Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me

Won't Stop

"Justin, I want to see you today..." I said, trying to sound sexy but failing immensely.

"When?" He asked from the other end of the phone and I guessed he was smiling from the sound of his voice.

"I don't know, when do you want?"

"Whenever," He replied. "I can pick you up now in the Rover if you want."

Nice," I said. "Did you figure out things with Sel?"

"You're calling her Sel now?" He mocked. "But yeah, I guess. She's talking to me now at least."

"I'm sorry." I said, my voice sounding normal again.


"See you in a few?" He asked.

"For sure, hurry up and get your booty over here."

"Oh! Ask your parents if you can spend the night." He said and hung up. Ask them if I can spend the night? At Justin's? Right.

I made my way down the stairs slowly, trying to put off asking my dad for as long as possible. I thought Justin was joking so I texted him and he was dead serious, unfortunately. This was definitely not going to fly with my dad.

"Hey daddy," I came up and kissed him on the cheek, smiling.

"Hey, sweetheart." He hugged me.

"I have a question." I said sweetly.

"I know." He laughed. "You're being peculiarly nice."

"So, um, my friend...they," I avoided mentioning 'they' were male. "Want me to spend the night tonight or something."

"I see," He said and scratched his face. "Then why are you being so...suck-up...ish."

"Because I'm a nice girl," I grinned.

"It's a boy," He frowned and started putting dishes away, angrily.

"Dad! Just because it's a boy why can't I spend the night?" I complained.

"I didn't say you couldn't," He said slowly and I froze in hopefulness.


"Under one condition," He put up his index finger emphasizing the 'one condition'.

"Anything," I pleaded.

"No sex," He said simply.

"Um, dad?" I said awkwardly. "I don't want to, like, completely ruin my chances or anything but how would you know if I was having sex with the dude or not?"

"Because I trust you. I know that in your right mind you would never promise me something and go break it." He pulled me in for a noogie. "I know you, Shaun."

"Thanks, dad." I fixed my hair after he released me.

I was astonished he thought about saying yes and completely speechless that he actually said yes.

I snuck to Janice's room and started snooping around through her clothes. She was gone to the store or something and I didn't want to be caught looking like I liked her shit much less wear it. I had to say she had a great fashion sense except for her overapplied make-up and extremely dark tan.

I settled on snagging a pair of her skinny jeans and a pink shirt and pairing it with my black DC sneakers.

"Shaun!" My dad yelled from downstairs and my heart stopped in my chest. I put my hand over my heart and chuckled.

"What!" I called back.

"Your...friend is here!" He yelled each part, sounding annoyed.

"Be down in a second!" I started stuffing stuff in my tote bag. Remembering to pack my toothbrush, deoderant and other personal items. It would suck to forget something. Although I could probably just ask Justin for about...say, three million dollars.

I threw my stuff in the back of Justin's Range Rover and slammed the door.

"Easy," He said kissing his car.

I grimaced. "You're such a guy."

"You have no idea," He winked and laughed.

"And you are disgusting." I laughed and hopped in the passenger seat.

Instead of just going to his tour bus we went to his actual real house. He showed me his studio where he played around with music and made up random songs.

Then an idea hit me and I smiled. I knew exactly how I wanted him to make up to me.

"Hey, Justin." I walked over to him with a devious look on my face. "Write me a song and put it on your new CD."

"What." He didn't say it like a question.

"Oh," I smiled. "I think you heard me."

"I can't just do that, Shaun. I don't think you understand how this works." He sat down on a bench.

"Justin, I completely understand." I motioned to the studio. "You record the song for me in here and then you show Scooter or whoever the hell looks over your songs and approves them."

"It's not my choice what I put on the CD." He stated.

"All I'm asking is for you to try." I sat down and threw my arm around his shoulder.

"Okay," He said. "I'll try to write you a song. No promises though." He stuck out his fist and I pounded it.

"I'm good with that," I smiled. I was completely content. I thought of the perfect way for Justin to make up to me and I was spending the night at his house. Life couldn't get any better.
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None of this is fact! I don't know if he has a studio in his house or whatnot.
Thanks for reading yaaaallll.
