Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me


Shauna's Point of View

"What the fuck happened?" Justin ran passed the medics, screaming. I stood there. Everything was a blur. Justin's cries to his mother, Chaz's arms wrapped around me tightly, trying to block everything from me while he spoke to the medics about Justin's mom.

"Chaz..." I murmured.

"Sh, baby, everything's going to be ok." He whispered into my ear, I could feel his tears on my scalp. He was crying hard. "It's going to be ok."

"Son, would you like to ride in the ambulance with your mom?" I heard one of the medics ask Justin.

"Yes." That's all I heard from Justin's sobs. The ambulances speeeded away while Chaz and I stood there in shock. Chaz finally loosened his grip on me.

"What happened?" I asked him.

He looked at me. "They said someone broke in and started a fight with her, someone she knew. They stabbed her. They said she's going to be okay though...but who would do that?"

"I don't know." I shook my head.

"Let's get you home." He picked me up, trying to look macho no doubt, I didn't care though. I let my face fall into his neck and tried to relax.

Justin's Point of View

It seemed like a million years had passed since I had seen my mom. The doctor's weren't allowing me to see her yet. They said they needed to "patch her up". I couldn't believe they put it in those terms like she was some sort of doll. I knew what it meant though.

I fell asleep on the seats in the waiting room and next thing I knew the doctor was shaking me awake. "Justin? You can go see your mom."

I jumped up and started walking with the man in the white coat down the halls, even the halls seemed to stretch on forever. We arrived at the room my mom was in.

"Mom," I cried and fell down her, being careful not to hurt her in any way.

"Baby," She put her arms around me. "What is the media going to do with this?

"Mom! Who cares about the media right now, who cares."

She laughed. "I'm all right, baby. I'm just gonna have to be in here for a couple more days then everything's going to be just fine. Where's Shauna?"

"I-I don't know. Her and Chaz stayed at the house. I didn't know you wanted to see her."

"What do you mean you didn't know I wanted to see her? After all, she's my future daughter-in-law." She giggled.

"Whatever," I smiled at her. I was glad she was atleast acting normal so I wouldn't be too sad. "She's with Chaz anyways."

"Oh please, they're not going to last forever." She responded.

"I can't believe we're talking about this right now...who the hell did this to you?"

"Hey! I didn't raise you to use language like that." She scolded me.

"That's not the point, mom." I said. She didn't answer my question for a long time.

"Remember Jonah?" She said and my head got dizzy. I did remember Jonah. He was her ex-boyfriend and he was violent. They put him in prison for punching my mom before but it was only for a year and a bunch of community service. After that happened, we moved to the United States for awhile.

"What." I said it as more of a statement than a question. "Jonah did this to you?"

"Justin...I guess all this newfound fame and everything...I don't know...he found us." She managed out.

"It's my fault." I stood up. "This is my fucking fault!!!"

"Stop it, Justin. It's not your fault."

I fell to my knees beside her bed. "How can you say it's not my fault? I'm the famous one. I brought this attention to our family."

"Don't you dare blame God's gift to you. Don't you dare blame this blessing on our family." She shook her head, I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Mom, where is he..."

"No one knows." She said, flatly. "He ran off when he heard sirens. I guess the neighbors called the police when they heard me screaming for help."

"He's still out there?" Terror struck me. I stood up. "I'm gonna find that son of a bitch."

"First of all!" My mom raised her voice. "You are not going to keep on cursing in front of me! Secondly, Jonah is dangerous. Very dangerous. I'm not going to have my baby killed...Justin, you will not go look for him."

"He stabbed you!" I persisted, I wanted to get revenge.

"The police are looking for him. He's stupid, he's not going to be hard to find."

"You know very well that's not true, mom. He's smart as hell and he's going to hide and come back and do this again."

"Stop with the language! I don't appreciate it, and the police are going to be watching the house until they get him. We're going to be safe, Justin." She grabbed my arm and pulled me down for a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered back. I was going to kill Jonah if it was the last thing I do.
♠ ♠ ♠

Omg. Wow. A long time since I've posted huh? Sorry for the delay.
Love yalll! I'd appreciate if you posted comments ;)

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