Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me


Still Justin's Point of View

Leaving the skate park that night was one of the harder things I had to do. I watched Chaz and Shauna leave, disgustingly holding hands like they really liked each other or something.

I couldn't stand the thought of them making out. I couldn't stand the thought of them doing anything with each other. And knowing Chaz, I was fully aware that something was going to happen between them. I was determined to stop it.

"Dude," Ryan slapped me on my shoulder. "What's up your butt." And he laughed, he freaking laughed.

"Are you kidding?" I stopped walking. We had just arrived at my house and we were walking to the front door.

"What?" He stopped with me and became serious.

"Do you not listen to what I have been telling you for the past couple days? About Shauna?" I said. I was angry.

"Justin, man, calm the hell down. You know very well Chaz is not doing this just to piss you off. He likes Shauna, every one can see that. He's always liked Shauna and you knew that."

"But she's my friend!" I tried to yell at him but it came out more like a whine.

"It's okay man, he's not taking her away." He said and put his hand out and pulled me in for a hug. "I know what you feel and it sucks, but he's not taking her from you, all right?"

"All right..." I murmured. "Thanks, man."

"Don't mention it. Let's get this shit inside," He handed me a cooler still full of ice. "and watch a movie."

"He's with her now," I said. I couldn't let it go.

"Dude," He kicked me as we walked through the front door. "It's all good!"

We ended up falling asleep in the middle of The Prince of Persia. At least I did, I didn't know when Ryan fell asleep.

I absolutely could not stop thinking about them. I thought about them all through the next day when I was hanging out with Ryan, even though I knew they weren't with each other. Chaz could never hang out with friends on Sundays. It was "Family Day".

All I wanted was for Shauna to want to hang out with me. Of course I didn't want her romantically. I just wanted her to focus her attention on me again. It made me sick to think about her at home with Chaz on her mind. It used to be me on her mind. I was her best friend.

I realized I was being just about the biggest pussy in the world. I didn't even want her to fool around with. At that point, I couldn't even call myself a real man.

Shauna's Point of View


"Did you seriously just call him," Justin paused, mocking me. "Chazzy?"

"Dude, shut up. That's my nickname for him. Don't mock it!" I slapped him on the head and continued, "So, Chazzy, I need to talk to you for a sec."

"All right," He stood up. I lead him over to the hallway, out of Justin's hearing range.

"Do we know what's wrong with him yet?"

"Shauna...I already knew what was wrong with him."

"Um," I gave him a weird look. "What the hell does that mean?"

"He's, well, he's been talking about you a lot lately and I've sorta, well, been a huge dick and maybekindastoleyouawayfromhim." He rushed the last part but I still heard him.

"Stole me...away?" I smirked. "Really."

"Yes, really. I mean, not in the sense of you being his girlfriend and all...but...he kind of looked at you as if you were maybe friend." I couldn't hold in my weird, giggly laughter that I would soon regret.

"His best friend? Wow, Chaz. Honestly. You are his best friend. I just freakin' met the dude."

"Hey," He held up his hands. "I'm just telling you what I know."

"Well knock it off!" I snapped. "It's not freakin' true and you know it. You don't need to spread lies so I won't look into how he's feeling!"

"Ho-ly shit, dude. Shaun. Honestly, he does not want to talk about his feelings. He met you. He liked you. You became his friend. End of story! What else do you want?"

"Okay, so maybe we were friends. But it's not like he can get jealous for me just going out with you. This is bull shit. And I don't want drama!" I whisper-yelled at him.

"This isn't drama, Shaun. You are making it drama by looking into more than is needed." He grabbed my waist and leaned in. "You need to let it go. Justin is fine. Just a little bit jealous." He kissed me and I softened.

"You can't do this whenever you want me to calm down," I said, trying not to smile but failing miserably.

"Oh?" He bit my lip a little and I about fainted. I moaned a little bit.

"Are you guys kidding me right now?" Justin shouted from the kitchen. "I'm not standing out here, waiting, so you can make out and fondle each other."

"We're not fondling each other you freak!" I shouted back and laughed.

"Yeah, uh huh. Right. Get your asses out here." We walked out to him smirking at us, trying to hold back a laugh. At least he wasn't all weirdo jealous.

"Let's go," Chaz said.

We left my house and went over to Justin's where we knew food would be waiting. We pulled up to his house to find cops and an ambulance screaming their sirens in his front yard.
We all jumped out of the car and ran into the house, despite the cops yells not to go on in, to find them pulling his mom out on a stretcher.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated in forever!!!!!
A LOT has been going on and I don't know when I'll be able to update again, but I can guarantee I will try my best for it to be soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love writing this and will do all I can to update but we are moving to a new house soon so it'll be kinda crazy.

Thanks for all my subscribers and readers and tell ur friends! lol. :)
Much love,

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