Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me

Common Denominator

Over the next couple of weeks, Justin and I kept hanging out, despite what Chaz had told me. I was actually starting to believe what he said, and ruining Selena and Justin's relationship was the absolute last thing I wanted to do.

It was getting kind of crazy hanging out with probably the most famous teen in the world, whether you loved him or hated him. I also knew that sometime it had to end...not the friendship, but the time we spend together.

Soon he would be going back to his "superstar" life and leaving me behind in hot, dusty Arizona.

Justin's Point of View

"This is so beautiful, Justin!" Selena squealed and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled me in for a kiss.

"I'm glad you like it," I smiled. We were on my yacht that Usher had bought for me.

I had to get away from Shauna for awhile. It was really killing me how perfect she was. Fun to hang out, attractive, hilarious, loves to watch my play video games. I mean, how much better could a person get?

"Damn paparazzi!" Selena glared at some people with cameras who were barely visible they were so far away.

"It's okay, just kiss me." I pulled her face to mine and kissed her. I hoped they were getting this. Giving the media what they wanted.

Sometimes I was sick of the media, sometimes I just wanted them to snap their pictures and get over it. I knew they would never just get over it though. They were obsessed with me. Everyone was obsessed with me.

I kissed Selena for a long time, carressing her soft, tan body. I had always thought she was super hot. There's no doubt about that, but that's pretty much it. All she has is her body. She has a great personality but it's just not for me.

Shauna's Point of View

I called Justin's cell phone and it went straight to voicemail. What a jerk. He never had his phone off. He was always either Tweeting about something or texting one of his buddies or business people.

"Dad," I whined.

"What, Shaun?" He rubbed his forehead, clearly irritated with something.

"I'm bored!" I said.

"Then find something to do."

"There's nothing to do! No one to even hang out with!" I exclaimed.

"Shaun, you know whenever you want you can always hang out with Ja--"

"Don't!" I held up my hand. "Just don't." I would rather sit in an empty room and stare at an empty wall than "hang out" with her.

"What is wrong with you?" He looked hurt and I winced. "She does nothing but try to be your friend."

"'s just..." I was at a loss for words. I mean, sure, she was annoying as hell and half the time I wouldn't mind if a brick happened to fall out of the sky and hit her in the head, but really...she wasn't mean or anything. I should be grateful for that.

"Just save it, Shaun," He shook his head, disappointed.

"I'm sorry," I muttered as he walked away. I hated making my dad sad or hurt or anything of the sort. It was the worst feeling in the world.

Dad's are supposed to be strong, "The Man of the House", they weren't supposed to be sad. They weren't supposed to ever cry. So when my dad did either of those things, it felt like the world was going to end, because dad's just don't do it. They're our foundation.

"Justin, just turn on your phone, turn it on!" I said to my phone as I called it one more time and yet again it went straight to voicemail. "That ho, Selena can't take all your time!" I said outloud and regretted it.

She was his girlfriend, of course she could take all his time.

I called Chaz instead, and like a good friend, he answered.

"What up?"

"Chaz." I said.

"Um, what?" He asked.

"Wanna hang out or something?" I asked. It had been awhile since we hung out because of what he said that one time Justin invited me to hang out with all his friends. After that, I was never with him without Justin. It was too awkward.

"I guess so."

"Where do you want to go...?" It was even awkward on the phone. Maybe I shouldn't have called.

"I guess we could just wander around downtown until we find something to do," He said.

"That sounds all right, let's meet at the park."

"Okay, see you in ten?"

"Sure, bye." I hung up the phone before he could say it. I thought about that conversation on the way to the park and decided that I sounded mean. I shouldn't have been so mean if we were going to hang out.

I found Chaz already at the park, before me, sitting on the swings.

"Wassup little munchkin!" I smiled big and sat down on the swing next to him.

"Hey," He held up his hands. "I am not a munchkin. I'm hot!"

"What does being hot have to do with anything?" I smirked.

"So you admit I'm hot?" He waggled his eyebrows at me.

"I didn't say that," I said.

"You kinda did," He insisted.

"Actually, I kinda didn't," I laughed with a serious tone, but not in a serious way.

"Whatever, in your mind you think I'm hot, end of discussion."

"Cute, maybe." I said back.

He raised his eyebrows. "Cute, eh?"



"I said maybe!"

"Will you go out with me?"

"May--" I froze. I couldn't believe my ears. Go out with Chaz? I mean, he was kind of cute...maybe I could go out with him. "Yes."

"Yes?" He sounded shocked. "Did you just agree to go out with me?"

"I said yes, don't ruin your chances."

"No, no, you have got to be misunderstanding me," He said. "I meant that in every romantic and sexual possible way."

I laughed. "I know, stupid."

"Wow," He breathed, then smiled. "This is amazing."

He looked at me and his eyes sparkled in the sun. I was glad I said yes. Chaz was the cutest, coolest guy I knew.

Then I remembered Justin. Shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Readers: 96; Subscribers: 31; Comments: 16
I know it's been forever since I've written anything!!!

But I've been super busy!
Sorry :D
