…I’m screwed.

*3 hours later*

Okay, I’m not gonna waste your time or anything, but I spent some more time running until I was away from the tarantula...only to come upon a snake…and get bitten. Let us continue.

I gripped my ankle and looked around at the vast desert around me. No dust clouds of cars arriving, at all. The night sky was pitch black with very faint twinkling stars and absolutely no clouds. I sighed deeply, knowing that I’d probably have to spend the night alone in the dark. For once in my life, the Killjoys should actually be here. I know, shocker, right?

But sleeping outside in the middle of the desert at night is like being asked to be eaten alive by snakes and those steroid spiders. My whole left leg felt numb and I felt so useless, like I couldn’t do anything but just sit on the cracked Earth and whimper in pain. My eyes started drooping and for the first time in my life, I fell asleep in the desert.

*2 hours later, around 9 o’clock*

Being awaken to the smell of dog food and burning cacti wasn’t exactly normal. I looked around and I felt relieved, yet pissed. The Killjoys found me.
♠ ♠ ♠
short again, sorry about that.