Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me

Second Meeting

"Up, up!" Was the first thing I heard the next morning. Could this woman get anymore annoying?

"I'm up," I grumbled from under my blanket. Then she did the worst thing you can do to a person in the morning: she pulled the covers off me. "Noo!" I whined.

"C'mon, Shauna," She said it like my mom did. "You need to get up! It's almost 10 o'clock."

"I don't want to." I pulled everything on my bed over me, trying to stay warm. Even though it was only about 60 degrees outside the house was usually warm but in the morning, I definitely did not enjoy my blankets being ripped off me.

"Hey, Shaun," My dad came in the room. "You need to get up! Wanna go out and explore like you did last night?" He pulled the covers off my face. Then I remembered the kid from last night, Drew.

"Ugh," I sat up and swung my legs over the side. "Fine, but I need to change." They left the room and I threw on some jeans, a regular v-neck t-shirt, and a black hoodie with pictures of the beach on the back. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen to find Barbie standing over the stove making breakfast. Barbie. Was. Making. Breakfast. I mean, I knew she cooked and everything but it was just so weird to see her standing there, in her glowing skin, making breakfast for commoners such as me. I didn't mind though so I sat down at the table.

"Lay it on me," I grabbed my fork.

"Such a lady," She smiled at me and put a pancake on my plate.

"Just one?" I wrinkled my nose and frowned.

"Fine," She put another one on. I dumped syrup all over and poured a big glass of orange juice. I started shoveling my food into my mouth and washing it down with orange juice. Yum, yum. "Slow down before you choke." Janice pointed her fork at me.

"Whatever." I kept on eating.

"You gonna go out again?" My dad came in and sat down at the table.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said with my mouth full. If guys knew how I ate I would forever become unattractive to them. Like I was already, seriously. When I finished my last bite I pulled out my cell phone and checked the time, then I got a text from a Stratford number. I'm officially God. I make people text me by picking up my phone.

The message read:

Hey what's up its Drew

I saved his number in my phone and replied:

hey wanna hang out? my dads forcing me out of the house.

He said:

ya! for sure! meet me in town at the Sun Room? u know where that is?

I said:

dude i was just there yesterday, so were u!! i saw u. anyways, trying not sound
like a total creeper now: Yes :)

He replied:

lol you STALKER. meet u there in half an hour?

I texted:

fasshoww. see u there.

"Okay," I said to my dad. "I guess I'm gonna go on an adventure."

"No boys," He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"Sure thing," I lied, knowing very well I was out to meet a boy. Well, atleast I thought he was a boy.

I used the money that my dad gave me last night and paid for a bus ticket and went down to the Sun Room where I saw Drew sitting outside waiting for me. Again, with sunglasses on and a hat pulled down low. He was looking at his feet.

"Why," I said from far away and as I got closer I finished, "must you cover your face so much?"

"Personal preference." He looked up and smiled at me. Jeez, that smile was so familiar. I had probably seen him around here when I was younger.

"I see," I eyed him. "Or you're a thirty-year-old man in disguise trying to get up on alllll this." I motioned to my body and he laughed.

"Yeah...right." He nodded his head.

"What?" I said and faked looking hurt by what he said. "You don't want all this?"

"No! I mean, yes. I mean, no...because I don't know you. You're pretty though." He stumbled over his words and I laughed at him.

"Don't worry about it, I get it. Let's get going."

"To where?"

"I don't know...know anywhere you wanna go?" I said, hoping he would know of a place because I sure as hell didn't.

"How about back to my trailer?" He said.

"Trailer...? I thought you were rich." I said.

"Um, it's more like, shall we say, an R.V.?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Ohh," I said. "Of course."

"So, you wanna see it?"

"You're own R.V. huh? Sure."

He ended up having to call his mom because we couldn't walk to his house because as he said it was "too far away". I think he was just a baby. But when we got into his mom's nice ass car I noticed she had sunglasses on too. It wasn't sunny. This was just a family of paranoid people.

"So, who's this, Justin?" She said in a motherly voice that was oddly calming.

"Justin?" I frowned and looked at him.

"Um, that's my full name. What my mom calls me. Most people call me Drew." He said, obviously lying.

"Why would you lie about your name...?" I said, confused and a tad bit scared.

"I didn't...I just...I don't like my name." He said, still obviously lying.

"You're a terrible liar." I punched his arm. "Just tell me you don't want to say."

"Okay, fine." He smiled. "I don't want to say."

"So," His mom said. "Who is she?"

"Oh this?" He motioned to me. "This right here would be Shaun."

"Nice to meet you, Shaun." His mom smiled in the rear view mirror at me.

"Nice to meet you too..." I trailed off, not knowing her name.


"Mom!" Justin snapped.

"Oh get over it." She smiled at him.

"You're confusing me." I whispered.

"I'll explain later." He whispered back and I could see him wink behind his sunglasses.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, had to repost this again :P
so, if you've read it again :D

hahah, sorry again.


Much love<3