Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me

Eenie Meenie

If you were to look at me from the outside, I would've seemed fine. I was far from fine. I felt horrible and no one was there to notice it. Barbie just kept rambling on about herself and how much prettier I would look if I put highlights and lowlights in my hair.

The truth was, I probably would look prettier with highlights and lowlights. But honestly, I didn't give a shit. I just wanted a friend in this place. And now Justin was gone. Not for no reason, I was definitely still pissed at him but I kind of missed him. It hurt.

"Hey, Shaun?" Janice came in. Great.

"What?" I didn't remove my eyes from the ceiling.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said. Though I regretted it when she came to sit on my bed. I should've just told her what was wrong.

"Oh, hon. I know you don't like me much. I'm just a small town girl." She laughed. Did she even know what small town was? What did that even have to do with anything?

"Um, okay." I still stared at the ceiling.

"Listen, I know that boy...what was his name? Char--?"

"Chaz," I cut in.

"Chaz, well, him. He's the kind of boy that comes in dozens around here! You can find someone exactly like him in a second. Don't worry yourself over him." She said gently.

"I really don't care."

"So why are you so distressed?"

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not!" I raised my voice.

"Fine," She stood up. "I'm sick of you trying to push me away! And if you want to talk I'll be downstairs!"

I was glad that she stormed out. I really didn't want to talk to her anyways. Honestly, I didn't even care that I hurt her feelings. My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID. Justin?

I regretted what I did next. I answered. "What."

"Why'd you you get all pissed and storm out like that?" He said quickly, afraid I would hang up.

"Um, are you serious?" I had a mocking tone in my voice.

"Yeah, dude, I didn't do anything wrong. I was trying to fix shit with Selena because she saw us together."

"You didn't need to say that though! It was mean!" I almost yelled into the phone.

"And you didn't need to overreact!" He yelled back.

"Fuck this." I said, "I don't need this."

I almost hung up. "Please," He said, softer. "Even though I've only known you for a few days...our friendship means a lot now. I don't get stuff like this anymore and when someone like you comes along..."

"Justin, please. Don't try to guilt trip me." I said but felt sorry for him.

"I'm not!" He defended. "It really does mean a lot to me."

"Then show it. And don't be such a huge dick about it," I smiled.

"I'll show you big dick," He said and I heard the smile in his voice also.

"That," I paused and gagged dramatically. "Is so gross."

"You like it."

"Ha, hardly." I said back. I definitely found Justin attractive but anything sexual with him just seemed...wrong.

"Can we hang out sometime, please?" He asked.

"What about Selena?"

"Um, I don't really know. She hasn't answered any of my phone calls." His voice sounded sad and my heart broke for him.

"I'm sorry. Everything will be fine," I tried to console him.

"I know it will...she wants me because of how famous I am." He said and I knew he wasn't trying to be cocky. He was super famous and I knew that. Billions of people absolutely loved him. I mean, yeah, he had his haters but who doesn't?

"No she doesn't," I tried defending her but I had no idea.

"Thanks," He said and then laughed. "How many people are outside your house?"

I jumped up and went to look out the window to see dozens of paparazzi below and Barbie outside in her fanciest clothes and loads of make-up caked to her face talking to them about how she met Justin Bieber. "Lots," I laughed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think that they would find us hanging out. But that was stupid because they're all over every thing I do."

"Nah, it's all good. I think Janice is enjoying the attention."

"She won't soon, I can guarantee that." He stated.

"I'm not so sure about that," I said, still looking out the window at her putting on the fakest smile she could muster. "She seems to be loving it."

"So did I, but then it just kind of got annoying. I love my fans and all but definitely not the paparazzi. They're almost crazier than the fans." He laughed.

Someone knocked on my door and then my dad came in. "Hey, Shaun? Dinner."

"Okay." I put my thumb up and smiled. "Hey Justin, I gotta go."

"All right. Text me later then?"

"Fashow." I smiled and hung up. I forgave him but I was still kind of mad at him. I was definitely going to steal more of his pudding behind his back. He probably thought that I was a push-over for me letting him wiggle his way back into hanging out with me.

Well, I wasn't going to let him off so easy. I'm going to make him beg for my forgiveness.
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Thank you so much for reading.