Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me


We got about ten minutes into our dinner before the cameras started flashing. I don't remember much after that except we were in a limo about 2 seconds later.

"I am so sorry," Justin said.

"What just happened?" I was laughing. I felt bad that the paparazzi were going to ruin Justin's vacation.

"Ugh, stupid paparazzi. I can usually keep them away pretty good when I want to. Sometimes they just ruin stuff though." He told the driver to go back to his bus.

"I'm sorry," I said, gently. "This is going to ruin your vacation isn't it? It's all my fault, I'm sorry." I almost started crying. I was turning into such a wimp.

"No, no it's fine," He put his arm around me but a couple seconds later took it off. "It's not going to ruin it, I'll just lose them again. But for you...that's a whole different story."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"They are going to be hounding you like crazy. They're going to be asking if I'm cheating on Selena with you blah, blah." He shoved a hat on his head. "When we get out at my place, just block your face and keep hold of my hand or you'll get lost.

"Justin..." I said. I didn't want to get dragged into this. I didn't want to get attention for knowing Justin.

"Hey," He smiled an irresistable smile. "It's gonna be fine."

"I freakin' hope so," I said and looked out the window.

A few minutes later we pulled up to his bus and sure enough there were about 20 paparazzi outside waiting for us.

"Here we go," He opened the door and pulled me with him. We ran to the door of his bus and his mom was already opening the door for us.

"Come in, come in!" She pulled us in and closed the door quickly.

"Whew," I leaned against the door and smiled.

"That's what I get everyday," Justin grumbled.

"So, you regret this?" His mom asked. "Justin, you've worked so hard for this. This is what you chose."

"Mom, no, I know. I don't regret it." He said but sighed and plopped down on the couch.

His mom, who's name I found out was Pattie, was making Mac 'n' Cheese for dinner. I was a little bit surprised because I never thought that people this rich would eat food.

"You look shocked," Justin laughed. "Yes, I still eat normal food."

"No! I wasn't saying that, I just--"

"Save it!" He put a hand up dramatically. "Just eat the food."

"I'm surprised you have more than just pudding in this place," I muttered under my breath.

"Excuse me?" He blinked at me.

"Oh, what?" I looked up, faking shock.

"You said something about my pudding?" He said through a mouth full of Mac 'n' Cheese.

"I did?" I wanted to laugh but I didn't. He was so cute when he ate.


"I didn't."

"Yes," He paused. "You did." I pushed his arm and he dropped his plate on the floor.

I gasped. "I'm sorry, I'll clean it up."

"No, here, I got it." He grabbed about 10 paper towels and started scooping it back onto his plate, scrubbing the floor.

"You need water..." I laughed and dampened a rag in the sink.

"I got it!" He blocked me from helping. Still rubbing the paper towels on the floor, leaving little pieces of paper towel. "Shit." He stopped when he noticed the mess he was leaving.

"It's not rocket science!" I pushed him out of the way and started cleaning up his mess until the pieces were all gone.

"Genius..." He looked at the clean floor.

I laughed, "Shut up."

Justin's Point of View

"You shut up," I smirked. My phone started ringing.

I picked up. "Hello?" I already knew it was Selena.

"JUSTIN!" She shrieked and I pulled my ear away from the phone.

"Selena, what's going on?" I said.

"Who the hell is that skank you're seeing behind my back?"

"What?" I asked, confused but then looked over at Shaun. "Oh! No, Shaun?"

"If that's her name," She said, angrily.

"Yes, that's her name." I stood up and walked a little bit away from Shaun. "She's not a skank."

"Who is she? Why were you on a date with her?" She grilled me.

"She's nothing to me," I argued.

"What?" Shaun sneered and I froze. This is just what I needed. Two girls pissed off at me.

"No, Shaun. That's not what I meant--"

"What!" Selena screamed on the other end of the phone. "She's there with you!?!"

"Selena!" I yelled, hopelessly but she hung up.

"What's going on, Justin? How am I nothing to you?" Shaun crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me.

"I didn't mean that...really." I tried to explain. "She's mad at me...she saw those pictures of us at the restaurant."

"So? You don't say shit like that, I'm leaving."

"Wait!" I grabbed her arm but she shook me off and left out the door into the sea of paparazzi.

Shauna's Point of View

I pushed my way through the tons of paparazzi that had multiplied outside of Justin's bus. I finally reached the limo and got in telling the driver to take me home.

"What's the address, Miss?" He asked and I told him. I couldn't believe Justin. How he could just say something so mean like that. I know I overreacted but there was no excuse for him to just deny me like that.

"We're here," The driver said as we pulled up to my house. I got out and more paparazzi were waiting outside. I slammed the door. This was just great. Justin Bieber is a jerk and he's gone now and I'm left with the annoying attention from the cameras.
♠ ♠ ♠

Updated twice in one day!
I try to update a lot on the weekends because weekdays are a bit busier for me, so if you don't like it...i'm sorry. Lol.


I'll write more if you comment:)